Happy New Year...if you're reading this you have either had the surgery or are seriously contemplating it --either way, the new year may be setting you up for a new deal. I'm about two and half years post-sx. Down about 125 lbs.-- still too fat, but at least not always the biggest boy in the room. It changes your relationship with food (in a good way) and fixes many problems like apnea, bp, etc. I would do it again in a heartbeat, though you need to be careful (always) about drinking at meals, bread, small (tiny) bites, etc. I can't win the "all you can eat" challenge any more, but will hopefully be around to annoy my family for a while longer. If you're reading this you are at very least brave enough to face up to your lifespan-altering condition, and smart enough to hone in on a great possible solution. I think it's about the bravest thing we (the massive) all can do-- good luck and lots of white styrofoam boxes in your new year!