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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by pippinje

  1. pippinje

    Random Off Color Comments!

    Jessica Rabbit was the female cartoon wife of Roger Rabbit in the movie. She was a tall red head with an hour glass figure and huge boobs. Take it as a compliment and go on unless he becomes really creepy...
  2. pippinje

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    $1.99??????? A friend of a friend has a sister in law who's mom's best friend and her husband had it done two for a dollar!:bounce:
  3. pippinje

    JK Rowling and Dumbledore's sexuality

    Seriously folks, I don't know what all the fuss is about. I have read the entire HP series and my daughter and I have seen every single movie. We LOVE HP! Reading the books, I seriously don't see how this revalation is a need for alarm. Most children would not read that much into the books to even realize that Dumbledore was gay. To those people I say....get over it! But that is just my honest opinion.
  4. pippinje

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    A dollar! I am so disturbed that I would not get free fills for life after paying $100.00 for my band.
  5. pippinje

    So who would you like to meet?

    Ouch. Didn't see that one coming.
  6. pippinje

    Pixie Corpse

    "Static Discharge" :omg: WTF
  7. pippinje

    BSBC Empire Blue Approved

    BSBC Empire Blue
  8. pippinje

    BSBC Empire Blue Approved

    AWESOME Caramel! Way to go. That was fast! I am a little more hopeful now!
  9. pippinje

    New Blender

    phlyinphebee that is great to hear! I am super excited about getting this done and cannot wait until January!
  10. pippinje

    New Blender

    Dr. Sartor is the only lap band surgeon that I know of in Monroe. He performs the surgery at the P & S Surgery Center. I don't know anything about Dr. Sartor, but a friend of mine has a consultation with him tomorrow so once she tells me how it goes, I will let you know. Dr. Merriman is a surgeon in Shreveport and he actually had a clinic tonight at the Holidome. A friend of my husband had his lap-band performed by Dr. Merriman and I have heard nothing but good things about him. I am actually working with Lap Band for Less in Calhoun who works with a surgeon out of Dallas, Dr. Cribbins. The Calhoun Family Clinic has a doctor there who has been trained in fills and does them for Dr. Cribbins patients. I prefer the Lap Band for Less because they treat my insurance like in network even though it is not. Which means on the surgery I pay 10%...which they said they eat. They put you up for two nights in the Raddison (which they say is on them, but I am sure is covered by whatever my insurance has to pay to them). Then for Dr. Cribbins, I pay 10%. So all I am really out of pocket is the 10% for Dr. c.
  11. I am going to have my LB done by Dr. Cribbins. Anyone have any feedback?
  12. pippinje

    New Blender

    Hey there! I am in West Monroe as well.
  13. Calhoun Family Clinic in CAlhoun does fills
  14. pippinje

    New to the site

    Hey guys. I am from West Monroe, LA. I am currently in the process of getting all the needed documentation for my insurance co.
  15. Has anyone used Lap Band for Less in Monroe, LA? If so, please tell me about your experience.
  16. pippinje

    Empire BSBS ????

    Got a call back from the shrink. Would be $350.00 as self pay. Think I am going to wait until it's covered.
  17. pippinje

    Dr. Cribbins, TX

    Thanks for the feedback Shelby! I appreciate it!
  18. pippinje

    Dr. Cribbins, TX

    Hey newimage....what kind of post op diet did your doc put you on. Just wondering if Dr. Cribbins does the same thing.
  19. pippinje

    Empire BSBS ????

    I went for my nutritional evaluation today. I have my letter from them recommending that lap band..yada yada. I am waiting to hear back from my shrink to see what he would charge me to pay out of pocket for the psych evaluation since my current insurance company does not cover it. As always...will keep you posted on my journey!
  20. Has anyone seen a site that has samples for Protein drinks? I am going to be banded in Jan. and want to sample and find those that I really like before I spend a load of money on them.
  21. pippinje

    Protein drink samples

    Thanks. I will check into that! I appreciate all the feedback! :mad:
  22. pippinje

    Empire BSBS ????

    Yay Jelbel! That's awesome. Keep us posted on how it goes!
  23. pippinje

    Protein drink samples

    Thank you both. Sounds like a good place to start. I will try both of those!
  24. pippinje

    Empire BSBS ????

    So I made my appointment today for the nutrisionist counseling and I go tomorrow. I will let you know how that goes. I called my current insurance company (who doesn't cover lap bad) and asked if they would cover the psych evaluation and OF COARSE they said no. So I need to make another call to my psych's office to see what their fee is for the testing and decide if I want to go ahead and pay out of pocket for the testing so I have all my ducks in a row when my new insurance kicks in on 01-01-08. I also called the new insurance company (effec 01-01-08) and re-confirmed that the lap band procedure is covered and that the only things I need is the nutritionist counseling, psych eval and a letter from my physician stating all the diets that I have tried and failed. I have been a busy little bee today! keep you posted on my journey!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
