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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by pinkhiker

  1. Just an update! I had RNY 7/31 so I am just at 3 weeks post op. Everything has been going awesome! I just had a minor set back this past week. On Monday I ended up going to the ER and found out I had kidney stones. I am still trying to pass them as of today. I have a urologist appt today so hopefully I will find out more answers. These kidney stones were so painful. I have never experienced anything like that in my life. The surgery itself doesn't even compare to the pain when these stones start to move. I am using this experience as a reminder of what an unhealthy lifestyle I had before and how I never want to return to that. Outside of the stone thing everything is going great. I hope to recover from this soon so I can put more of my focus back in other areas
  2. Im so excited I have surgery tomorrow. I can't wait to start this part next part!! I'll post updates.
  3. pinkhiker

    Surgery tomorrow AM :)

    Update!! Surgery was July 30th. I was dc July 31st in evening. Today is my 4th full day home. Yesterday was a little more challenging for me. Yesterday I was experiencing some pretty bad nausea. While I wasnt feeling hungry I believe my body was screaming for something other than propel zero, water, and sugar free Popsicles and is what was the cause of my nausea. I called my surgeons pager and she called back and ended up putting in an electronic script for a nausea med. it def. helped and felt soooo much better. I can do pain but I become a bit of a baby when I get nausea. Despite the little disruption I was able to get my 64 oz of fluids in today I feel so great!! I fel like me again. Pain is super minimal and I will be going to buy liquid Tylenol later once my hubby gets home. Only pain I experience is in the morning and is more of discomfort and needing breakfast. Yesterday I started my protein drink and my body was loving it and I could feel the difference of the thickness of the liquid pass through my new pouch and the new attachment at the intestine. It still feels funny like gurgling I made a first batch of my protein powder 1scoop with lactose free milk.... Too thick yet for me. I didn't feel right after drinking a a half ounce. I made a new batch with water and it was disgusting!!! I changed it up and ended up doing lactose free milk slightly watered down with a packet of carnation instant breakfast no sugar added. Much better I will be doing this for a few days as my protein drink until I feel I can try the other protein. This morning I did the carnation packet and LF milk 8oz milk, 4oz water, packet. I split that into three different cups breakfast, lunch, dinner (4oz each). Bfast went down great today. Overall every day gets better. I am not as tired, pain is less, and feels like me more and more. Yesterday I was able to sleep on my side again with no pain and even got one of my walks in by going to a store with my hubby. My incisions are looking better and better! They are still slightly itchy and healing up. Weightloss- I haven't jumped on the scale a lot since the hospital but today I did and I just made it in the 220's at 229.2 I haven't been at this weight for sometime. Just remember we are taking in less then we expend in energy so weightless will happen. How much depends on how well you stick to your guidelines consistently Gasseiness is still there but I can tell the bloating/swelling of my stomachis going down. Before when I was done with surgery and first couple days home I felt like It couldn't be pushed out any further. I tried broths and I don't like them. When I think of them I feel like gagging. Not sure why. My stomach was tolerating melted popsicles so I started with chilled water yesterday and had no discomfort. This morning is going the same Spirometer I am able to meet the max, walks get easier too! I do 15min walks 5-6 times a day. If your on meds that make you feel weird don't go too far from home and bring your cell phone. Even on short 15min ones I bring mine. I also wear my medical alert bracelet when alone. Hope that brings more insight wish the best to those recovering or soon to go into surgery!!
  4. Just an update! I had surgery on the 30th of July. Today is my third day home (dc on the 31st in evening) and I feel even better then the days before. Each day gets better and better. Yesterday was my first full day home and had to drink minimum of 42 ounces or 84 half filled medicine. I didn't have any troubles with that. I was really gaseous yesterday and the gas build uo was making me somewhat nauseated. Today I am taking gas-x and so far it has been awesome. No gas bubbles that I can feel. Today is 54ounces of Clear liquids. Energy level wise I was tired yesterday but not as much as thr day before. I just let my self nap in between the 15min timer for drinking. Yesterday went on 5 15min walks with no problems. Slept through out the night pretty well. I try to get all my fluids in during the da so I can have a decent sleep at night. Pain meds are working good I didn't need the last dose at bedtime as much so I was able to use only half. I am back and side sleeper and for the first time this morning I was able to lay on my side My incisions are looking great! They are getting somewhat itchy so I believe that means they are healing. Lastly I did jump on the scale and I had only gained about 4lbs from surgery and today i have lost a pound from what I weighed in on surgery morning. Dont get caught up in numbers and the scale. I am just practicing all the things the suregon and my bariatric team wants done and I know the weight will come off. One more last item- people around me have been eating "normal" food. Mostly unhealthy stuff. This hasn't bothered me yet. It looks good and I acknowledge it but remind myself that part is no longer who I am taking daily strides to be. I told my husband he can eat whatever he wants and that I will not control or put him down for things he chooses to eat. After all I am the one that decided to have this surgery to help me change my life I am sure there will be harder days ahead with this but I am hoping my daily changes will be enough to help me through. Hope this helps anyone with what to expect!
  5. pinkhiker

    Its here!

