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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by taismommy

  1. taismommy

    Will I ever have the nerve...

    Im worried about the arms too?! I have a wedding to goto in July and the dress i have falling in love with is sleeveless. I ordered it already. Now im walking around with wrist weights on all day to help tighten the arms. I hope this works
  2. taismommy

    Knock Knock?!?

    Coolcrystal, Get yourself in here, that shirt is a good disguise! why didnt you think of that earlier? we could've all been here months ago, lol
  3. taismommy

    Knock Knock?!?

    Thank you everybody! Im holding the door open for you so hurry and come on in, the music is wonderful!! lol
  4. taismommy

    Knock Knock?!?

    i did, i just had to recomit myself to the band and the weight started coming off again.
  5. taismommy

    I will do this

    Thanks for the encouragement, I really needed this. Even if it wasnt meant for me/us, and just your own affirmation, I THANK U! I can do this too!!!!!! I have to
  6. i've lost an automobile tire and an ostrich egg my goal-2 month old horse
  7. Thanks Gibs, BIG HUGS!!!!! Karen, i think i have to go back to the south beach diet plan. As far as a workout, im doing Leslie Sansone walk away the pounds DVD
  8. Thanks Karen. Im a work in progress(plateaued progress but progress) BTW, you are doing awesome!!!!!!!!! Keep up the great work. What's your secret?
  9. I love you all! I am not very good at saying what i want to say. I tend to ramble endlessly before i get to the point so i just read.
  10. You all are so nice. I didnt know that i was noticed here.( i dont post that often, lurking is cool)
  11. taismommy

    NSV - Great Sex

    Im jealous!!!!! Single and waiting for the GREAT SEX
  12. Im on myspace.... MySpace.com - www.myspace.com/86693967
  13. been super depressed lately. not losing any weight, so what did i do ate fried chicken!?!? now i feel worse

  14. taismommy

    Psych eval ???

    Hi all, I just want to know what happens at the eval? What exactly is the shrink ask? Sorry if this is a silly question but im just trying to get prepared for every stage. Tamika :help::cry
  15. I went for my first fill yesterday and it was exactly as described by the earlier Double V's. I had to actually ask my doctor what size band I had, duh! With all the excitement of the surgery and recovery, I forgot what he told me.LOL:blink: I have a VG 10cc band. Dr Jacob added 3 cc's for the first fill and said if I didnt feel any different for me to come back next Friday and he would add another CC, otherwise he would see me in a month. When I drank the Water I thought "I have to make this appt for next week, i dont feel a thing :sad:". By the time I got home, I felt different, cant explain what I felt, besides to call it different. Since I hadnt eaten at all at this point I reached for a yogurt and boy-oh-boy it took 15-20 minutes to eat and i was full.:thumbup: I waited and waited for nausea or something but nope just a full feeling is what i had! AWESOME!:w00t: How long does restriction last?
  16. taismommy

    Houston we have restriction!

    coolcrystal, that is the suction thing i was trying to explain! wonderful analogy. Michelle, I didnt feel a "popping" when the needle went in the port. Dont be nervous, WE CAN DO THIS!!
  17. taismommy

    Houston we have restriction!

    Coolcrystal, Yes I felt the gurgle, suction feeling?!? It was really wierd but cool all in the same breath, Lori, That hunger feeling is gone, thank goodness! My stomach was growling like mad, i didnt know how much more Bandster hell i could take?! I love my band more and more
  18. EVERYBODY CALLS ME: Tamika MY PRIMARY RELATIONSHIPS INCLUDE: My loving and wonderful 13 YO son Tai. NON-HUMAN FAMILY CONSISTS OF: Sadly no pets, we both have asthma. Before I had him and developed asthma, I had 2 cats Sapphire and Leo. I LIVE IN: Bronx, New York(cant wait to move South) OCCUPATION(S): Subpoena Compliance clerk for Verizon. AVOCATION(S): I volunteer the local breast cancer, lupus, and AIDS walks, when i cant walk myself. FAVORITE EXERCISE: I never had a favorite but now im learning to like my workout DVDs beginers yoga and walk-a-mile(working towards 3 miles) with Leslie Sansone I COLLECT: No time, but I love Butterflies(i have a tattoo),and luggage(3 sets).
  19. taismommy

    Lupus walk

    never mind all
  20. taismommy

    A name for our month?

    ReadySteadyGo, We are the Victorious Valentine's.
  21. taismommy

    Hey Everbody!

    :thumbup::thumbup::biggrin2: I love my BAND :thumbup::cursing::biggrin2: That is all.
  22. taismommy

    Hey Everbody!

    Every single time I find something I was going to through out or donate because it was too small, I try it just in case. Everytime I fall more in love with this tool. Even if the clothes fit snug, it just validates my choice.
  23. taismommy

    Share your NSV's!!!!!!!!!!

    I purchased some jeans last summer(for the fall)they fit really nice. Well when I went to wear them they were to small :angry_smile: . Well i tried those same jean on last night and they FIT!! Yippee, I love my band! I have them on right now.
  24. taismommy

    Fill Dates - How many weeks for you?

    5 weeks post-op for me march 28, YIPPEE!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
