Hello fellow Bariatric Pals,
We're new to this forum but we've been avid followers of BariatricPal on Facebook and Twitter.
We wanted to let you know we have a range of regular events in NYC (UES) for those in the consideration, pre-op and post-op stages. These are free and open to anyone who'd like to join.
It would be great to see some Bariatric Pals at these events and we can jazz it up on celebration of this.
Please click on the links for more info:
Informational seminar
Obesity: Why me, why now and what can Bariatrics do to help?
Our next event is on July 24th.
Pre-op support group
Join others who have also decided to make this life-changing decision and be prepped mentally and emotionally with what's to come in terms of changes to your body, image, diet and exercise.
Our next event is on July 18th.
Post-op support group
Whether it's managing your possible weight regain, sharing recipe ideas or getting inspiration from those years after their surgery, these meetings are a warm friendly meetup of like-minded people with exciting success stories.
Our next event is on July 18th.
I look forward to seeing some Bariatric Pals there!