Hi All just wanted to hop in.... I'm such a in and out girl on this board so just wanted to chime in a bit. I'm 5 weeks out from my Sleeve and have lost 36 lbs. I'm just in shock at how easy and wonderful I feel and doing since my new surgery. Yes, the sleeve is everyting the band was suppose to be after 2 years. I did good with the band but some how it just turned on me after the two year mark. I started to get that first bite shock, you know you take a bite and it just stays on the top on the ring and stays there blocking not allowing anything else for atleast 20 minutes (fustrating knowing everyone else is eatting and your starving). Others problems too. I was a good band mate too.. Did everything the way I was directed. Lost 113 lbs.... So now I'm at 149 lbs lost total as of today. Now I have alot more to go since I started in the 400 range.... But I should be there by summer time...
I'm a non bullsh!t type person...... I will not sugar coat anything about it but the best thing ever was the doctor suggesting the sleeve so don't let this opertunity to pass. Take the offer and GO FOR IT...... You will not reget it....... Knowing that my restriction won't change, have to wait for fills to give me restriction, having that stuck feeling, panic if I need to be unfilled for the 100th time after hours, is so worth it...... I have not had one moment of hunger since I was 10 days post OP once you start mushies and all the Grelin is out of your system it's like a huge demon off my fat back......... This is like not going as huge as RNY and the awesome benefits of the band with out all the extra visits and maintence. I have no worries anymore of what's going to happen anytime the time bomb the band was going to throw at me......
This is just my own feelings so everyone should take a deep breath and weigh out the pros and cons and make the best choice for them selfs. Anyone wanting to talk to me are so very much welcome to do so..... I will answer any questions. Help in any way I can. If you want even ask Dr. Hoffman about me he has me talking to some of his patients about my new found love (the Sleeve).