I just started my wls journey. I am 22 and in college. I am in the process of starting my 6 month diet and all that jazz.
I am hoping to have the lapband.
My reasoning behind wanting the Lapband is that I don't think I can stand the idea of having my insides rearranged like that, and there seems, to me atleast, that there are more complications post surgery.
There are several people in my family who had the RNY and all but two of them look seriously malnourished. One of the two looks fabulous, the other one has started gaining weight back. But they love their RNY's.
I know right now, i do not have any comorbidities (thank god), but if i continue along at my weight it is only a matter of time. I lost my mom at a young age to cancer, and my dad is in terrible health. I do not want to do that to my husband or my future children. I want to be active again. I want to be able to play intramural sports, and go running, fly to europe and be able to keep up with everyone. There is just so much i want to be able to do and this surgery will be my tool to get there.