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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by txdogmom

  1. I'm about 6 week post op and finally feeling better - not as tired. I'm actually noticing some weight loss! Came back to work after the Thanksgiving Holiday and had the following coversation:

    Co-worker: Wow! I haven't seen you in a while. You look great! You have really lost weight!

    Me: Oh, Thanks! (feeling good)

    Co-worker: I can really see it in your face. And in your boobs.

    Me: (looking down, a bit unhappy now) Um, yeah, I guess the girls are the first to go huh.

    Co-Worker: No, I mean your boobs aren't resting on your stomach any more.

    Me: uhhhh

    Another co-worker: Yeah, I noticed that too.

    Me: uhhhh

    What do you say to that?! It's like punching you in the face and your so stunned you can't react.

    What is wrong with people?!

  2. OMG! I am so with you! I used to eat cottage cheese by the bucket load. Now it makes me sick. I even hate the smell of bacon. Who hates bacon?! That is just so wrong.

    I really like the pre-made (ready to drink) premier Protein. I hate the powder because it gets so thick. It reminds me of the awful greek yogurt everyone raves about and I hate.

    i saw a receipe on a website where a lady put soft tofu in a smoothie for her kids. Tofu has no flavor and she said it added Protein to a strawberry smoothie she made. I haven't tried it yet but that may help you. She did recommend the soft tofu (instead of firm) as it blends better.

  3. I am two weeks post sleeve and I have lost NO weight! I admit for the first week, I was eating and drinking next to nothing. I had to force myself to drink anything. I just wasn't interested. This last week has been improving and I have some appetite coming back. Right after the surgery, my doc took me off the diuretic I have been taking for years. I am so full of Water my ankles look like they are from the Michelin Man. I am rapidly getting very depressed. I am stuck on liquids for a few more days and then I can start on soft foods. I know the processed Soups have a lot of sodium but there is little to drink other than Soup and Protein drinks and I'm sick of both.

    Please tell me that this gets better! I am afraid I did all this for nothing. I read something about rebound Water retention after getting off diuretics but it could take weeks before this comes off. I am trying to stay positive but I'm almost out of that.

  4. Just got sleeved a week ago so here are some of my suggestions:

    You can get 15 packets of 15 flavors of Synthrax necture Protein powder. Cost is $15 plus $1.99 for s&h. To get it, you need to call 866-333-7403 x-800 on Monday to Friday, between 8a-5p (cst). They have super yummy flavors like fuzzy navel, grape, etc. Very good deal. The packets are 20 grams of Protein minimum and 5 carbs or less. You get a free shake bottle with them. Get them within 2 weeks. Found all Protein drinks are best very cold.

    I love my liquid multi-vitamins: Eco Drink. Got it at costco. Helps me get my liquids in and my Vitamins at the same time. Best ice cold.

    Got great calcuim chews at costco. Tastes like caramel/butterscotch. Kirkland brand.

    Had to use Optifast for my 2 week pre-op liquid diet. Really liked the vanilla and chocolate and just used Water. Hated both the chicken Soup and Tomato Soups though.

    If you don't have a food scale, buy one. Don't guess on how much you are eating.

    I've found my taste has changed. You only a little food after surgery so don't stock up on much. After a few days, you can get more stuff if you need to.

  5. I was sleeved on 10/20. Had the same problem but for only 4 days. Doc said that anesthesia can put your organs to "sleep" and it can take some time to wake them up again. It can be a big problem if your body's functions don't get back to normal. If the situation had not resolved itself, she recommended Dulcolax suppositories. She said within 15 minutes you'll be going. Maybe that might help you?

  6. I was also sleeved in the 20th. Had to spend an extra day in the hosptial due to the nausea and pain. My vest advice is walk, walk and did I mention walk?. No plain water! add crystal light or similar - makes a huge difference. Ice chips are your friend. It has been getting better but slowly. Hang in there. I'm right there with you.

