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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Amyly2n

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  1. Amyly2n

    Alabama sleevers?

    Dr. Schmitt did my surgery on 9/29! Where are you from?
  2. OMG I've just got it and am drinking it now...this stuff is amazing..no flavor at all!
  3. @carolk36- I'm so glad to hear this. I am so excited to get it! When I emailed my dietician the nutrition facts and asked her what she thought, she said it was a great option. I have tried the unflavored Protein powders but those all have a horrible taste to them too. I truly hope this one will be flavorless (or close to it). There is a huge difference between something being unflavored and something being flavorless. Is it chalky like normal Protein Powder?
  4. @TEXASLADY52- I am so excited to try it! I have a lot of Protein issues since surgery. I know the protein issues are normal. I am excited to see if it works for me!
  5. For people who use the Musclegen GENEPRO powder, what do you mix it with? juice? I get mine in the mail today and I want to be all set to start it tonight or in the morning. I am newly sleeved (2.5 weeks post op) and I have a volume issue. I am wondering if I can dissolve it in maybe like a 1/2 cup or cup of juice and not taste it. Oh, and does it have a particular smell to it? I have had a bad issue with Protein drink smells lately.
  6. Thanks. I am only planning on talking to her about what she knows. That is the way I handle most situations. I find out what she knows and then talk to her about that and add what I find is important information and age appropriate. In this situation I hope all she ever knows is that her best friend at school lost their dad. At 6 I hope she is shielded from the how's/whys of the situation. But I guess a lot will depend on what they tell the daughter and what she shares with her friends.
  7. My surgery is on Monday too! I'm on day 2 of the liquid diet! I have my nutrition class tomorrow and pre admitting testing and my last visit with the surgeon. It's going to be a packed day!
  8. I have always been one to turn to food when I am stressed or bored. Today was day 2 of my liquid diet and things got pretty stressful today. This morning a man shot 2 people and then himself at the UPS delivery warehouse in Birmingham (AL). A little while later I was on Facebook and noticed other friends commenting that my kid's school was on an active shooter lockdown and no one could figure out what was going on. Apparently the shooter at the UPS incident has two children at our school and they had locked down our school before they could confirm he had killed himself in case he came to the school for his kids. So for about an hour I had to imagine my children hiding ( as they are taught to do) and not understanding what was going on. And for one time in my life, when I am so hungry already from the liquid diet I didn't turn to food to comfort me! I hope my willpower holds up because in the next few days my daughter will learn that the shooter's daughter is her best friend at school. My daughter is only 6 so I am waiting until she learns of it to bring it up to her. I am emailing the teacher tomorrow to see what they are telling the other children about the girl's father's death. That will help me gauge what to discuss with my daughter.
  9. I know! I am excited! I started my liquid diet this morning! It's not been too bad so far. But, I started substituting breakfast with Protein shakes back in August so that I could get used to it and I have Soup for lunch often, so it hasn't been much of a change. Now when I have to do another shake at dinner time, that will probably be tough.
  10. Amyly2n

    September Sleeves Group

    I start my liquid diet In The morning and my surgery date is 9/29 too!
  11. Amyly2n

    Alabama sleevers?

    I'm here. I'm pre-op but I have surgery on 9/29. My surgeon is Dr. Schmitt at St. Vincent's East
  12. Amyly2n

    September Sleevers!

    @@aloudwhisper Good luck! I will pray for you!
  13. Amyly2n

    September Sleevers!

    I'm September 29th
  14. Amyly2n

    Got my date....kinda!?!?!

    She finally approved my time off request. At first she denied the time for request off and then she came to me yesterday and asked if it was too late for me to schedule for 9/29. Thankfully I haven't been able to get in touch with the surgery scheduler so I was still on the surgeon's books for 9/29. So, in less than 2 weeks I will have surgery! Woohoo!
  15. wow just think of what the reward will be at the end! It'll be so worth it. I thought I'd be 100% ready to start my shakes/full liquids when the time came but since I just got scheduled so close to having surgery I am not sure I am fully prepared. I have been replacing breakfast with a shake for a while now so maybe it won't be so bad. I'm giving myself for it all to sink in and hopefully I'll be ready by Monday.

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