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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by taismommy

  1. taismommy

    List your lapband confessions here.

    So today i was feeling all hungry(the urge came back this past Wednesday) I ate FRIED CHICKEN!! I can rationalize it and say it was just one chicken leg, but that just led me to wanting more! DAMMIT! At first I was annoyed at me but then I realized I stuck to that mushy mess for 2 weeks faithfully one piece of chicken I can shake off and get back on the BAND WAGON. Tomorrow im back on track. Good luck everyone
  2. taismommy

    First Fill Dates!

    Babedoe4---------------March 6th Becca------------------March 6th Shinyhappymommy------March 6th Enchantedruby----------March 7th Ponomimi---------------March 10th Jaxbanster--------------March 11th Angie4b1g--------------March 11th CynthiaMcc-------------March 12th Marathinner-------------March 12th Sadie-------------------March 13th Happy One--------------March 13th NewCreation413--------March 13th Sharon160--------------March 17th mhazelrigg--------------March 17th terri guilford-------------March 17th LoupNocturne-----------March 17th Viridesence-------------March 18th gweniviere--------------March 19th....and looking fwd to it! Danielle......................March 19th Nicolek-----------------March 26th Princess21--------------March 27th Taismommy-------------March 28th Jennyxo----------------April 3rd StLouisGal--------------April 3rd LilMissBand-Aid---------April 10th Misspeesh95621--------April 11th
  3. taismommy

    A new medical issue for me.

    Kendra, I am so sorry to hear about your condition but you can beat this thing!! I am in NYC and dont have any cowboy boots, but in my mind my boots and spurs and im ready for battle!! You will win! Big hugs, positive vibes, and love coming your way Tamika
  4. taismommy

    LASIK, What a great experience

    Im trying to find a doctor to do my LASIK surgery in NYC. I created a post about it but i didnt get any replies. So again i ask, Does anyone know of a reputable LASIK surgeon in the NYC area? Good Luck Suebaby, let me know how it all goes. Thanks Tamika
  5. taismommy

    Exercise Challenge!!!

    Yesterday, i walked a total of 1 hour!!!!!!! I took a cab to the dr then walked from there to the pharmacy, then to the optometrist(visit my friend who wants the surgery(30min visit), then back to the pharmacy(30 min wait) then a cab home. All in all it took about 3 hrs to do all that. I figured with the waiting for the dr, the talk to with my friend, wait for meds it added up to about an hrs walk.
  6. taismommy

    Im so happy!!

    I went to my primary care doctor today because I wasnt feeling well but it turns out im fine. Just a little congestion. :thumbdown::thumbup: Anyhoo, I have lost 14 lbs since surgery !!!!!!!!!:thumbup: :bored:
  7. taismommy

    Im so happy!!

    I want to thank everyone for the congrats. I didnt buy a scale because of my compulsive nature and it was killing me not to know how much i weighed. I would sit here and look at everyones ticker wondering and driving myself nuts(silly i know), so im going to buy one Friday. Hopefully I can keep it in check or im going to toss the thing in the trash. Just keep swimming Double V's!!!!!!!! BTW, Milk of Magnesia is my new bestfriend
  8. taismommy


    caltrate has vitamin d too
  9. taismommy


    What type of calcium supplements are you taking?
  10. taismommy


    I was watching Oprah yesterday with Dr Oz. Someone asked about calcium supplements and what kind we should take. Dr Oz says a Calcium with Magnesium in it is better than one without (Mag helps with constipation). So if you suffer from constipation read your calcium supplement carefully if no magnesium that could be the cause. When I was at Rite aid today, I read Viactiv-NO MAGNESIUM so I bought Caltrate chewables. Good luck everyone
  11. taismommy

    Where do you live?

    When you come to NY lets meet up as the skinny ladies we deserve to be!
  12. taismommy

    List your lapband confessions here.

    So far the worst thing I did was eat corned beef hash and lots of it. I had such pressure on my chest that i couldnt beleive it. I remember someone saying drink pineapple juice(it helps the stuck feeling) when this happens but I cant allergic. So I drank lemon juice and went for a walk it took about 30 min. but the stuck feeling past, thank GOD. I think if that would have gone down without problem I would have found something else to try. Unfortunately this is the battle we are all struggling with to some degree.
  13. taismommy

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    I dont know how to put pictures on so i had to send it from my cell phone to the pc. I hope this works 14 days post op
  14. taismommy

    Where do you live?

    I live in NYC specifically the Bronx! Thanks Gibson, liven this place up.
  15. taismommy

    What kind of TV shows do you watch?

    I watch the BIGGEST LOSER, Ghost Hunter, Ghost Whisperer, every week. I used to watch Greys and Heroes weekly but the writers strike put those on hold. I cant watch Flavor of Love anymore ICK! I love the Brady's but I missed to may episodes to start now. I need a marathon!
  16. taismommy

    can u sleep how u like?

    I can sleep on my left side and my back but the port side is not gonna happen anytime soon. I am so so sore there but hopefully another week and i will be fine
  17. taismommy

    Getting banded tomorrow morning!

    Good Luck And Welcome To LBT!
  18. taismommy

    Weekly Food Discussion 3/3/08

    Angie, today is over and you cant change it, tomorrow will brighter, happier, and healthier.:drool:
  19. taismommy

    Me Then... ME NOW!

    Go APPLES!!!!!!!! I was wondering what happened to you lately? You was losing some pounds, Go'Head Gurl!
  20. taismommy


    thanks Rachel, i was thinking Viactiv cause thats the only one I tried.
  21. taismommy


    Gibson, How does the liquid calcium taste? Thanks for the reply
  22. taismommy

    Lasik in NYC anyone?

    I have been thinking about having the LASIK procedure done:scared2: and have read the thread about it in this forum. Now i'm wondering if anyone can recommend a doctor in the NYC metro area? I have DAVIS vision who pays a percentage of the cost depending on the individual circumstance. :thumbup:Any help will be appreciated. Thanks:thumbup:
  23. taismommy

    Feb Bandster!

    Welcome Melissa to the Victorious Valentines or Double V's as we like to call ourselves!!!! Congrats on the weight loss and good luck!
  24. taismommy

    So, can you feel it in there?

    I cant feel my band but that dang port has made itself wel known to the right side of my big belly.
  25. taismommy

    Exercise Challenge!!!

    no walking today, 12 min yesterday

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
