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About SlimTarnishedDiva

  • Rank
    no on prop H8te
  • Birthday 12/10/1975

About Me

  • State
    no on prop H8te
  1. Happy 37th Birthday SlimTarnishedDiva!

  2. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary SlimTarnishedDiva!

  3. SlimTarnishedDiva

    The Lapband and my journey...

    I don't know where to actually put this, but I guess I'll put this here since I am no longer a candidate for this surgery. After all my research into this, the appts., and the realization to what outcome I actually wanted my Doctor and I decided that WLS isn't for me at this moment When I started this over a year ago I wanted to become healthier before all the health issues came that they say comes along with being fat. However, I never wanted to become a slim woman, just a healthier full figured woman. Since then, I've changed my eating habits a great deal(which I love a lot), I don't even have to push myself to exercise daily(it's just something that comes as natural as not drinking soda), I've quit smoking, and I find myself 60lbs(and counting) lighter without it being a burden to me. Since, I am not getting the surgery I don't know if it's appropriate if I stay..
  4. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Huckabee surging in polls...scary

    So, I guess they don't believe in Corporate Welfare, or Farming subsidies, either.
  5. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Jaime Lynn Spears Pregnant at 16

    Not in her particular situation, since her and her boyfriend was living together and it was condoned by her mother. Also, this child seemed to have done thid on purpose. You are the exception to the rule, but not all teenage pregnancies result in teen taking the necessary precautions before intercourse. Also, if condoms break that much, and the BC pills are faulty also..then what's the point..right!
  6. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Huckabee surging in polls...scary

    Studies mean nothing when you factor in actual people. I am a result of a single parent home. I've never been in any trouble, nor have I used drugs. I am not lacking in any emotional stability, or financial. I have friends who had both parents in the home who are more screwed up than my friends who were reared by single parents. Two parent homes that aren't stable isn't a great place to raise a child either. Gay or lesbian parents would not have half the trouble rearing their kids if 1. folks would leave them alone and give them equal rights, and 2. If heterosexual people would mind their damn business and teach their kids that there is nothing wrong with little Joey, or Kaitlyn just because he/she has two moms or two dads. My meth parents were an example, but child protective services give drug addicts too many chances to screw up their kids lives!!
  7. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Jaime Lynn Spears Pregnant at 16

    This is all her mom's fault for letting her shack up with her boyfriend, and then not educate her on how to protect HERSELF from pregnancy as well as STD'S!! WTF!! However, this has nothing to do with hollywood and too much sex on tv...girls have been getting knocked up at an early age since before there was tv!! Only in the past 10-20 years have it become something they weren't ashamed about. Sex ed of today is a joke, you cannot teach abstinence BS to these kids in this day and age. Sex can kill you now, getting a happy feeling can kill you, but no those fundamental Christians want to go back to 1950, and act like STD'S don't exist. I can understand the outrage to some extent. However, if you're instilling the RIGHT thing's in your kids then they will follow, then lead by example. Yes, it is a horrific thing that this child is pregnant...but to say she is setting some harmful example for young girls is absurd..especially if their parents are doing the shit they're suppose to do as parents. Like, teaching their kids if they absolutely have to have sex..PROTECT THEMSELVES!! Britney, Jaime Lynn, rappers, mags, and movies aren't the ones causing HIV to rise in alarming rates among teens..it's their parents lack of Educating them about SEX, Condoms, as well as abstinence. Teens are smart enough to know how to use their special parts especially when they're hormones alert them they are awake! Most parents think like Lynn Spears "Not My Baby" instead of taking the necessary steps to protect, and educate them about what's there!!
  8. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Huckabee surging in polls...scary

    This is why ANY republican winning scares me..but Huckabee especially. During the Republican you tube debate they had chances to answer questions about black on black crime and poverty, Romney said "THEY need fathers in the home." Huckabee said "He provided funding for Black illnesses such as HIV," so I don't think it was as simple as him not understanding AIDS..by 1991 there was enough information around for you to know how you contracted HIV, how it evolved into AIDS, and and how to stay safe. I would like to add that raising kids in a mother, father setting might seem like the only way..because it's the ONLY way some people want to consider. If two Heterosexual Meth addicts have a child and raise it..I bet them being addicts is ok because it's a man and a woman!
  9. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Game: What Color is Oprah Today?

