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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by taismommy

  1. taismommy

    Pre-Op Diet . . . What's yours?

    HI! My doctor basically put me on a South Beach diet type for 10 days then full liquids for the last 4 days. Good luck with your Pre-op diet Rhapsody
  2. taismommy

    Ladies? (waxing question)

    Thank you CRAZYCAT!!!!!!!! I was having a rough day and that joke and this post have saved the day! Thank you ladies
  3. taismommy

    Victorious Valentines Blinkies!

    Thanks Angie
  4. taismommy

    Putting a face to a name

    Beach Bum, That is an AWESOME picture!
  5. taismommy

    How long were you off work ??

    Apple, My doc said we can start with a week then you tell me how ur feeling. He said he had one patient that stayed out a month, it all depends on the patient. To be honest i'm hoping for 3 weeks.
  6. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! I get banded the day after you VALENTINES DAY
  7. taismommy

    What to do with your old clothes?

    These ideas are rocking!!!! Keep them coming ladies
  8. Since my surgery is coming up VALENTINES DAY( !!!!!!),I was wondering what will i do with my old clothes? It can get really expensive replacing a wardrobe ever few months. So, I was wondering is anyone willing to do a clothes swop? I think we all can trade addresses and clothes so we can help eachother save money. I think the clothes should be as follows 1 The clothes be gently used ( no holes please) 2 Wash all clothes before mailing 3 No under garments If we can start a thread with people willing to participate, everyone should be helped in the end. All the particulars can be worked out in the thread if this works Just a suggestion:confused:
  9. taismommy

    What to do with your old clothes?

    rakes, that sounds good too. we just have to find something that works for the majority of the people participating
  10. taismommy

    What to do with your old clothes?

    Ya'll are cracking me up! I was shopping with my skinny friends at the GAP and saw some jeans they were so cute and so cheap $19.99, so i bought them. I have never been able to wear them(its going on 2 yrs now) but I will never part with them, even when they are too big.
  11. taismommy

    February Bandsters- New Poll

    when is this poll over?
  12. taismommy

    approval to surgery time

    I started in Nov(officially) was approved Janaury 4 2008 and my surgery is Feb 14
  13. taismommy

    Official Name Vote

    What name did we get? or are we still voting again?
  14. I just had my endoscopy this morning and the doctor thinks I have GASTRITIS:eek:! He took a sample and said for me to come back on Feb 7. Will this cancel my surgery?? :rolleyes2:
  15. taismommy

    Endoscopy question

    no, i dont drink. I have been taking ibuprofen for about a year because of an accident i was in. i think that might be the culprit, but if i stop taking them what will i do for pain?
  16. taismommy

    What to do with your old clothes?

    cool!Feel better
  17. taismommy

    What to do with your old clothes?

    I thought paying the shipping fees should be the only fees but that would something we would have to work as we go. Colton, do you think you would like to help me get this/and keep it going?
  18. taismommy

    What to do with your old clothes?

    Brandymom, I think if we all ship USPS priority mail it shouldnt be to expensive. Would everyone be willing to pay a little for the clothes? Each pair should be able to agree on the amount!??
  19. taismommy

    What to do with your old clothes?

    Coltonwade, No, I was not told to do it, i was just told it was brought up before and the mod. didnt know the status of how it was coming along. I just dont want to toss good clothes or give it to goodwill and the folks who need it never see it.
  20. I am a 33 yr old single mother of a son who will be 13 on Feb 25, we live in New York city.
  21. taismommy

    What to do with your old clothes?

    One mod says something was being worked out but no status of when it will be running. Lets see if we can get everyone to list the size they need and the size to be traded. Then everyone can work it amongst via PM's who gets what. Anyone else have ideas on how to work this out???
  22. taismommy

    What to do with your old clothes?

    I sent a PM but i think this is something we could all work out amongst our selves. I am currently in the NE and wear a size 16/18, all of my summer things are available.
  23. Hi, I was looking to buy Crystal light on the go packs in bulk and I found this at AMAZON. Just thought i would share. ENJOY! [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Crystal-Light-Energy-Strawberry-10-Count/dp/B000NVBHD0]Amazon.com: Crystal Light On the Go, Energy Wild Strawberry, 10-Count Box (Pack of 5): Grocery[/ame]
  24. taismommy

    Band Buddy needed

    I just found out today that I was approved for surgery January 30th! **************NEW SURGERY DATE 2/14/08*********************** I need a Buddy, is anyone getting banded that day that wants to keep in touch?:confused:
  25. taismommy

    Band Buddy needed

    sorry Amber, I thought i made corrections my surgery is now 2/14, but we can still buddy up and talk if u like

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