  7. I am so with you - I am not ashamed of my decision but I am very private. I've only told my sister; my 3 brothers have no clue. I did find out I have a hiatal hernia so if anyone asked and got in my face, I could use that excuse. For those around me who have noticed my eating habits change, I've told them I'm having a "lifestyle change". (which is true). I'm eating a high protein/low carb diet (true), exercising more (true) and in general making me more of a focus in my life (also true).

    For work, I've told people I have some surgery coming up and I'll be on leave for a week. (I get sleeved on Monday, 10/20). I did this because we get dinged on our bonus if we take sick days without pre-approval. I set myself up for short term disability so if I go beyond a week, it pays me instead of using up my vacation days. In general, what you tell people is up to you. HIPPA laws prevent your boss from asking.

    Frankly this is what I like to call a "none ya" moment. It's none your business. Share with those you want to only.

  8. I am trying EcoDrink. Got it at costco. It is like crystal light in that you mix with Water. It has 31 Vitamins, minerals. No calories, no carbs, no sugar. It has no Iron so that would need to be a seperate chewie. It has 30% of Calcium so I still need to take that chewie too. Comes in peach mango and bluberry pomegranate flavors. I like to mix both flavors. I think it tastes best with ice. Sweetened with Stevia. Comes with a shaker bottle that you can use or return to the company for six more packets.

  9. Geez I wish I had everyone else's experience! I had mine on tuesday. They sprayed something nasty in my mouth to kill your gag reflex and slightly numb you. It's like the topical stuff your dentist uses before they stick you with the needle only it tastes much worse. They put a plastic sleeve in your mouth so your teeth don't chomp on the camera and they can snake the camera down your throat. I was told I'd go to sleep and then wake up when it was over. Instead I couldn't move but felt the thing the whole way and felt like I was choking to death. Clearly I didn't choke to death since I'm still here but I was completely freaked out inside my head. I had what is called "conscious sedation". It is supposed to keep you relaxed but not put you in a deep sleep. I would have a nice talk with the anesthesiologist and make sure you get more stuff than I did. I do not recommend the experience.

  10. @Sleeverino: I can relate on the blood vessels in the eye. I had a deviated septum corrected. I was nauseated for hours and blew blood vessels in my eyes when I was throwing up. Not pretty!

    I'm going to make sure I'm not awake for the main event. I was forced to watch a video on the surgery and there was a whole lotta stuff I can't unsee. Ewww!

    I tried to drink the Optifast Soups but I hated them both. I'm guessing it is considered "cheating" but I drank some chicken broth base made with thai spices and ginger. Yes it was liquid and clear but not the shakes he wanted me to drink. I just had to have something besides sweet stuff. I'm going to count it as part of my Water. I'm not as hungry as I thought I would be but I wish I had more variety to drink. My doc wants only Optifast and 5 of them a day. I have to force myself to drink all of them because I'm not that hungry. I got a sample of powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury and Necture products for after the surgery so at least I'll have variety. Only 10 more days! ;)

  11. Got my EGD done yesterday and all pre-op tests and x-rays. Felt like I was choaking to death the entire time the EGD was done. I was told I'd "go to sleep and wake up when it was over." Well if that was the intent, it didn't happen. I couldn't move much but I certainly knew what was happening the whole time. Really freaked me out. The anesthesiologist and I are going to have a "come to Jesus" talk before the main event. I don't want ANY memory of the surgery.

    Turns out I have a hiatal hernia that has to be repaired. At least I won't be lying if I use that excuse for surgery!

    I'm almost afraid to write this but the liquid diet is not too bad. Yesterday sucked since I only got one shake at 7am and nothing else until I got home around 6:45pm. sugar free hard candy is my savior. If I get that hungry feeling, popping in a SF Werther's does the trick. October 20 is just around the corner. :)

  12. Started my 14 day Optifast liquid diet today too. Tomato Soup is gross. I can handle the chocolate and vanilla. I'm hoping the chicken Soup will be good otherwise I'm on sweet stuff for two weeks. Got my EGD tomorrow and other pre-op tests. Outside of hating the Tomato Soup, it was pretty good today. Can't eat after 11 am so tomorrow should be ok too. I will add you to my prayers as I hope you will do for me. Hang in there. I'm right there with you.

