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LAP-BAND Patients
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    FourthGradeTeacher reacted to labwalker in Will you answer 2 pre-surgery questions for me?   
    As B52 noted, the scars heal and I only have two that show after two years. If anyone asks about the two small ones that remain, I'd tell them the other guy looks worse... LOL!
    I told very few people about my surgery. Besides gossip, I didn't want to be judged as a failure if the surgery failed, or if I had lost weight having folks think that I should have "done it on my own." If you don't feel comfortable sharing your story, you shouldn't feel obligated to do so.
    Just as a comparison, my surgery ran close to $37,000 when all of the dust settled. That was for the presurgery visits, evaluations, hospital charges, and the first three fills. Connecticut is a very expensive state for WLS. Fortunately, my insurance covered 95% of the charges.
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    FourthGradeTeacher got a reaction from christinabryan89 in Will you answer 2 pre-surgery questions for me?   
    I'm not sure I wanted to know if Bandster Hell was a thing or not. But I guess it's good to get all the info up front.
    I will definitely ask for the specific model of lap band, so thanks for that advice ChristinaBryan89.
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    FourthGradeTeacher reacted to jamilyne 102668 in Will you answer 2 pre-surgery questions for me?   
    An addition to my last post - with that being said I do not regret my decision and wish I would have done it sooner!!
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    FourthGradeTeacher reacted to pink dahlia in Will you answer 2 pre-surgery questions for me?   
    1- I have 4-5 small scars on my torso, they're barely noticable. I dont show off my tummy, so who is going to see them ? I quit the stronger pain meds after the 2nd day, just did'nt need them anymore. Walking, a mild pain reliever, and a heating pad , plus Water and hot tea was all I needed. 2- I wish I had had a lap band sooner !!! I wasted years being overweight, unhealthy, unhappy, and unable to do some things I wanted to. Not anymore !!!! 3- I understand if you work at "Gossip Central", soooooo, dont tell them if possible, but if you have to, hold your head high ! You have nothing to be ashamed of ! You are taking proactive steps to get your body healthy, its no different than having a root canal or sinus surgery to get rid of a tooth or sinus problem. Good luck to you !!!
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    FourthGradeTeacher reacted to christinabryan89 in Will you answer 2 pre-surgery questions for me?   
    I just had my surgery today. With an unexpected hiatal hernia repair. I was hoping I would only have one incision since my dr said I had such a short torso it was possible. Until he found the hernia. So I was a little upset when I woke up. They managed my pain well and didnt let me leave until my pain was below a 4 on a 1-10 scale. I stayed about an hour after I woke up and I was walking around and ready to go home. I do have quite a bit of chest pain( guessing gas pain). Idk how bad the scarring will be but I think it's a small price to pay to be healthy and add years to my life.
    If there was one thing I would have done before surgery it would have been to ask more questions. I didnt even know I had some questions until reading posts on here. I didnt ask my surgeon which type of band he was going to use or even what the difference was. Now I'm concerned about the profile of the port and how noticeable it will be once I hit my goal weight. I told 2 close friends and my parents. I didnt tell anyone at work, just started my diet early and went on vacation this week. So I'm trying to keep it private for now
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    FourthGradeTeacher reacted to Jack in Will you answer 2 pre-surgery questions for me?   
    re: "
    1. FIVE incisions? That feels like a lot to me. How bad is the pain? How bad is the scarring? 2. If you could go back in time and tell yourself one thing before your surgery, what would it be?" 1) you do want to have SOME kind of war story to demonstrate with scars don't you? Consider most are barely an inch long...and there really wasn't much pain in my case...off pain meds by the 2nd day. Scars? You've probably had worse paper cuts....
    2) Go back? "I shudda got that done 10 years before!"
    Them other bleak people are gonna talk about something....you got no control over what they do/say/think/whisper.
    Cheers in your journey.

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