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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by chellede

  1. Thank you Ladies. I talked to my Drs Assistant and she confirmed it's a low fat diet. They are not worried about the carbs as they are the fat content. Thanks again !
  2. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Hey Everyone ! Wednesday I went and did my last weigh in. All the paper work is in and is being submitted to insurance. I could be surgery as soon as 3 weeks. Man that's scary and exciting ! I'll have a date after approval. I was told my pre op diet is one week of low fat foods. I was told they like doing the low fat and pre op diets not for us, but because it shrinks the liver enough and makes the surgery easier on the DR. Hey! I'll do whatever is easier for the dr and my safety Hope everyone is doing well as we keep inching closer and closer to October !
  3. Hi Everyone, I absolutely hate raw tomatoes. I detest them. I'm wondering if someone has detested a food before surgery and really fell in love with it afterwards? Thanks !
  4. Wow !!! So interesting. Are you enjoying finding out what foods you like and what you don't? Being pre op I'm kind of excited about that. !
  5. @jenn1 Those sounds great ! it's so exciting to see what you're going to like and not like and what new foods you might be able to incorporate. On the flip side it's a tad scary to lose some of your favorites too. What a whole new world ! Thanks !!
  6. Buffle ! That's so funny and cool Even though I hate raw tomatoes I still try them periodically. I'm hoping my taste buds likes them afterwards. It would make me laugh. My husband periodically will chase me around the house with a raw tomato lol Thanks everyone for answering this !
  7. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Kathy, I"m the same. I didn't have to lose weight. I just can't gain any. I'm not sure what my pre op is yet. I do my last weight in tomorrow and then off for approval to ins.
  8. chellede

    I didn't expect...

    I haven't had my surgery yet, but I just wanted to send out a big hug! I'm sure most have felt that. ::Hugs:::
  9. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Angie ! Congrats on the approval !!!! and Soon2Be - Congrats !!!!!!!!!!
  10. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Jessi, are you telling family? or are you going to surprise them ? awww dancing all night with the extra energy and a hot dress.. That will be fantastic !
  11. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Funny. I suck at food logs too. And you' re right, it's the easiest damn thing. I just hate taking the time out to do it. Yet I'll research something stupid on the computer for hours.. smh. Time to change priorities !!! Tiffin - It's normal. I'm also very very scared. What helped me is learning that it's more dangerous to do a gallbladder removal than it is this surgery. I would never be scared if a family member had a GB removal. Also what helps me is lately I've been reading the August post surgery boards to see exactly what everyone has been going through. That eases the minds of the unknown. Hope this helps. As for me, I do my last weigh-in in 2 days. Then hopefully surgery by October. What's getting me excited is that I turn 40 in June. The thought of finally being thin (or a lot thinner) is amazing. I've been overweight since I was 6. the smallest I ever got was 199.5 then gained 100 pounds back. I'm having fun trying to decide what to do for my birthday in June. I want to do stuff like Horseback riding, zip line, Water skiing.. all the stuff a big girl really can't do Hope everyone has a great day !
  12. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Live - Awwww, I hope the weightless works for you !!! I really do. I”m super excited. We need to stay “Buddies” long afterwards and see each other on IVF Message Boards. My issues are a bit different. My husband had a vasectomy after 3 kids with his first wife. So we did IVF (reversal is less successful). I did get pregnant several times, but miscarried. I have a rare blood clotting issues, I don’t absorb folic acid and the weight. All three are manageable. I am going to be candid with you. You HAVE to learn you are beautiful no matter what ! Somewhere somehow you need to find that ! Even when we lose the weight, there’s going to be saggy skin, and other crap we won’t like. I’m a firm believer in loving yourself no matter what ! I’m 284 and went and wore a bikini on vacation and in front of friends at my pool party. You’re a beautiful human being no matter what !!!! HUGS !! (hope my opinion didn’t scare you) Kelew - Ooooh Congratulations !!! I’m soooo sooooo Happy For you !!!!!!! Fosho - Congrats !!!! Smiling Panda - Don’t worry about that ! Because you won’t ! You will also need support ! So maybe join a support group ? I’m so glad that there’s a lot of us nervous ! We need to keep remembering we are all doing this for our health and long term goals
  13. chellede

    B - Belly

    Anyone else out there HAD a B stomach? You know.. where you look at your stomach sideways and looked like a B, not a D ..
  14. I haven't had surgery yet, in fact I"m looking at October. But this question is on my mind. To those women who have a B belly. You know, those Bellies that are double and look likes a B. Does it go away with the weight or do you always have a B belly ? Did it go away during the weight loss or when you were closer to finishing your weight loss? Many pregnant women get the B belly, but I've had the B belly almost all my life. I'd love to get the D belly or normal stomach ::laughing:: I"m sure some of you are just shaking your head and have no idea what I"m talking about. Thanks !!!
  15. chellede