  13. Why can't you wait that long? Is it the "I've-finally-made-the-decision-and-I-want-it-now" feeling or is there a reason it has to be now (like your're losing insurance)?

    If it is the first reason, I am sooooo with you there girfriend! 3 months seemed like an eternity. Then I found out some insurance made people have a 6 month diet. Yikes! All insurances have some hoops to go thru to get this surgery: a supervised diet (3 or 6 months long), a visit to a psychiatrist (at least 1), a visit to a nutritionist (at least 1). While it seems like a waste of time and effort in the beginning, it turns out there is merit to madness.

    The supervised diet gives you time to kill some bad habits, develop some good habits and make sure you really know and understand what you are commiting yourself to. During the 3 months, I got off caffine, chocolate, chips, ice cream, soda and bad snack foods. I took the time to really examine why I was fat and look for solutions to help me manage my life better than to seek comfort in food.

    Try not to look at this as a punishment but just the first steps in your journey.

  14. I can't believe it happened so fast. Paperwork was submitted on Monday (9/21) and Aetna called my doctor to tell them I was approved first thing this morning. I was told it would take 2-6 weeks for approval. :o

    I've got a EGD scheduled for Oct. 7th and my surgery is bright and early on Oct. 20th. Just about 3 weeks away. WOW!

    And as an extra bonus, I've already spent my deductible so everything else is free to me (as long as everyone is in network).

    This whole experience has been unexpected. I was laid off on April 15th. (I know - perfect day for that!) and then got a job a week later. I knew the benefits were way better than I've had before but I didn't expect WLS to be approved. This company is very pro-employee wellness. The job is 1/10th the stress I had before. I never thought that being laid off would be a good thing, but for once it was. :D

  15. I am not any kind of expert but I liked the reasoning my doctor had to the bypass vs. sleeve discussion. His take is that he sleeve has far fewer complications - both for the surgeon and the patient. A sleeve can later be converted to a bypass if needed. (In fact, many doctors do a sleeve for the super big folks because it will help them lose weight and make the bypass operation less of a risk.) The fewer things that have to change (rerouting your insides) makes recovery faster and more likely to have a positive outcome. In his experiance, his sleeve patients have as good or better results than the bypass ones.

    I also agree with everyone else. You need to do what is comfortable for you. I'm in engineering and we are an anal lot. I research stuff to death before I make decisions - especially big ones like WLS.

  16. What a small world! Today was my 1st surgeon visit too. I really like him. He spent an hour and half with me and I never felt rushed. It was like talking to an old friend. I felt so comfortable. We talked about why so many folks are getting obese. What our bodies are hard wired to do and how this surgery will help overcome some of that. He almost exclusively does the sleeve because his experience with lap band, by pass, roux-en-y are not as positive as with the sleeve. He wants me to be checked for sleep apnea even though I've not had any problems. So I guess a sleep study is in my future.

    I had to watch a sleeve surgery and while part of it was interesting, there was a lot of Ewww too. I know what the surgery entails and I'm pretty sure I could have gone my whole life not seeing that video. It's like finding out how beef goes from Mooo to my plate. There are just some things I really don't want to know.

    I've got my psych visit done. Nut is schedule for the 26th. I have about 2 months left on my 90 day supervised diet. I feel so much better after finally meeting him.

  17. I'd like to suggest you check out a website called "dlife". It is a website for diabetics but part of it has receipes with lots of info on carbs, Proteins, etc. Receipes can be sorted by how many carbs you want to consume. (everything from 'carb free' to 'carb safe') They have lots of suggestions for subsituting high carb items. I've been using it to help me in my 3 month supervised diet plan.

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