    It's ok as long as she is on tv and you can't see how she interacts with EVERYONE! I don't know what it means to talk black or white, but I do know what it means to speak with diction, and clear pronunciation. I think that everyone can pick up a Southern accent when they visit the south, or have visitors from the south. I pick up a Southern accent every time I visit GA, SC etc...and when I have relatives visit it's even worse. Phony she may be at times, but she has a daily, if not hourly reminder that she is a Black women. She isn't pretending to be anything that she's not...since she is the first black woman that is damn near a millionaire-there isn't a script for her to follow that will PLEASE everyone! She is very pretentious, yes but she is a great humanitarian! It may not be racism rearing it's ugly head in most places in America...but it's damn close! I don't see anyone asking why Madonna now talks with a British accent..
  10. SlimTarnishedDiva

    who supports right to choose

    I can do ALL of those things, however a few might land me in jail. You didn't say they were against the law, or insane..You said I couldn't do it..BUT I CAN!! It's all subject to the law. Women sell their body's to political figures all the time... If I want to I can smoke herb, and do a senator--and not get caught!! I OWN ME!! If I get knocked up, I can go get an abortion if I choose to... I OWN ME!! NOT YOU!!
  11. SlimTarnishedDiva

    who supports right to choose

    Please with putting ridiculous crap in my mouth!! I am not perfectly ok with someone minding a woman's business who they aren't directly related to.. I believe in a woman's right to choose. Aren't late term abortions against the law since the Supreme Court said so...so why would I advocate a woman breaking the law!?!
  12. SlimTarnishedDiva

    who supports right to choose

    Why would you go to the hospital to get your arm chopped off...when you can clearly do it at home, if you are that nuts!! I own my BODY and if I want to saw off a boob, an arm, and a limb I can do it or get someone else to do it...Please don't try to insult my intelligence with ludicrous scenario's. You can take any drug and drive high and drunk it you want to, but you stand the risk of endangering other people on the road, plus yourself for being so idiotic!!
  13. SlimTarnishedDiva

    who supports right to choose

    Yes, how ridiculous indeed!! Human life begins at Birth...When it doesn't need the mothers WOMB to survive! Fertilized eggs that are frozen until they are implanted in a woman's uterus is not considered a human being, and the sane goes for other fertilized eggs...They're embryo's...
  14. SlimTarnishedDiva

    who supports right to choose

    About 20 pages back when I said that people used the Bible to justify slavery..you told me I was making things up. No a few people of faith, might have tried or wanted to end slavery. However, there were A LOT of Christians who owned, whipped, raped, and purchased slaves--slaves to work their tobacco fields, cotton fields, little slave kids had to play with the masters kids...Where was the outcry.. Bottom line, abortion isn't an immoral thing to have to all people. It's just a few people who feel they should tell someone what to do with what's growing inside of their body...that they actually have ownership over. Like we didn't give up enough civil liberties already, let the crazy republican Presidential candidates have their way!! I don't understand a President who is Pro-life, but cut's funding to WIC to exclude over 500,000 woman and children. So, yes let's take away abortion rights, cut health care funding to kids, cut WIC... Hey we don't care how they live or are taken care of as long as their moms don't ABORT them, right!!
  15. Yogurt is all over my lcd monitor!! I've dated from Athletic to MO... I can honestly say that I need something to hold onto, so yes I like'em big. I always said no one bigger than I am. So, I guess no one bigger than me at my largest. My friend had gastric bypass, and still dates and loves Larger women...

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