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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by chellede

  1. Hi there !

    I'm 6 months post op and I"m going to try and explain how my stomach feels in hope that someone else has gone through this.

    I get this feeling that my stomach is going toflip fop, or a strong feelings of waves, or a bubble popping. Not so much the bubble feeling more like my stomach is going to flip flop. I'm trying to think of other ways to describe it, but I really can't. It feels like waves throughout my abdomen. It can happen any time, but mostly about an hour or so after I eat or sometimes when I drink. Or sometimes right after I eat. I don't know what what this is. It's scary !!!!!

    Anyone have something similar ?

    Thanks !!

    I'm still going to see my DR.

    Thanks for your help !

  2. I have been stalled / fluctuation the same 3 lbs for the past MONTH ! I am not even 3 months post op.

    I had surgery on Oct 14th. I stopped losing right after thanksgiving and have been fluctuating since. It's now a new year and I want to get back to losing.

    How common is a month long stall? I was reading that stalls happen at 3 months. I was early with my 3 week stall and got it at 2 weeks. Maybe I got a month long stall at 2 months instead of 3?

    I thought about doing the 5 day sleeve test to get my system back on track.

    As far as inches, I did lose, but as of lately (past several weeks) I haven't lose any inches.

    I'm just super frustrated and need to know how common this is or if I need to call my DR ?

    Here's my month chart .. Frustrating !!


    Thanks for letting me vent !

  3. OMG !!! I found my group !!!! I am 2 1/2 months from surgery and I have been in a stall since Thanksgiving as well !!! These past 3 / 4 weeks have been torture! I've bounced between 2 to 3 pounds for 3 almost 4 weeks. I have had some major NSVs.. but the scale... oh the damn scale! Please move. Especially since it's hovering between 250 and 252. I want to permanently break that 250 mark !!!

    Thank you guys for posting your story and letting me know that there are others !!!

    HUGS !

  4. @@stephh I got the ability today. So tomorrow I go to the gym :)

    @ - I have an iPhone 6 and it monitors my walking and the health app and my fitness pal all talk to each other. If I log into MFP it will take I walked so far and earned so many calories. As far as devices. I'm waiting for the apple watch with the heart rate monitor. That will go great with my iPhone. Just my preference :)

  5. Pork rinds, I want them !!! Anyone try them yet? I know many post op people eat them. My sweet tooth has traded in for a Salty and Hot tooth. I swear if proscuitto wasn't $28 a pound, I would buy that stuff in bulk ! My diet is thin ham and cheese.. and anything I can put hot sauce on. Crazy ! And it's cold here ! I want my love of coffee back ! I can't even stand the smell !

    Okay, I'm done with a bariatric babbling for a bit ;) Hope you enjoyed the craziness of Chelle today :)

  6. I"m doing well thank you !!!!

    Susan, check your email.. I tried to add you but it said you were already added...

    ME !! ME !! - where are you that you also have Mootopia ??????? That's the best fortified milk ever !!!!!!!! Thanks for the recipes !! It sounds like you are doing fantastic !! So proud of you !

    and yeah.. Smoothie King! There's several down the street. I might have to treat myself !!!!!!!

  7. Lets cut to the point here (as I say with full compassion). Yup ! You're right ! Any of those things can happen.

    The likely hood? Very very remote. Just like going to the store. You can get killed in the car, you can get killed if a rack falls, you can get killed if someone holds up the store, or MILLIONS and MILLIONS of reasons.

    Sweetie, your'e normal !!! I was the same. I have lung problems. I had those thoughts. Look at the thousands of people who use this board. They all went through it, and woke up to tell about it. And they are doing well in their weightloss.

    YOU GOT THIS ! You are in control of your life and you are doing this for you !!!! Go get em Tiger :)

  8. What these guys said up above !! And don't be discouraged ! Your sleeve won't fail you. It takes effort to mess up your sleeve. And if you ever get into that mood again, go look at the veterans board or general sleeve board. These people went through all the same crazy stuff we are going through and they are having phenomenal results. You will make it through ! You got this !!!

  9. Yup ! I'm going to be one of those annoying posts that you want to just roll your eyes and say.. "but no, you don't understand" ....

    well, all of us do. It's a phase, and it's just head games. You'll go from thinking you should have never done it, to thinking you never had it done because you feel good, to learning how to eat solid foods.. and man many other phases. Just wait until you get to stalls ! All you can do there, is wait it out.

    sending you a big big hug. It's only temporary. Trust us !!!! ::Hugs:::

  10. If I over eat I get foam that comes up. It's gross. Yesterday when I ate those chicken wings, I had the foam, but then when I coughed a big amount of clear slimy stuff came up too. (sorry if this is gross, but it is what it is). It's saliva not having anywhere to go because of your food. It's super gross.

    I could be wrong on the saliva stuff. I don't know why it exactly happens, but it happens when you eat to much.

    The slime stuff was gross and there was a lot of it !

    Again, sorry for the grossness.

  11. A charleston chew hot cocoa. I have had a hot cocoa before, but never this kind.

    I got the cocoa, then went and did a corn maze. When I got back my cocoa was cooled. I did drink it faster than normal, but within 5 minutes, I needed stop ! and there was no waiting !

    Big lesson. Even if you had it before, if it's a different brand, do it at home ! I was never so embarrassed in my life !

  12. For those are you who are not on FB... this is my post yesterday. PLEASE LISTEN TO ME !!!! You don't want to go through this !

    two things happened today. Foamies ... and the horrible.. absolutely horrible dumping syndrome. Let me tell you folks... do not eat or drink anything new if you are not at home. Had to make an emergency stop at Whataburger and I spent at least 45 min cleaning up the walls, floors with a mop, and using lots and lots of their bleach. if it's TMI, GOOD... don't ever eat or drink anything that would cause this, it's horrible !!

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