Thanks for all you guys input... My surgeon specializes in Lap-Band and teaches doctors from all over how to do it, with a robot even.. She also does GB and the sleeve. She felt that I would have better success with the GB. She usally recommends the Band for patients who dont quailify for GB. She felt that with my age and young children that driving 2 hours for fills and most likely having to have repeat bands in the next 50 years, more of a disadvantage. My mom agreed with her, just like pacemakers, artificial joints, ect. they eventually need to be replaced. She felt that if I was going to make the comitment to weight loss and go through with a surgery, why not do the surgery that uses both restriction and malabsorpbtion(sp?). She said the decision is mine... so here I am weighing out my options. I didnt even look into the GB, I thought the band would be enough, and less invasive. So now Im going to do more research and weigh out both options. Its so hard to have wrapped my mind around the band, and now to look at other options. Its probably a good thing, now when I make my final decision, it will be a very educated one.