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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Cali_Angel

  1. Cali_Angel

    Anyone having surgery in Oct ?

    My surgery is scheduled for October 28th. Pre-op on the 13 th. Very nervous. I only have one day of liquid diet right before the surgery. I'm very nervous. Scared I'm going to mess it up done how and he'll, the surgeon, well take it away. Ugh. Ready but not ready.
  2. Cali_Angel

    October 28th GOT MY DATE!

    Congratulations!!!!!! It's right stood the corner I am very nervous too
  3. So i went in today and i talked to the surgeon and he approved me for my date! he weighted me and talked to me and then said that he had one opening in October. it was a lot sooner then i thought it was going to be, i was pretty sure he was going to tell me that he didn't have an opening til perhaps around December maybe January if he didn't want to do it at the end of the year...but OCTOBER! its like right around the corner and i am so happy and feel like there is so much that i need to get done before that happens. I feel a huge amount of pressure but accomplishment because i HAVE worked very hard to lose 24lbs in a matter of a few months, i want to continue to lose before i go in too. I still have to go in for my pre-op and that is on the 13 of Oct, and because that is more then 30 days away i have to re do blood tests but that's about it everything else is clear. So that's my Happy news for the day, i hope every one else has had a good day.
  4. So after seeing my surgeon on July 10th 2015 and reporting back to him my weight on a weekly basics he had his staff call me and i am going in tomorrow today at 11:45 to see him and talk to him. I am so Nervous because I REALLY hope that he has be coming in to set my date for my surgery and not just to weight me himself to make sure i am not "lying" to him. Which i have not been i have been weighting myself constantly and reporting whatever it is my scale says back to him and since the day i had seen him last i have lost 24lbs and i am proud of myself. I think i have more then shown that i am serious about loseing weight and i really doing everything i can to get rid of the weight i have on me before surgery. I STILL plan on trying to lose as much as i can before i even get to go to surgery anyways. I am just nervous and really hoping i get my date.
  5. they give you everything you need to know and the classes are helpful so long as you really pay attention. its tedious but it works, just don't gain ANY weight while you are taking the class's that's the only real advice i can give you on that and make sure you get EVERYTHING done the way they tell you to and keep your binder in order so you are on top of everything. I have supposedly 18 lbs to go before i am given the green light by the surgeon but hes not really giving me any indication that he "feels" like i can have a surgery date, even though i am losing like 3lbs a week roughly and proving my dedication. it means nothing and people who are at an unhealthier level are getting to get their surgeries. its frustrating so DONT gain any weight in the classes lol.
  6. So cali, through Kaiser.
  7. i'm am currently in the process of trying to lose 30lbs myself. well i have lost 20 technically i have 10 to go but when i report to my surgeon all he ever says is "good job" not saying or hinting or even giving me any hope that i might be getting a date. i am getting pretty frustrated with him. when i went to his office he said 30lbs at first but then under his breath but very audible said " i would rather 40". I don't mind losing the weight because i want to lose as much as i can before the surgery, its hard and very emotional but i feel like losing 20lbs since the middle of July til now is really enough to show how dedicated i am and that it wouldn't hurt him to make me a date even two or three months from now just so it's there. You can do it. just really try your best and stick to whatever diet you have to in order to get to where you need to be and i hope you surgeon is not as dismissive as mine.
  8. Cali_Angel

