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Everything posted by jlj1110

  1. Well, tomorrow is finally the day...excited and nervous. Anyone have any last minute, "I wish I would have known..." advice for me? Thanks! Jen
  2. jlj1110

    Lapband with plication

    I have a lot of friends and family praying for me too! (at least the ones I decided to tell) I have my nausea suppositories, but I'm a little nervous because I have never used suppositories before. I had to ask a really close friend some questions about how to use them correctly... you know it's a good friend when you can ask about sticking something up your butt! I would love to keep in touch...I am sure I will be asking you a lot of.."Did this happen to you..." kind of questions. I will add you as a friend on here. Thanks for your advice and encouragement! Jen
  3. jlj1110

    Getting Started

    @@doingitforme I struggled with telling my in-laws, but I shared a lot of what I had learned about the surgery with them to try to explain why I was doing it. They still don't really get it, but I'm just hoping they see how well I am doing after the surgery, and change their mind! Of course they have never struggled with weight before! :\
  4. jlj1110

    Banded tomorrow!

    @@CherieRyde thank you so much! That is exactly what I was hoping to hear...good info! @@gowalking thank you too! I have been thinking about this for years, and finally took the plunge. I hope I can be even close to as successful as you have been!
  5. jlj1110

    Lapband with plication

    I'm having the lapband with plication done tomorrow. I'm glad to hear you are having less regrets! I'm really nervous!! Hope to hear you are feeling much better soon!
  6. Congratulations! I was so excited when I finally got my date. Good luck with everything!
  7. jlj1110

    I went public

    @@shantra I had my husband go to the pre-op class and final visit with my surgeon this week. I had been talking about the surgery for the past six months, but it was great to have him hear how much my whole eating habits have to change, and what will happen to me if I eat too fast, drink too quickly, eat too much sugar, etc. it really opened his eyes about how hard this is going to be. It is great you had your husband there to understand it all! Now if only my in-laws (father in law is a doctor and never had a weight issue) were so supportive...I got the "well has she ever tried a strict diet and exercise?" comment (they said this to my husband...good thing because I don't know if I could have had a polite answer!). As far as telling others, I have told my principal I'm having surgery that I feel is necessary for my health. A few know the truth, but I'm nervous about telling too many. I hope as I start to lose, I won't care as much! Surgery on Monday...can't wait! Good luck as you go through the process! The hardest part for me has been this stinking liquid diet for the last 11 days! I am hungry! Jen
  8. jlj1110

    Pre opt diet starts today

    I am now on day 11 of my pre-op liquid diet. I'm not going to lie, it's tough! I have had a lot of headaches and overall not feeling great which I guess is normal from what I've heard from others. My body is used to some Wendy's and Taco Bell! I just keep thinking that at least during the post-op liquid diet I won't be so dang hungry! Two more days and then surgery Monday...I think I can, I think I can! And I have grown to LOVE that sugar free jello! Good luck with your diet and surgery! Jen
  9. I thought the six months of jumping through hoops my insurance company set up would last forever! It has helped me mentally prepare myself for this major change, and drive my husband crazy telling him all about everything I learn about the surgery, tips, and how many sugars, Protein grams, etc that everything has. (Thank goodness he is so supportive of me doing this!) My surgery is now in six days, and it am so excited to start this new way of life! This website has been so great to have during this time to get encouragement, and questions answered. Good luck, and I hope the time starts to fly by for you! And I totally understand about being envious of those going before you! My friend had it a few months ago and I just REALLY wanted it to be ME! Feel free to tell me to kick rocks! Jen
  10. jlj1110


    Congratulations! As someone having my surgery in a week, you are a great inspiration. Can't wait to escape my prison too!
  11. I have been approved by my insurance company for surgery, and I am just now waiting for the dr to call me with a surgery date. I know I am getting the band, but wanted to get some advice about also doing the plication. I am 40 years old, and have a starting weight of about 305. Does anyone have any pros and cons of plication you could share with me? I appreciate any help you can share!
  12. Had my pre op class today and found out my band with the plication was approved! One more week!!!
  13. jlj1110