    Seagull00 Sorry to hear that I hope.the infection clears up soon for you.
  6. pinkhiker

    Surgery tomorrow AM :)

    Today is my first full day home. I was very happy to have gone home yesterday. I only spent one night in the hospital. Yesterday when discharged they gave me a liquid form of pain med similar to vicodin. It wasn't nearly as strong enough burdens to be working a lot more.today so far. On your way home I suggest you use the belly band they give you. I am glad I did the roads where I live are bumpy and the band helped hold me in more. I was still full of gas and hands some burps no fluffed yet. Those came this morning and man it feela better once that extra air from the surgery goes away little by little. It reduces the pressure in the collar bones. Overall my energy levels are great I already went on a 15min walk this morning. Today pain isnt ss much as the day before so each day seems to be getting better! Make sure to do your incentive spirometer like they tell you and the walking! Helps prevent pneumonia and walking helps prevent blood clots. My incisions look great, I didn't need any drainage tube and she used surgical glue to close them up. Fyi when passing gas try to be near a toilet some are loose.
  7. Hi guys!! My surgery was yesterday the 30th. It went great! I was pretty nauseated from the anesthesia until they tried compazine. It took the nausea away until the anesthesia wore off. My pain wasn't bad. I got up and walked twice yesterday. Today has been even better then yestersay. Pain Is minimal today even without the meds. Pain for both days felt like I worked my stomach muscles out really hard workout. I have been able to drink 2 half ounces every 15 minutes. And I'm set to go home today! This has been great. I've taken 4 walks so far today since 6a. And have 4 more.to go. Im so happy
  8. pinkhiker

    hospital stay

    ScreamingForMySupper hope your doing okay!
  9. pinkhiker

    hospital stay

    Laproscopically too
  10. pinkhiker

    hospital stay

    I had my surgery yesterday and I'm set to head home today I had roux en y gastric bypass
  11. Congrats to you too! It feels great to finally get going on this next part. I never thought I'd look so forward to broth before my mouth was so dry yesterday! Hope you are going well!
  12. pinkhiker

    Surgery tomorrow AM :)

    Hi guys!! My surgery was yesterday. It went great! I was pretty nauseated from the anesthesia until they tried compazine. It took the nausea away until the anesthesia wore off. My pain wasn't bad. I got up and walked twice. Today has been even better then yestersay. Pain Is minimal today about a 3 but im due for mkre.meda in an hr and 20 min. Pain for both days felt like I worked my stomach muscles out really hard workout. I have been able to drink liquids 2 half ounces every 15 minutes. And I'm set to go home today! This has been great. I've taken 3 walks so far today since 6a. And have 5 more.to go.
  13. pinkhiker

    Surgery tomorrow AM :)

    Thanks everyone! I will keep you posted. Best wishes to all of you as well. Talk to you guys soon with an update!
  14. How'd your surgery go Casey999?
  15. pinkhiker

    Surgery in the morning

    Best wishes! Mines tomorrow (wednesday) at 10a. I need to be there at 730a
  16. pinkhiker

    Ahhh today is my surgery !

    Best wishes for you and your surgery and recovery
  17. pinkhiker

    July 29th bypassers?

    HAppy early birthday to you! Hope all goes well
  18. pinkhiker

    Open Bypass Surgery

    My mom and grandma had open gastric bypass surgery. My mom was off work 6weeks due to the lifting required in her job.
  19. pinkhiker

    strange NSV.

    Great job!
  20. My mom was a lot heavier than I am. She lost at a faster rate. I am going on the side that I will be in the 2-4lbs per week range. Im okay with that While I am still very much overweight I am about 85lbs less than what my mom was day of surgery I used this when I trained for the 10mile MN TC run and will be applying it to my weight loss rate.... fast or slow as long as you go. I dont care if the weight is fast or slow coming off me just as long as I am making daily efforts to change to more healthier habits. I can't wait to get back to running again!!
  21. Hope you recover swiftly! Glad you went in right away!
  22. pinkhiker

    July 29th bypassers?

    Im on the 30th right behind you! My p reop diet is eating light until day before surgery in which is watch to liquids only and nithing after midnight. Also have to take milk of mag. Monday njght and tuesday night before bed. Hope your surgery goes well!!
  23. Also shoot us an update when you have time to let us know how it goes tomorrow! I will be right behind you on the 30th

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