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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by old_rn

  1. old_rn


    YAY!!!!! Good job!!!! Keep up the good work
  2. old_rn

    Rumbly Stomach...Why?

    Wish I could turn down the tummy volume when I am at work. I do one on one teaching and sometimes my stomach has its own opinion
  3. Hello August 2014 peeps. I haven't weighed myself for a week or so but am now able to fit into all lg and xlg clothes. I still find myself drawn to the large lady sizes and I haven't gotten but 1 new top. I still see myself as 270 and can't seem to get around that. It has gotten very nasty and cold so exercise is lacking but trying to be vigilant about what I eat. Hope to see more of you around and Motherof5 you are doing fantastic just keep up the good work. Men always lose faster than us mature women do.
  4. old_rn

    Eating Slowly

    I am a fast eater too. I did get the app "eat slow" and it worked great. Bad thing was I have a cheap phone and the app crashed it. Had to do a factory reset. I have slimed 3 times due to eating too fast and you know the instant you swallow that you just crossed the line. I make a point of putting my fork down between bites, eating with childrens silverware and not talking when it eat. It seems to help.
  5. My surgeon said to lose the scales. All it does is frustrate you. I had the stall from weeks 2-4 and then I started losing again. When you are losing weight your body doesn't change much and when you don't lose your body is changing. So don't always look to the scales for results. Take measurements. Don't fall back into the scale trap
  6. old_rn

    100 lbs lost!

    Great job!!!! So happy for you!!!
  7. I had surgery the end of August and have had fibro for 13 years. I didn't have a flare after surgery which was awesome. I have only had one episode that has knocked me for a loop and that has been in the last 2 weeks. I no longer have knee or foot pain at all. Neck, shoulders and sometimes ribs hurt but rarely do I have to take additional meds. I have lost 60lbs so far and am so happy to have some relief. I still take my 2 rx that I have been on for years and wonder if I will ever be able to stop. I wish you all the best and that you have the same good outcome I did.
  8. old_rn

    Need advise badly

    As the primary care giver for you children you need to think of your health and longevity. I know that everyday was a struggle prior to surgery for energy and ease of movement. I am still a long way from goal but feel tons better. I am losing hair at an alarming rate but it is just hair and will grow back. I have so many positives they are too many to mention. It is your choice but really think it through. Surgery wasn't scary or too uncomfortable. Learning to eat with your new tummy can be difficult at times but I have done way harder things. It doesn't seem like your man is going to be there for you either way so do what you feel is best for your health and well being. I would do it again a million times over.
  9. old_rn

    Age 50 or over (or anyone)

    I am over 50 and feeling much better since I have been losing weight. I had the surgery because I was tired of joint pain, being out of breath, and couldn't walk very far without my feet hurting. I also had leg swelling that never seemed to go away. I no longer have joint pain, walking is a breeze and I look better too. I will see in December if I can lose some meds or the cpap. Best decision I have made since I divorced my hubby!
  10. old_rn

    Help! Can't burp!

    Not uncommon to not be able to burp. Did you have a hiatal hernia repair also? That can make it even harder to burp. There is a lot of noise when I eat and I can but rarely ever burp anymore. Standing up and walking seems to help it settle down though. You can also use the gas-x strips if it is causing you discomfort.
  11. I am 10 weeks out and have been losing hair by the handfuls for about 3 weeks. Taking biotin without any changes and using special shampoo that also doesn't seem to help. I have very thin fine hair and so far no bald spots. I hope and pray that it ends soon but it doesn't seem like it. Even though I am losing hair I am still losing weight and wouldn't undo my surgery for anything. I feel amazing and can do a lot more than before surgery. Like sit in a chair with arms and reach my feet. It is so worth it.
  12. All I can say is "WOW"!!!! I hope my results are half as amazing as yours!!! You look great
  13. Grilled Salmon is ok. Have to chew the daylights out of it but sure tastes good with grilled squash or broccoli. One prepackaged piece is easy 2 meals so make extra veggies.
  14. Have had the same problem periodically since surgery in Aug. My doctor and dietician have me taking Culturelle probiotic and it seems to calm things down. I just have to take it daily or I have to start all over again. I wouldn't think "leak' unless you have pain or a temperature
  15. My hair started falling out about 7 weeks. It is coming out in handfuls. I get tons of protein, take my vitamins but still losing hair. It hasn't grown and my nails aren't growing either but trying not to panic...yet. I will take it if I keep losing weight.
  16. Magnesium Citrate will work for sure but you can become dependent on it. So take a little now and use the miralax once you start going again.
  17. @mskiesha29...girl I am not crying for you I am doing the happy dance for you
  18. I wish I had practiced eating slowly and taking small drinks before surgery because when you do it after it is unpleasant. NEVER drink too soon after you eat because that too is not fun. Don't buy vitamins or supplements before you know what your doctor is going to want you to take post op. Know that stalls are very upsetting because you feel you should be losing weight because your intake is so small but it does happen and you can't do anything but wait it out. And do keep up with BP because you find people going through the same things as you and the support makes you feel "normal"
  19. Hey all!. Haven't been on for awhile. Just going about my new sleeved life and trying to stay away from the scale. I have taken 3 bags of clothes to donation and will probably have another one ready to go by next Friday. Still learning what my sleeve likes and doesn't like. Had some roast beef and it was a bad idea. Trying to get all my fluids in and exercise. Some days are harder than others. Sometimes I wish they had done something with my sense of smell though. Does anyone else have that problem?? Like smelling something and then wanting to go find it and eat it??? It makes making a good food choice harder but so much more rewarding. Let me know because sometimes I alone because I don't know anyone else who has had this done that I can communicate with. Thanks and keep up the hard work all
  20. old_rn

    Where are my August Sleevers?

    We are still here. Or at least I am
  21. I learned the hard way to introduce new foods very cautiously. I tried Jerky and I drank too soon and I slimed. It was so gross! I moved jerky to the bottom of the food list to be reintroduced later. I had my sleeve Aug 26 and had no problems at all until then. Follow your doctors orders to the letter because he has done a lot of these operations and knows a whole lot more about it than any of us. Sorry you felt bad but go back to your prescribed diet.

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