    Getting Started

    @BandedSister_Lizz. Thanks for the tips! I will definitely be using you for more advice!
  14. jlj1110

    Getting Started

    @@CherieRyde The sad thing is I HAD tried the seat at the beginning of the line and it worked for me! I totally agree...Disney is the way to go. I have never had trouble on their rides. Of course I told my husband that once I have lost the weight we have to go back to Universal so I can ride that stupid Harry Potter ride!
  15. jlj1110

    Getting Started

    @@BandedSister_Lizz thank you so much! To be honest, I had a slip up yesterday and ate some bread. I plan on being really good now for the next 8 days! Good luck with your first year of teaching! I am starting my 17th year...wow, feeling old! Please let me know anything you think might be helpful since you have had your surgery! I'm getting a little nervous!
  16. jlj1110

    Getting Started

    It is so great to read this thread today. I am feeling down tonight and needed it! I am on day 6 of my pre-op liquid diet in prep for my surgery on August 18th. Both my parents have had the lapband surgery and are so supportive of me doing this. My husband has also been supportive which has meant so much. It is my in-laws that I was worried about telling. I finally told them once I got my surgery date. My father in law is a doctor. Today my husband told me he had asked him if I had tried a really strict diet or other things to lose the weight. No...in 40 years I have NEVER tried to diet! How about I've lost and gained 80 pounds more than once! I just hate so much that people think this is the easy way out. Especially people who have never battled their weight all their life. I have told my principal I am having surgery, but don't want to say what kind to avoid idiot comments... I have thought about this surgery for years, but just wasn't ready to do it until this year. I had the humiliating experience last summer of being forced to get off a ride at Universal Studios when the bar wouldn't come down over my chest (after waiting in line for 2 hours!) I'm also a science lab teacher, and just don't have the energy to keep up and do all I want to do with my students. I am so excited to start this new life! Let me just say I HATE exercise, but I have actually been dreaming about going to the gym, and I'm excited about it! I just want to say I appreciate all of the advice and encouragement I read on this site, and will visit here often to stay motivated. Good luck to all of you on here! I hope we can all share our ups and downs along the way! And by the way, this liquid diet is not fun! I am soooo hungry! I know...it will get better, but I really hope it goes quickly! Jen
  17. Thanks for the suggestion...will definitely write down my questions!
  18. My surgery days is Aug. 18th. When they scheduled the date, I asked if it was too late to go with the plication and was told they have to contact my insurance. I have my 2 hr pre op seminar Monday, so will find out then. I would like to have the plication if possible now, but I will still be very happy with the band too!
  19. jlj1110


  20. jlj1110


    From the album: jlj1110

  21. jlj1110

    All In August 2014!

    "Losing" not "loosing"....sorry, it's the teacher in me! I couldn't figure out if there is a way to edit your post after posting! Just figured it out...
  22. jlj1110

    All In August 2014!

    Surgery on August 18th....day 2 today of liquid diet. Anyone have any ideas to add to these 2 weeks to eat besides protein shakes and broth?? I am so excited to get my new life started! Love all the support on this site! Timing isn't the best...I'm a teacher and school starts the 25th, but as you all know, after waiting so many months you take the first date you can! I figure my health is the most important, and I'm ready to start losing! I look forward to hearing more about all of your successes!
  23. I am on day 2 pre-op and I feel your pain! I was told I have to strain any chunks out of my soup. I feel I am then not getting anything substantial in my meal. I am also using the protein shakes, but this is going to be a long two weeks. Does anyone have some other ideas for me to use for this liquid diet? Thanks!
  24. I got insurance approval on July 22nd, and finally was called today to schedule my surgery for August 18th! I am excited and a little scared. So happy I found this site for support and advice! Hope to connect with others on this journey too. Looking forward to changing my life!! Life starts at 40, right?

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