    10lbs in 21 days... 30 to go

    Thank you, I really only eat protein and meat, I've cut carbs down and ALMOST completely out, I am diabetic so I can't handle them to begin with. I've already ditched soda a while back so that helps, I can't really do fruits either do to my diabetes I have to make sure I Keep my a1c in line for the surgery as well. I feel like I'm doing the best I can do on the food side, he told me I was perfect for surgery and everything is good and that I'm ready to incorporate the rny into my life style now, but he just feels like I should lose weight till he feels like doing the surgery. It's frustrating to say the least. I really just want to be of this insulin if it's possible and have my diabetes go into remission or at the very least be able to control it with diet exercise and if need be oral medications. Insulin for me at lest is expensive, would be nice to not have to poke my self anymore.
  9. so it's been 21 days since i have seen my surgeon. i have to keep sending him my weight every week to let him know what i weight, he wants me to lose another 30lbs before he will let me know if thats good enough for him to do the surgery. I know i should be happy i lose 10lbs but honestly i am just feeling defeated, i am at the gym 2 hours a day and working my butt off and it seems like the scale does not want to move, its frustrating to talk to the trainers there to because they keep trying to tell me " its not about the scale its about body fat percentages" welllllll my surgeon doesn't really care about that he wants the scale to move lower and lower so it sucks because all i am asking them is basic things like " what might help me lose weight better" like the stair machine vs. the treadmill etc.. i am new to a lot of these machines. I am also on a 1200 calorie diet and after working at it i have been sticking to it as well. i know the weight didn't come on over night and it wont leave that way, Think i just need to vent. were you required to lose a certain amount of weight by a doctor? a surgeon? did they ever say "keep loosing til i think you are ready" to you after they gave you a wishy washy number that they wanted you to meet? its not that i don't want to lose the weight any ways before getting to my surgery date i really do! and i am working at it now and will even when i do get a date. I guess its the lack of goal set in a better way on my surgeons side that makes me uncomfortable i don't want him to just keep telling me he "feels" i can can loose more when i am already struggling as is.
  10. just want to be where i need to be to get my surgery already...

  11. Cali_Angel

    Just saw surgeon

    Thank you, I am and I'm working on it the best I can. Just another road block that I have to overcome :-)
  12. And everything is good but he won't schedule my surgery until I lose 40lbs. Soooooooo here I am in the "waiting" period again. Waiting only in time not physically,I don't mind having to lose the weight as it can only help, I just really WISH he could've given me a date to work towards like a goal. Now it's just a matter of losing the weight and going back and forth with the bees etc... disappointed I for sure, but guess there's nothing else I can do.
  13. Cali_Angel


    I wish you the best with your surgery!!!
  14. Cali_Angel


    Various Photos before any sort of surgery what so ever
  15. Cali_Angel

    Dinner Trip

    From the album: Befores

    After going to the beach where walking in the sand was horrible! my girlfriends and I decided to go to dinner, one of them took this of me at the door.
  16. Cali_Angel

    Angel Me

    From the album: Befores

    Going out just a clear shot of my face
  17. Cali_Angel


    From the album: Befores

    another rare photo of me being in a full shot. Cut down to just me.
  18. Cali_Angel

    End of School Party

    From the album: Befores

    My first semester in cosmetology school ended in a mock "wedding" where you had to pic a theme and get do hair and make up and the like . I was a Halloween Bride.
  19. Cali_Angel

    walking up the drive way

    From the album: Befores

    its hard to find photos of me in full pictures because like a lot of big women i dont like to see my whole body in pictures. it makes me upset and sad and very self loathing. So i avoid it when i can...which is most of the time.
  20. Cali_Angel

    A photo in Cosmo School

    From the album: Befores

    A Picture of me in Cosmo School
  21. What kinda blood work? Like what did they test for? And did you have to do a pre op weight loss or diet?
  22. Soooooooo is been a very long loooooonng road for me and doing everything Kaiser has requested and required that I do to have surgery.and now I'm just waiting for an appointment to go see the surgeon. I'm in so cal and doing my surgery at st. Bernadines has anyone had surgery there resently ? If you have I would love to know your advice/tips for staying there.ANY sort of warnings or helpful stories. Also anyone who has seen the surgeon and can give their experiences like if you were required to do fasting/liquid diet/10% weight loss from what weight, your current weight? Your highest weight? I don't have a date yet to even see the surgeon or let alone my surgery date I'm very excited and nervous for both. Do you ideally get a surgery date when you see the surgeon or do you have to meet his or her requirements, check in periodically with them and once the requirements are met THEN you talk to the surgeon again and from there you get a date???.sorry so long just trying to get an idea. It seems so close and so obtainable that I'm scared something is going to take it away lol.
  23. I think that is the class that you can seek the weight loss surgery, they talk about several diet option plans you pay to do, they don't really talk about the gastric bypass, at least my class didn't till the very end then I had to raise my hand and ask about it and they only did MAYBE a 5 min blurb on it and told me I then had to sign up at the window in the lobby. If your doctor is not wls friendly you can always request a new doctor...and you might want to now if your going to do the options program for the wls if they let you. Because close to the end of your journey before surgery the pcp has to clear your case for surgery. And if you have a non friendly wls pcp he/she could delay your out cone. Good luck.
  24. Cali_Angel

    In pre op!

    Good luck!!! I pray everything goes well!

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