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Everything posted by kyrickchick64

  1. kyrickchick64

    Feeling alone

    If you're on the mobile app then you need to hit the menu button and a choice will come up saying view in browser hit that then click on the persons name and click friend and you're done
  2. kyrickchick64

    Feeling alone

    I found a new doctor that I absolutely LOVE yay! paperwork completed waiting for the call for appointment. Now to figure which I'm gonna do. I'm thinking sleeve. Hope they call soon
  3. kyrickchick64

    Gym workout! Help!

    That's really great. I'm so eager to get this started and the surgery over with.
  4. kyrickchick64

    Bad Omen :(

    Glad to hear you're doing well!
  5. kyrickchick64

    What made you choose?

    I finally decided to do this because I lost my dear brother in February. He was heavy but not morbidly but he died with an unhealthy lifestyle either way. I loved him and he was a great person and I decided there is no way that I'll be dead at 61 if I have anything to say about it. I've always been big but the day before my son was born I lost my mother(also a fluffy girl who went too early) so I really gained between the grief and post partum. I ate my way thru then both. So i gained another 100 in the last 20 years. I just want to ride roller coasters again and have fun
  6. kyrickchick64

    Bcbs premera?

    Hi Ashey I'm in Shelbyville. What hospital and surgeon are you going to be using? I just went to baptist tonight for my seminar and stopped at the dr ofc to drop my paperwork off at Dr Oldham ofc
  7. kyrickchick64

    Gym workout! Help!

    Not to mention I have big boobs and I might black my eyes lol and losing weight isn't gonna make them any fluffier lol
  8. kyrickchick64

    Feeling alone

    I agree and I have contacted another dr ofc today. I'm just pissed that it was a wasted 50.00.
  9. kyrickchick64

    A tad bit hormonal

    It is nice here. Tho to be honest I haven't really made to many new friends. I've had a couple surgeries since I've been here so I haven't found a job that is nearby that doesn't require standing for long periods(2 knee replacement and arthritis in the back. I have eyesight problems as well so I'm limited to how far I can drive. But I love our little town. It's so cute. Lol
  10. kyrickchick64

    Feeling alone

    Welcome aboard. Where are you from?
  11. That's the point of the sleep study. If your not sleepping it may be because of sleep apnea. I'm pretty sure that's why I'm an insomniac
  12. kyrickchick64

    Feeling alone

    At least that makes me feel better that your first appt was similar
  13. kyrickchick64

    Feeling alone

    I'm in Kentucky near Louisville. Where are you from?
  14. kyrickchick64

    A tad bit hormonal

    I live in Kentucky but I'm originally from Ny and Florida. I'm in Shelbyville, are you from Ky too?
  15. kyrickchick64

    A tad bit hormonal

    Aww I feel ya honey. I had to borrow money from my son to go to the dr. It sucks. Just hang in there sweetie. Vent all you like.
  16. kyrickchick64

    Feeling alone

    Well I'm kinda annoyed. Being that it's 50.00 to see these people. All that was done was my blood pressure, temp, gone over the drugs I take(which I had already written out for them.) Then I saw the doctor who said "so you saw our video" um yeah duh considering they wouldn't give me an appointment without doing that...oh wait, you didn't, that's right (sarcasm) Well then it looks like you qualify ( tell me something I don't know) I asked about the things I read here(and got the obligitory "omg she's been on the internet and thinks she knows everything" look ) I asked about my bmi being high and how the lap band has had some issues with slipping etc. So he says well we only do lap bands but he didn't "think" it would be am issue for me and he would check with his colleagues. We will call you in a couple days to give you the info for the other appointments. And that was it. Literally 8 minutes. I think I'm going to look elsewhere. I feel limited
  17. kyrickchick64

    Feeling alone

    Omg got to the dr and they said I don't have an appointment WTF!! They had all the paperwork and all so they said they would squeeze me in. I about had a hissy fit. ....more to come
  18. kyrickchick64

    Feeling alone

    Of course you can join in. The more the merrier. I hope there aren't a lot of hoops to jump. Id like to be post op before the holidays. My first appt is in 3 hours
  19. Today is my first step day! My first appointment. I hope I get to meet the surgeon. I want to get a feel for him before I commit to using him. I still have to write down questions. If any one can think of anything they want to know let me know and ill ask it tho I know doctor vary with requirements. Wish me luck. Oh any any of you in here that are just starting feel free to add me as a friend. I think we will all need each other before this is over.
  20. Thanks. I'll add you too. Everyone is so helpful
  21. kyrickchick64

    Feeling alone

    There is a chat area on here too. Let me know if you want to chat real time
  22. kyrickchick64

    Feeling alone

    About a month ago I got the okay to see the surgeon. I go tomorrow. So I'm pretty much starting tomorrow.
  23. kyrickchick64

    Feeling alone

    Then look for add friend
  24. kyrickchick64

    Feeling alone

    Are you on the app or on your computer? If you're on the computer then just click my name. If you're on the app then you have to hit your menu button and hit open browser then click my name
  25. kyrickchick64

    Gym workout! Help!

    Zig zag girl lol

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