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Everything posted by kyrickchick64

  1. kyrickchick64

    The biggest loser tonight

    Jillian is off of it(I've heard because she encouraged a contestant to get way thinner than she should have tho I didn't see it myself and they have a much nicer female trainer now but id like to see the majority of the past contestants and where they are now. Not just the select few they have on the show that I've seen. I don't even know why I watched this season
  2. kyrickchick64

    Need advise badly

    If it were me id do it sweetie. You need your health either way. If you do need to get a job, I hate to say it but it will be easier if you don't have to worry about the fat bias. Change is scary but you have face it. It will empower you to lose the chains. You've come this far. As far as the hair girl that's what wigs and weaves are for. You can try out every hairstyle you've ever wanted. Im already losing hair fom my thyroid issues. I will throw a wig on my head and a hot new dress and be on my way. Whatever you decide do it for you not cause you are afraid of "what ifs" Crap is always hitting the fan in my life. If I waited for everything I'd never get anything done. Good luck
  3. kyrickchick64

    The Wait Is Killing Me!

    I feel you on that. I started in August and unless the stars align perfectly it's gonna be next year(and all those Damn co pays) till I get a date. I may have a chance if my health coach at Cigna can get me approved a little sooner. I hope up find out next week. Then the dr ofc will have to have an opening. Everybody please cross your fingers for me. .
  4. kyrickchick64

    Free apps till Friday

    Y'all are welcome
  5. kyrickchick64

    Free apps till Friday

    Amazon is giving away a some free apps till Friday including endomodo pro fitness app. It's usually 4.99. http://mobile.whatroseknows.com/viewblog.asp?blogid=22074
  6. kyrickchick64


    Where did you find the used bariatric recliner?
  7. It's nice of you to worry but for most of us this ship has sailed. I think trolling Facebook is more lucrative for those would be fake Nigerian princes. Even there that ship has been sailing for seven or eight years. But again thanks
  8. kyrickchick64

    Preop diet and working

    You do what you need to do. With 6 kids I applaud you that you can get out of bed! And to be a RT, you are super woman. It's time for you to take the time for you. We women always feel like we have to be perfect and everything is up to us. I know I put alot of pressure and blame on myself. Take the time you need now cause you deserve it and if you this much of a powerhouse now, there will be no stopping you one you drop the pounds
  9. Can you appeal? If you get your doctor's together and they think it is medically necessary you may get them to do it. My husband plan just started covering it this year
  10. kyrickchick64


    Happy Birthday Alex. Sorry it's a bit late.
  11. kyrickchick64

    How did you settle on a goal?

    I'm very tall (I used to be 6ft but my back issues have me at almost 5 11. I haven't been in the onederland since I was in grade school so I'm happy at 199 but I'm gonna see if I can get to 175.
  12. kyrickchick64

    Has anybody ever experienced this?

    Did they do hernia surgery on you at the same time. I have found I get that same thing since I had my hernia surgery a couple years ago. I don't get it all the time but it hurts like hell. I have another hernia they are going to repair when I get my v sleeve
  13. kyrickchick64


    Real fast and easy. I was nervous for nothing. He did find some polyps but they weren't anything
  14. kyrickchick64

    Alcohol intake

    My brother in law traded one vice for another after bypass and he gained 60lbs back. I'll pass. I'm.a cheap date now I cant imagine when I'm 100lbs lighter
  15. I was 6ft at one time They say 5 10 now. I'm hoping to get to a size 12. I don't think I've been a 12 since I was 12.
  16. kyrickchick64


    My psych eval screwed me up. I'm hoping for my grief counselor to help me get over this hurdle. It's so Damn annoying
  17. Absolutely! I was speaking of her results
  18. kyrickchick64

    Really upset with psych

    Oh I know now... I'll give an academy award performance.
  19. I got a letter in the mail from the psychologist saying they were denying my surgery because I have to learn to love myself more in the body I'm in. Wtf kind of crap is that. I loved myself just fine before I became incapacitated. When I could walk well and get around I was fine. When I could work and not feel like a drain on the family I was wonderful. I am sometimes self conscious but I usually get around that with humor. I need to get this weight of asap. It's not a vanity issue its my life.my bp is sky high someone's even with my meds. I . Have just crossed over into full blown diabetes. I know what I need to do. I've lost 7 lbs in a month. I'm filling out my fitness pal every day and 90% keeping it below 1200 cal. I'm committed to this. I'm even down to 2 cups of coffee a day( down from never having an empty cup.) Good Lord all I want to do is get better. How someone who has met me once can make decisions like that is beyond me. I thought it would be the insurance company giving me a hard time... this is my drs psychologist. I am furious
  20. Now Star Jones tho she denied it, she is super thin last time I saw her
  21. kyrickchick64

    Really upset with psych

    The Vitamin and Bariatric Advantage purchase is for the 2 weeks before the surgery to shrink my liver fat. I get that. I was going to a grief counselor so I made an appt with her top see if she could help me. I had an interview this morning for a part time job. I'll call the doctor office tomorrow to see what else I can do. I really want to have my surgery at Baptist so that doctor is my only choice.
  22. kyrickchick64

    Really upset with psych

    I've had a rough 4 years. Between deaths of people extremely close to me, losing the job and house I loved because of the recession and a major move to a place I knew no-one I could be doing worse
  23. kyrickchick64

    Really upset with psych

    The problem with that is his office is 50 miles away and to be honest, I can't afford 50.00 every time I walk into his office, then the NUT office and then the dr. And he makes all his patients buy bariatric vitamins and advantage. I love my doctor but this is gonna make me crazy. Also if I don't get out done by Jan 31st as planned then I have a butt load of co pays. So irate
  24. Tomorrow @10...this is just driving me crazy. I hate waiting. I hate not knowing if they'll get me in before the end of December. For some reason I'm feeling depressed more. I should be happier I'm almost there. I'm not afraid of the surgery. I guess it's just that we're struggling right now with me out of work and I've been tracking all my food but I'm not seeing any difference. I'm usually under 1200 cal. I just want results it's been a rough week,drama, every time I turn around. My dogs health is going downhill fast. I've been chasing him around with a mop and his leash. The insurance company took out a large pymt 3 days early and bounced my checking acct. Just keeping decent food on the table is a struggle. I had a great pcp and she left the practice and the new doctor is an idiot. I'm in constant pain with my back and she isn't listening to me. It's the anniversary of my mother's death and my son's birthday at the same time. I'm sorry I didn't mean this to be a rant our I would have put it in that category. I just don't know how to get out of this funk. I'm sorry y'all. I'm just having a pity party.

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