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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by taismommy

  1. taismommy

    February Bandsters

    Congratulations on being banded and losing 21lbs-THATS AWESOME! Come on over to the February 08 Bandsters - Lap Band Talk Forum - The largest forum for Lap Band Surgery Discussion and Lap Band Surgery Support thread and formally introduce yourself. We call ourselves VICTORIOUS VALENTINES :biggrin: I will be banded this coming Wednesday and cant wait!!!!!!!
  2. taismommy

    Welcome HOME Double V's!

    Welcome home StLouisGal!!!!!!!!
  3. taismommy

    Ah Ha!

    I just read this in someone elses blog and i just needed it to be in mine so when i need a reminder The Bible will still have the answers. Prayer will still work. The Holy Spirit will still move. God will still inhabit the praises of His people. There will still be God-anointed preaching. There will still be singing of praise. God will still pour out blessings upon His people. There will still be room at the Cross. Jesus will still love you. Jesus will still save the lost. God whispers in your soul and speaks to your mind. Sometimes when you don't have time to listen, He has to throw a brick at you. It's your choice: Listen to the whisper, or wait for the brick. Author Unknown
  4. taismommy

    Ah Ha!

    I just read this in someone elses blog and i just needed it to be in mine so when i need a reminder The Bible will still have the answers. Prayer will still work. The Holy Spirit will still move. God will still inhabit the praises of His people. There will still be God-anointed preaching. There will still be singing of praise. God will still pour out blessings upon His people. There will still be room at the Cross. Jesus will still love you. Jesus will still save the lost. God whispers in your soul and speaks to your mind. Sometimes when you don't have time to listen, He has to throw a brick at you. It's your choice: Listen to the whisper, or wait for the brick. Author Unknown
  5. I just love this entry! the world needs more positive people like u. THANK YOU!
  6. taismommy

    Valentines Day

    my date was changed to feb 20. I hope u can sleep soundly soon
  7. taismommy

    What the.......

    Good one, Linda
  8. taismommy

    Banded today - 2/15/08

    CONGRATULATIONS! I cant wait to join you in BANDLAND
  9. Dammit, I psyched myself up, starved myself on liquids, took a laxative(sorry TMI), got up at the crack of dawn, dragged my 78 yr old grandma and mother with me, made it to the hospital, checked in all to be told my surgery had beeen CANCELED:eek::tt1::cursing:!!!!!!!! My doctors patient coordinator calls me on my cell to say " Im sorry Ms M but Dr Jacob's wife had the BABY YESTERDAY! 2 weeks early !" I love babies and they are a blessing but DAMMIT:mad: why didnt someone call me last night or the crack of dawn today!?? My doctor has my email address, cell and home phone numbers but no call until 9:32am this morning(surgery was at 10am). I mean I totally understand things happen but when his wife went into labor why didnt he leave a message for his people to call his patients?? I am so pissed! So what did I do?? I went to a dinner with my family and ate like a starved pig!:wub: Now I feel terrible for eating like I did.:wub: BTW new date FEB 20
  10. taismommy

    Surgery Canceled -argh!!!!!!!!

    I want to thank everyone for responding to my post, it helped alot. I was so upset but it has passed thank goodness. Now back to the clear LIQUIDS! YUMMY Thanks again all
  11. taismommy

    32 pounds GONE!

    You are definetly representing Double V's well, Apples!! Congratulations
  12. taismommy

    Good luck next week: Feb 11 - 15th

    Congrats to all who were succesfully banded this week!!!!!!!! Good luck to everyone going in tomorrow!
  13. taismommy

