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Everything posted by kyrickchick64

  1. kyrickchick64

    Feeling alone

    I just added you as a friend.
  2. kyrickchick64

    Feeling alone

    Hi Jen I have my first appointment tomorrow so you and I are in the same boat. I'll be your buddy.
  3. Needles don't bother me too much. I've had so many surgeries, I wonder how many I could have skipped If I was able to do this 20 yrs ago. Hysterectomy, 2 knee replaced 2 hernia surgeries and gall bladder( tho to be fair every woman in my mother's family had her gall bladder removed within a year of having a baby. My fear is, failure. I am a strong woman and I can do this. It's just that little door in the back of my mind where the self doubt hides...
  4. My first appointment is tomorrow. I have no idea what this doctor will say. Very nervous.
  5. kyrickchick64

    One Month, Two Days

    Where in ky are you? I live in Shelbyville and I have my consult appointment tomorrow.. so excited
  6. kyrickchick64

    One Month, Two Days

    You look amazing. Not trying to be rude but can you give us a ball park figure on the c cost Never mind I read back. Thanks for the info
  7. kyrickchick64

    Gym workout! Help!

    Lol you and me both sister
  8. kyrickchick64

    Bad Omen :(

    Becky relax. S**t happens. You'll be fine. The doctor had referred you will send her notes to them. I have the same problem. The doctor who got me started on this journey is leaving. So now I have to get used to someone new. Stressing yourself out will not help your recovery. So breathe in breathe out and move on. You got this!
  9. kyrickchick64

    Omg omg omg

    I just got the date for my consult. July 30th! The coordinator said the insurance already approved it! I'm so excited and already nervous!
  10. kyrickchick64

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    It is so amazing to see everyone's pics. I am feeling better about doing this worth every pic I see. Thank you, all of you
  11. kyrickchick64

    Louisville Ky... anybody?

    Good luck. I can't wait till my appointment
  12. kyrickchick64

    No pre-op diet.......

    I saw some people who had the sleeve done on the Doctors show. They only had to do clear fluid s for 24 hrs before
  13. kyrickchick64

    Omg omg omg

    It can't be soon enough for me. My bp was 174/90 a couple hours ago. Took mymeds and feel sleep just woke up about am hour ago:(
  14. kyrickchick64

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    You look amazing. I'm just starting my journey at 371 my consult is on July 30. I can't wait
  15. kyrickchick64

    site problem?

    That's the problem, ii can't get the pro site to work so I can put the info in and see or add pics. I can only use the regular site like I am now
  16. kyrickchick64

    site problem?

    I was trying to use the pro site and it wouldn't let me post or see allot of the categories. Anyone else having issues ?
  17. kyrickchick64

    What's the story behind your profile name?

    I am a Rick Springfield fan for 30 yrs (We call ourselves Rick chicks) and I live in Kentucky and the year I was born. My stripper name is Trixie Hobbs
  18. kyrickchick64

    Omg omg omg

    Call and ask to speak with a supervisor. Squeaky wheel time
  19. kyrickchick64

    Any Buddhists out there?

    I have trying to figure out my spiritual side for a while now. I have found that Buddhism is probably closer to my feelings than anything else tho I'm not practicing anything right now. It's a lovely way to look at life.
  20. Thank goodness that the majority of the people here can see the forest for the trees. Remember what we learned in health class... you aren't just sleeping with him, you're sleeping with EVERYBODY HES EVER SLEPT WITH. Yikes!
  21. kyrickchick64

    Hiatal Hernia Program - True Results

    I had the hernia surgery twice. Once with my hysterectomy (double the fun) and once out of the blue one morning. I have NEVER been so sick in my life and so thankful for narcotic drugs after it.
  22. There was no slur intended...he is of Latin descent, yes? He is having relations with several woman. Yes? I rest my case. I'm sorry if it offended you but im not wrong.
  23. It doesn't matter what *Susan* wrote before or otherwise. The info is what's matters. Both sides confirm that this guy has slept with several(if not dozens) patients. No matter what he should not be doing that. We have ethics in this country for that reason. The fact that he does so much business in this country he should be held to the same standards. Also this guy doesn't care that these girls are puky or bloated as long as he gets his rocks off. I'm sorry the doctor needs to address this issue because all it does is make his office look bad.. Tell the Latin lover to keep it in his pants.
  24. Hi all, I'm planning on having the surgery. I just sent in my paperwork. I haven't even had my first dr appt yet. I need this so bad I'm 6 ft and 371lbs. Ive had both of my knees replaced and have stenosis and a crushed disc in my back. I still have problems walking tho at least I can do it now. Before knee surgery I really couldn't. I have uncontrolled blood pressure (4 meds a day and still has a mind of its own sometimes as high as 200/100) I finally made the decision a few months ago when my brother died. He was only 62. He was my hero since I was a kid. He didn't die from obesity per se but being heavy I'm sure didn't help. I decided that I want to live way longer than that and I'm hoping it's not too late(I'm 50) I'm also trying to get my husband to get it done because he had diabetes and is very heavy. I tend to cook very well and enough for an army and it's just 3 of us. My mother and aunts were from the "eat this, you'll feel better" or the "eat this to celebrate" mode of thinking so I've always been a big girl. I was heavy when I had my son but was good and only gained 16lbs for my pregnancy. He was 9lbs 7ozs of it. My mother passed the day before I was going to have my son so that just wrecked me and the six weeks of maternity leave and the depression(both post partum and the loss of my mother) I followed the "eat this you feel better" ALOT. So here I am at this weight. I've been up and down but could never stay down. Ready for a change, scared to death, but ready. I've read so much on this board already. I just hope I can get the ball rolling quickly. I don't wanna chicken out. Sorry to be so long winded but holding this inside and waiting had never been my strong point. I look forward to getting to know you all.
  25. kyrickchick64

    I hate the media and how they treat Morbidly Obese People!

    This woman is just amazing. I hope my attitude is as great as hers.

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