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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by pippinje

  1. pippinje

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Oh good! Glad to hear I am not the only one. :whoo: I figured that since this was the norm then pooping out my navel was common practice as well.:guess
  2. pippinje


    You know. If this was RL and someone said something to someone which may not have been intended for you and you overheard it. I bet there are some of you who would say your piece about being offended even though you were not being spoke to. Same applies here. If you didn't like the joke, ignore it and go on. Why add to your anxiety? I thought it was funny. But I am not easily offended.:faint:
  3. pippinje

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I think there is something wrong with my port site. Yesterday it began oozing green pus. Today it is completely black and I think my intestines are leaking out. Has anyone else had this problem? Should I see my surgeon?
  4. pippinje

    Do You? You know use that word!

    HAHAHAHAHAH. Pun intended right! :heh:
  5. pippinje

    Do You? You know use that word!

    Hey no offense taken!! Just wondering if maybe I didn't make myself clear. I think we are pretty much on the same page on this one. :clap2: yay us. LOL
  6. pippinje

    Puppy Pics

    I am so wanting a new pet after looking at all these pets. My DH would KILL me!!!
  7. pippinje

    Do You? You know use that word!

    Ok now I have to disagree with you on this. Just because someone of one race commits a crime against someone of another race this DOES NOT make it a hate crime. A hate crime is when a person commits a crime against another person BECAUSE of the sole reason of race. But just because a white/black man robs a store where the cashier was a black/white man for the sole purposes of wanting money does NOT make that a hate crime unless the person robbed the store wanting to hurt the said cashier because of their race.
  8. pippinje

    Do You? You know use that word!

    Maybe I should elaborate on my last thread because I am with Voondahbah on this one. It seems like some peoples conception of "respect" is common courtesy. I am not going to "respect" someone I just met because I do not know you, your personality, your accomplishments, etc. I will be courteous to you. "Respect is earned" is a great qoute depending on how you interpret the word respect.
  9. pippinje

    Do You? You know use that word!

    I am not quite sure why I was quoted on your response because that is exactly what I was seconding was respect is earned not given which went along with what you just said.
  10. pippinje

    Puppy Pics

    Those animals are absolutely adorable! I am so loving this thread!
  11. pippinje

    Puppy Pics

    As you can tell I LOVE my yorkies!
  12. pippinje

    Puppy Pics

    Snickers first day home....yeah got a thing with candy bar names....guess it's a fat thing LMAO 3.bmp
  13. pippinje

    Puppy Pics

    Reeses first day home 2.bmp
  14. pippinje

    Puppy Pics

    That's exactly what I used it for!!! :whoo:
  15. pippinje

    World has gone to PC

    and it depends on if the joke was even directed to you in the first place or if you happened to "hear" that person directing the joke to someone else and decided to get offended.....this happens alot at my work...you hear something someone else said in their own personal conversation which you were not involved in and then decide to get offended. My opinion...it was not meant for you and if you didn't want to get offended you never should have been listening to begin with
  16. pippinje

    Puppy Pics

    and another 1.bmp
  17. pippinje

    Puppy Pics

    I love the replies. My baby Reeses two Christmas' ago.
  18. pippinje

    World has gone to PC

    The are American Muslims so your point was not really valid by saying that a joke about Catholics would have been funny because some Americans are Catholic.
  19. pippinje

    World has gone to PC

    I completely agree. At my work you have to tip toe around those who may be "offended."
  20. pippinje

    Puppy Pics

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! I just LOVE them!
  21. pippinje

    Puppy Pics

    Oops! Kinda large. Sorry.
  22. pippinje

    rants and raves is not for sissies....

    Dare not! Dare not! :speechles
  23. pippinje

    rants and raves is not for sissies....

    LMAO :eek::D:D:D
  24. pippinje

    Do You? You know use that word!

    I second that! :clap2:
  25. pippinje

    Random Off Color Comments!

    Thanks Lap dancer. The picture explains more than my commentary ever would.

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