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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by pinkhiker

  1. Casey999! You will be great and you got this im sorry some of your support system isnt as encouraging. Surround yourself for now with those who are. My mom had a structure, she was admitted to the hospital and then they fixed it. No addituonal complications. She also wasn't follow the docs advice exactly to plan either. She smoked and drank diet coke (two things that are not good for those with rny). Hold your ground and maybe pulling out a list of what you what this when youre feeling nervous or needing reassurance. Peoples words can be hurtful but don't let their words that they formed from their opinions define you and change your mind. This is for you not for them. They can chose to be someone that you look back at this and remember that person really helped me or they can choose not to. Try not to let that define your choices. They arent you
  2. I've been reading through many posts and wondering is/was anyone's surgery done at a hospital that was certified as a bariatric surgery centers of excellence?? Im having my surgery done at a hospital with this criteria this week on the 30th.
  3. For sure! I also like that bariatric surgery is their specialty not just one type in a list of general surgeries
  4. Jenna I have about 100 pounds to lose as well. Im super excited though I've done my hw and feel great about my surgeon and the hospital and all the after care available for free afterwards (visits to the bariatric nurse at no charge, free support groups initiated by the bariatric program). Its also a baratric center of excellence and makes me feel good about the stringent requirements by the surgeons and hospital.
  5. The WLS exluded post
  6. See above post I just wrote what I did for self pay. I tried to copy and paste but it wouldnt let me.
  7. pinkhiker

    WLS Excluded on Insurance

    Also at least in MN most plans to purchase Individuallly dont cover bariatric surgery. Some group plans (through your work) do cover. Also enrollment periods aren't happening again untik November for individual plans. Woek plans are a little different In your eligibility to sign up.
  8. pinkhiker

    WLS Excluded on Insurance

    Yes my health care plan doesn't cover weight loss surgery. I am self pay and schedule for surgery this week on the 30th. My hospital gives discounts for self pay and can set up med credit with a good chunk of money down which cover surgeon (and any asstnt surgeon) along with my hoapital stay. Md and nurse anesthesia costs are separate. 15500 for hoapital stay (flat rate doesnt decrease if you're there less than three days). 6800 in surgeons costs 1370 in md ordered anesthesia costs 1074 in nurse anesthetist costs These anesthesia costs are based on being under for 2.5hours. If I'm under less I get reimbursed. Also the md ordered anesthesia allows for payment plans if you need and offers 20 percent discount if you pay in full Requirements prior to my surgery are not included in these numbers (about 1500 total for those). Every hoapital and anesthesia orders are different in costs and available payment plans. Its def. worth checking out. My payment with the required amount down is about $200 a month. Not bad Other options that may help is getting a private loan to cover costs, if you have a 401 (k) you may be able to pull from it (hardship waiver).Costs are just like getting a new car. Hope this helps!
  9. pinkhiker

    Hey y'all!

    Glad you made it out and that you're doing okay! My surgery is this week on the 30th ill be looking for your post on your blog later! Hope things go well for you today!
  10. Wishing you a successful surgery Casey999!
  11. New life4me- My surrery is also this week on the 30th!
  12. pinkhiker

    Hey y'all!

    I read your blog too! Howd your surgery go? Feeling okay?
  13. pinkhiker

    Tomorrow is the big day!

    Checking In! How did the surgery go and how are you feeling post op?
  14. pinkhiker

    Insurance excludes WLS

    Yes my health care plan won't be paying for this. Its an exclusion to the policy. I am self pay. Its not as bad as you think though! The hospital I'm at allows for med credit with a good chunk up front. Anesthesia (md and nurse) has two separate charges.
  15. pinkhiker

    Its here!

    Im glad it went well!
  16. pinkhiker

    So ready for this!

    Thats exciting I hope all goes smoothly for you!!
  17. Yes I am on the 30th this coming week!! What state/hospital is yours at?
  18. Sounds like you're making awesome progress
  19. pinkhiker

    Bad Omen :(

    Some people call it luck and others make "luck" happen you seem like a smart lady and in tune to things. If your new doc isnt what you're looking for find a new one until you are comfortable. I could see how being nervous of loosing your doc you trusted very much can feel like another road block that has you tripped up. Brush your bottom off and keep charging forward- you got this! You've done a lot to get to today. Take that strength you've built so far and keep building on it moving forward. Wish you the best!
  20. pinkhiker


    Woot woot
  21. Im pre op yet (I have surgery next wednesday the 30th of July!) But I have made a list of a couple promises to myself to keep throughout all this and thought I'd share and see if anyone else had something similar. 1- I promise to never call myself fat, not now, not in the future, not when looking at old pictutes, never. Im committing to this promise for a couple reasons. One being a positive outlook. Instead of calling myself fat I am going to say look at all the awesome changes I've made since then reason two being- when I call myself fat someone else is comparing my comment to theirself which can inadvertently be hurtful. My sister is rail thin and would always say she looked fat when we were hanging out. I dont ever want to put that feeling on another person. Focusing on actions and changes not all numbers I feel will help me long term. (By will totally be excited about numbers too! I just dont want that to be my main focus). 2- I promise to seek support when I need it and be a support for others. I won't go back to old habits and if I feel I am slipping I will visit one of the awesome bariatric nurses, in person support groups, online forms like this
  22. pinkhiker

    7/21 is the day!

    How'd the surgery go? I hope well
  23. pinkhiker

    Need AUGUST bypass buddies!

    Mine is next wednesday July 30th I pass along surgery awesomeness waves our way!
  24. pinkhiker

    too few calories

    Not sure if this would help with the Protein but my bariatric clinic at the hospital gives a lobg list of recommended protein supplements both powder and liquid. On the list is a liquid protwin called body fortress suoer protein shot. Is liquid form, only 3oz, and packs in 26g of protein. No caffeine, sugars. Someone on the board mentioned to be careful bc of the different types of protein (soy versus others). But I think its an awesome way to get a good amount of protein in with just a few oz total. I bought 24 little tubes since the bariatric nutritionist said it was a okay

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
