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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    I am going with my best friend who is Mexican so that I can have a interpreter! I won't even write the thoughts that are going on in my mind but man it's scary! ????
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    I'm July 25 with Dr. Quinones. I'm excited but absolutely terrified at the same time! Anyone else feel that way?
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    amcfelvr reacted to sosola in low bmi still obese   
    don't mind people! the ones that love you will never discourage you from trying to get your health back.
    they may be afraid that you'll become prettier than them, or they will be ashamed that they were looking at you like something and not like somebody, they will be scared to see you becoming selfconfident, they don't even try to understand, you are just ennoying them with your so called weight problems, as you don't complain so much about the pains, it means that it doesn't exist....also they will make you feel like surgery doesn't diserve any glory, loosing weight with such tool is just like cheating, as if going under general anesthesy and major surgery was a playing game!
    they can be good friends, but when it reaches such a serious matter, forget about what they think, everybody has energy to face his problem, for yours they will use empty mouth and useless words to treat it.
    Don't mind anybody and take good care of yourself,
    I'm going to have my surgery on 22nd next month , i am bmi 32, all my body is pain, i did not tell anybody except my husband and friends that i know they will encourage me, and they did !
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    amcfelvr reacted to jdillon in low bmi still obese   
    OK so every time I look for support and share pics and goals I get"no offense but you're not big enough for surgery" or something of that nature. Making me feel like I don't belong or that I'm making a mistake with wls. I went from 218lbs to 140ish to 170 to 211lbs and about 15 years ago was the last time I saw a size 6. I have an unhealthy bmi, had to have my gallbladder out and have problems with my feet. No I don't have blood pressure problems, I'm not diabetic, nor am I 300lbs plus. Do I really need to wait for all of that to happen in order to qualify in some people's eyes to do something about it? So many people on here say their only regret is that they didn't do this sooner before all these health issues arose and yet come down on me for actually not waiting for it to be that far along. In my opinion, we're all in the same boat. Doesn't matter if you're 500 lbs or 200 lbs. If you're at an unhealthy bmi and miserable and need this to be healthy and to help you get and stay on track then we are all the same. I would never go on to someone's post who was heavier than me and say something like"how could you wait till it got this bad" and I feel like that's what they are saying to me in reverse when they come on and challenge my reasons for needing and wanting this procedure. I'm sorry, but my feelings are hurt and I feel like I'm alone in this at times because I'm not as big as some feel I should be to consider this. I've lost and re gained 70- 95lbs on the average over the past 15 years or so. I'm good with my decision even if no one else is. I'm going to be successful and maintain a healthy lifestyle and look and feel fabulous for the rest of my life. That is what I want. Sorry if this feels like a rant. It's not meant to be. Just feeling hurt and alone today.
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    amcfelvr reacted to Tiny One in Low BMI and Gastric Sleeve   
    Some folks just don't get it. That's exactly why I didn't tell no more than 5 people. Those 5 people understand I was borderline diabetic- cholesterol - HBP, had sleep apnea, back & joint pain. So they knew I needed the sleeve to get & stay healthy. I didn't want to hear or deal with the folks telling me I didn't need it because I went "big" enough to need WLS. It's been almost a year & 1/2 post op and it still haven't told anyone else. Me limiting folks that I told has made this journey a good & positive experience.
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    amcfelvr reacted to DinaNJ in Low BMI and Gastric Sleeve   
    Hi swimbikerun, thank you. I think you got it right.. People believe you have to be severely overweight in order to justify WLS. I know the qualifications changed to a lower BMI a few years ago because obviously someone knew the benefits of it if you have health problems. Most people don't know that, all they see is my 600 lb life on tv and overweight celebrities getting the surgery. I am at the point now where I'm just not going to tell anyone.

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