I am brand new here but I love it already. Having GB 9-11....and while I wait and have preop stuff done, I dream of all the things you all have mentioned plus I want to:
Not be afraid of a situation that requires having to stand up for more than 10 minutes
Not be terrified of running in to old friends that have not seen me looking as I do.
Carry laundry up a flight of stairs with out gasping for air.
Not have sleep apea,high blood pressure, high cholesterol etc etc..
Be able to throw away the 700 scarfs I own to cover my fat neck even in the summer!!
Shower and clean myself with ease! (YOU ALL KNOW WHAT I MEAN!! LOL! (sorry, TMI?)
Being able to do things with my family, so many things I put off doing....I want to do them all!
Be healthy
Not the 'fat one" anymore!
I could go on and on....and the thought of any of them makes me smile...I know its coming.