    The Official Surgery Date Thread

    TachaBaby505.................Natacha.......................9 January 2008 crystalcml...................Crystal..........................28 January 2008 DxMOM........................Jennifer........................1 Febuary 2008 CynthiaMcC ..................Cynthia......................1 February 2008 Sadie........................Sarah.............................2 February 2008 4jin02.......................Janis...............................4 February 2008 Neenco.......................Dineen..........................4 February 2008 Kittenquite..................Ko................................4 February 2008 slbindc......................Susanne.........................4 February 2008 Babedoe4......................Babe.........................4 February 2008 patticNJ....................Patti................................5 February 2008 petergriffin.................Russ..............................5 February 2008 Big marathoner...............Amy...........................5 February 2008 Michelle9003.................michelle.......................5 February 2008 Beachbum0519.................Alisa........................5 February 2008 girlsmack....................Shannon........................6 February 2008 Lily76............................Lily............................6 February 2008 Peabody......................Amanda........................6 February 2008 JaxBandster..................Karen..........................7 February 2008 EnchantedRuby................Ruby........................7 February 2008 Shinyhappymommy.........Melissa.....................8 February 2008 TinaBobina...................Tina...........................11 February 2008 LilMissBand-Aid..............Irene.......................11 February 2008 Baby Ruth....................Ruth..........................11 February 2008 MightyQ.......................Quinn........................11 February 2008 Angie4b1g....................Angie........................12 February 2008 aveamora.....................Staci.........................12 February 2008 sharon160....................Sharon.....................12 February 2008 GmaDebi...................... Debi ......................... 13 February 2008 Mac the Knife................Mac..........................13 February 2008 travel_anna..................Anna........................13 February 2008 Princess21...................Kimberly....................13 February 2008 Viridescence.................Viri............................14 February 2008 Nikki2001....................Nicole.........................14 February 2008 voxwatt......................Cristina.......................14 February 2008 Glynda.......................Glynda.........................15 February 2008 St Louis Gal.................Pat.............................15 February 2008 HappyOne....................Lesly..........................15 February 2008 Bluelion........................O...............................18 February 2008 DancingBelly.................Sherry.........................19 February 2008 MinPinMom ...........Wendy..................19 February 2008 Jlobyxmas.....................Megan.........................20 February 2008 TAISMOMMY..................TAMIKA..................20 FEBRUARY 2008 Rhapsody♥.................Lori........................... 21 February 2008 Rocket City Guy............Tre............................22 February 2008 Peek.........................Kylie (Aust)....................22 February 2008 teegee.......................Tracy...........................25 February 2008 Valvinnek....................Alyssa.........................25 February 2008 Coolcrystal.................Crystal.........................25 February 2008 Gibson........................Christy....................... 25 February 2008 jaunderwood................Joyce..........................26 February 2008 luv2smile.....................Nicole..........................26 February 2008 Amieru.......................Amie............................26 February 2008 Dana-k.......................Dana...........................26 February 2008 hijabigirl1973..........Stephanie.........................26 February 2008 Mel119.......................Melinda...................... 27 February 2008 fireleo.........................Jess..........................29 February 2008 My surgery was postponed until Feb 20.
  14. taismommy

    I Need Help Asap!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Geesh, what an experience, I dont know if i would have gone with her again but you know best. Im so happy that everything went well the second time around. I also wish you a speedy recovery!:mad:
  15. taismommy

    Surgery Canceled -argh!!!!!!!!

    I know in the grand scheme of things his family is most important, but geesh i was ready to be in BANDLAND! Oh well Feb 20 will come soon enough
  16. taismommy

    I survived! Haha

    CONGRATS! ANGIE, I hope your recovery continues smoothly
  17. taismommy

    Good luck next week: Feb 11 - 15th

    My surgery was canceled! I didnt find out until i was at the hopsital waiting to be triaged! My dr wife had their baby yesterday but no one told us patients til today. New date Feb 20
  18. taismommy

    Good luck next week: Feb 11 - 15th

    Thanks everyone for the well wishes!! I am so nervous and excited I dont know what to do with myself??? Good luck to all my fellow Feb 11-15 BANDSTERS! My surgery is scheduled for Thursday Valentines day.
  19. taismommy

    Valentines Day

    Loup, I am also being banded V-DAY lets keep in touch!!!!! ONLY 6 DAYS LEFT
  20. taismommy

    It's Reality Check Time!

    CONGRATS!!!!!! Your recovery as well as many others here seem to be going very well. I hope to have the same luck! Keep us posted
  21. taismommy

    Welcome HOME Double V's!

    {{{{{{APPLES,BIGMARATHONER}}}} congratulations and stay strong ladies.
  22. taismommy


    Congratulations! I wish you a speedy recovery
  23. taismommy


    Welcome home, 4Jin!! Let us know how your doing(when your up to it)
  24. taismommy

    Good luck this week: Feb 4 - 9.

    GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!!!!! Remember we can do this, we are VICTORIOUS VALENTINES!
  25. taismommy

    What to tell co-workers

    Ive been reading all these post trying to come up with an excuse of my own. BINGO, Shhhdonttell, the ULCER excuse is perfection!! I have always complained of some kinda digestive prob or another so this works for me. Dont know why i never thought of it myself. THANK YOU SO MUCH, SHHH!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