    B - Belly

    Recycled - haha Squiggly O. That's great ! Round - Mountain Ranges haha. Me too!!! Red - Me too ! Hopefully there's more posts too !!! Jordan - Thank You !! You know. I think if you had that dunlap your whole entire life, you might have to have surgery to get rid of it. It will be interesting to see ! Congrats on the 45lbs !!!
  16. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Firewife ! That's great Yeah, this nerve racking stuff is crazy !!!
  17. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    JMSgal - Happy Early Birthday ! Lots of us are right around that age ! oooh Jamaica !!! That’s wonderful ! Are you flying or taking a cruise ? MzSpyCee - Sounds good to me !!!! Love fellow Houstonians Zcortes - Welcome !! How are you feeling with the upcoming surgery? Veronica - I don’t know ! I think we are going to adapt easily to not eating. Yet I’ve read that most have to watch trading one addiction for another. That makes me nervous! FrieJen - Hi there !!! Welcome to the October Sleevers !!! Well I’m having one of those days where I’m just super nervous about the surgery. I have had friends that have been through it all. Some have done great, some not so great, and one friend passed away from complications. Maybe it’s the whole Joan Rivers passing. Just nervous lately. Almost that feeling that’s it’s not real that I’ll be thinner one day. Weird feelings huh? I know it will pass. Hope everyone is doing well !! -Chelle-
  18. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Live - I swear, we could easily turn this thread into an IVF thread with all the things we have been through. Yet lets hope this helps ! Are you going to wait a year before trying? I was told I had to. ... Oooh ! That's good there's a person here in the states that helps you ! I always wondered how that worked. Why did you decide on a revision of the band? (don't need to answer if you don't want to) Kelew - Keeping fingers crossed on the appeal !!!!!!!!
  19. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Gendy - How many times did you have to see a dietician ? Angie - Congrats on your Oct 14th Date !!! Mariel - Yes !!!! I do wonder how we take our prescription medications as well ! jmsgal - Oh that’s so soon !!! Are you getting nervous? lindalue- Same boat as you. Will find out in a couple of weeks. Have you been approved? Firewife - what kind of classes did you have to take? I wonder if everyone had to do an edoscopy. I didn’t .. hmmm Amy - Congrats on Oct 7th. That’s so close !!! Hogman - I think the sleeve will be great. Sorry you’e going through all the problems with insurance. And the psych failed because you’re scared? Heck no! We would all fail ! I’m petrified .. well excited and petrified at the same time. If that make sense. LiveLaughLove - I feel like you’re such a buddy ! i’m 39, been through 3 failed IVF attempts because of miscarriages. This is my last option. How does the pre op stuff work when you do it out of the country? Do you video chat with the doctors ? Man.. I really relate to you ! Jessiquoi - I hope they don’t postpone you !! If it does happen. Don’t let it set you back ! you strong, you’re doing the right thing, and your time will happen ! Stay positive !!!!!! Cherokee - What part of Northern AZ? I’m a desert rat. Grew up in Phoenix. Folks live in Taylor! I love Northern AZ !! Just hang in there for a buddy ! I think lots of us are going to get the middle of October MzSpy - My Buddy !!!! I’m in The Woodlands !! How awesome is that !! Where in Houston are you ?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I’m doing pretty good right now. I have been hitting the gym hard! Starting doing some cross fit techniques. I have a feeling I’m going to turn into a gym junkie! I tried Zumba today but that was an epic fail. My coordination level was not good ! Ended up leaving mid class and working out with some friends. I weigh in for the last time on 9/10 and then everything is submitted to insurance. This is getting real so fast !! Hugs everyone !
  20. Hi Everyone. Hope everyone is doing well ! So I'm about to do my 3rd and last weigh in before my surgeon submits to my insurance. Things are getting "Real", fast. I'm nervous about having complications from surgery. I heard it was normal to feel this way. I'm looking at October for my surgery. Long time to be stressed about it. Anyone have any advice on the fear, it would be appreciated. Maybe part of it is I have lost a friend to Bariatric Surgery. I worry about leakage a lot ! That's what happened to her and her organs shut down. In my mind I know don't control the outcome. I guess I'm just being "Normal" in my fear. Question on Exercise. I do my normal 30 to 60 minutes of cardio 3 times a day. Then I do my strength. Usually back, abs, and alternate between arms and legs. I was wondering if I should do more cardio or more strength? I was thinking leaving 30 minutes of cardio and doing more strength since I'm going to lose a lot of muscle mass at first. Does that sound about right? Thanks Everyone
  21. chellede

    Exercise and Scared

    Thanks !! I did mean 3 times a week. I find I like doing weights a lot more. I love going to the gym. I'll have to watch myself to make sure I don't get addicted to the gym. And you're right. I have to remind myself of why I am doing this. I'm a person who really loves life. I love being here. So many more things in this world I want to do. It scares me to think I may not make it, but I also want to be able to do all the things I want to long term. Thanks again !!!
  22. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Hi Everyone !! I'm like most of you ! Just finishing up our weigh in before submitting to INS. My last weigh in is Sept 10th. I've been told first to second week of October. Kathy - I agree ! The coffee thing is going to be my hardest too. Love that stuff ! Mariel - I think the fatigue is going to be my hardest part. Maybe tired of shakes. I drink them now after I work out. Thanks for starting this thread !! Larissa - Congrats !!

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