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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jen-DallasTX

  1. Jen-DallasTX


    I would love some new friends on MyFitnessPal! My username is JennyMelchor.
  2. Jen-DallasTX

    Protein Ideas?!?!?!

    I hated the shakes too. I like Silk Light Vanilla Soymilk and the Kellogg's Special K Protein Shakes (plus all of that is a lot cheaper)!
  3. Jen-DallasTX


  4. Jen-DallasTX


    From the album: Jen-DallasTX

  5. Jen-DallasTX


    From the album: Jen-DallasTX

  6. Jen-DallasTX


  7. Hey guys! I'm new to the forum and this is my first post. I was banded on 7/31/14. I was instructed to do 4-7 days Clear liquids, 2nd week full liquids, and 3rd week puréed foods, and so on. However, I was probably stupid and listened to a friend of mine who has had her band for 5 years or so (lost 140 and looks amazing) and she told me to eat carefully but go ahead and not be afraid to eat until my fill. What I've actually done is kind of in between the two. I couldn't stand the clear liquids or shakes anymore, so I've been eating mostly puréed foods (baby food, sugar free pudding, low cal tuna salad, etc) and making sure to drink enough Water and get enough Protein. Am I screwing up? I am tracking everything in myfitnesspal and am continuing to lose weight. I am scared of messing up my band or the pouch though. What are your thoughts on how I should proceed?
  8. Jen-DallasTX

    Question about eating post-op

    Yeah - I appreciate the honesty, but there is no reason to be ugly. I acknowledged my own stupidity and that was the reason I was asking. I am trying to get back on track and do the right thing. Encouragement works better than bashing in my opinion. Thank you for your advice though. I do appreciate you taking the time to respond.
  9. Jen-DallasTX

    Question about eating post-op

    Thanks guys, you're absolutely right. I'm definitely going to dial it back - I don't want to borrow trouble. Thank you for taking the time to offer your advice. It is appreciated!

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