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Everything posted by whitneyfarmer.new

  1. Personal? This whole post is personal. Maybe if she wouldn't have drug my name into it, people (myself included) may have believed her. My personal experience- NOT FEELINGS- is that she is a LIAR and needs mental help. I'm telling you, I don't believe her. You're not going to prove me differently. You're not going to talk me into the ground the way your BVF, Susan, did the surgeon that died in the plane crash. Now, move on!
  2. You poor thing. You don't know what a liar is, do you? Once someone lies about something, it is very difficult to believe anything they ever say. You don't even have to look people in the eye when you're online. So it shouldn't be that difficult to take responsibility and be truthful. She also lied in regards to the same subjects.... baja bariatric, dr. Illan and omar. Maybe if she said the sun was out and it was 100 degrees outside, then I'd possibly believe her.
  3. Susan, this post is also not about you. I'm not talking to you anymore. M is here. This is none of your concern. No one cares or believes what you're saying because once again you aren't involved. It does concern me because I know this woman is a liar. She is making claims that no one else can attest to experiencing. I am not the first person that she (our this group of women) have harassed and/or made up lies about in regards to omar. This is not unusual behavior for this group of obsessed women. They have harassed several other women to the point where they had to leave the team illan Facebook group and block them. Enough is enough.
  4. Oops. Nope. I found it. .. I guess I assumed since you deleted my messages and banned me that you deleted this one too.... This was the rape comment and comparison., Susan.
  5. The rape comment has been banned and removed..... but I think your post was something directed towards me and to the effect of "You must be the type of person that thinks rape victims deserved to be raped because of the sexy clothes they were wearing" or something to that degree Which is not what I said or even remotely close to what is happening here. M is a liar. There is no one else that has come forward. But Ill go ahead and discredit another first initial that seems would potentially come forward- "S" that was also involved in making up lies about me. I'm passionate about this because I know these two women are liars. I have experienced it first hand and the only common factor is this company.... to which it seems strange they are both single older women that started a sexual rumor about me. Sound familiar?
  6. Good question.... Susan? Lipstick lady?
  7. Yes. Caddy women don't like being called out on their bs. The only thing M is a victim of is falling in love with a Mexican man in August 2013 and again in January 2014. poor thing.
  8. Laws are put in place to give people moral standards and to make good decisions. M's feelings are hurt almost a year later. Omar is still single (I'll assume) and she's jealous. Spreading rumors, degrading people publicly, trying to get people fired simply because your friend may or may not have been dumped, banning people on a website that bariatric people think they can trust just because the banned person doesn't agree with the admin.... and the list goes on are all immoral, hateful and vindictive acts. For instance, if I were to slander this woman and go around telling people (the way she did me) that she goes to foreign countries so she can get loose and hookup with random Mexican men to say her employer, friends, family, etc.... that would probably be considered immoral. This is exactly what is happening to this company only because this woman is obviously obsessed. I'm done now. This is childish. When I was told I was being talked about, I kept my comments to myself. I'm not a drama oriented person and this is a waste of life. Every single one of you are immoral in some way. We are all human. We all make mistakes. You and I sin every single day. None of you have any room to judge and that actually includes myself judging you. AND.... In all actually, I wouldn't even be involved in this conversation if I weren't dragged into it by M and a few other ladies. I have a real life with real friends. Not a virtual one with virtual friends and fake profiles where I bash people on the daily to turn a profit. I don't face dream men in Mexico that I want to lay claim to. Get a grip.
  9. So.... She's allowed to get sympathy, play the victim card and feel attacked and I'm not? Let's get this clear, right after I posted stating that lipstick lady and Susan are the same people, that's when I got banned, right? Fullcircle

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