Hello out there in bariatric land. Looking forward to learning from all the sleevers out there. I was "chubby" as a child, but not alarmingly so. I thought I was fat in high school, but now as I look at the pictures I was a very healthy weight. I'm a librarian and i love my job. No kids, but happily single. I live in Alaska and have learned to love it. I just want my life to be more than about my weight.
Funny, I look in the mirror and i see an overweigh but not grossly so woman. But pictures of myself bring me back to reality. hey guess what: I'm morbidly obese! Current weight is 294, with highest weight at 304. Last year, I did Optifast for 9 months and lost 60 pounds.. It took about 9 months to regain it and and additional 10 pounds.
What I hope to achieve from VSG is a new relationship with getting outdoors and being active. It's exhausting to go 20 minute around the block.. I want to go on vacations without having to haul around a cpap, i'd like to go the doctor and not get a lecture. I would like to sit in an airplane seat without a seatbelt extender and not get dirty looks from my seatmate. i want to not be diabetic.
My surgeon will be Dr. Rodriguez in Tijuana on October 24. To prove to myself that i can make changes, I've been more or less following the pre-op diet even though it's three months away. Might as well start now, kickstart the weight loss so I have that much more of a head start.
I'm excited and nervous. The oher night I had a dream about having some kind of surgery and it was chaotic. Guess the old subconscious is a little freaked out!