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Linda Hamsing Rosen

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Linda Hamsing Rosen

  1. Linda Hamsing Rosen

    fatty liver disease

    I had fatty liver disease. quite severe. I am down 30 pounds and they want a blood test which I have scheduled for tomorrow. I'll let you know the results (if it's improved)
  2. Linda Hamsing Rosen

    Is it a slip or just swollen?

    Can you tell me what a pouch dilation is? I have never heard of that. As I said, I felt pain after a vomiting session. It did go away upon doing liquids for a day. However, yesterday I ate too much and it came back a little so I'm on liquids again. I go see the doctor on Monday. I still feel that I need a fill because I can eat a lot but then what is this pain? I hope it's not anything serious--do you think? I'm hoping giving it a rest and eating smaller portions will help. Of course, I'm beating myself up a little but on the other hand, if we all did it perfectly we wouldn't need the band to begin with. I have a problem with overeating.
  3. Linda Hamsing Rosen

    slipped band??

    I doubt if your band slipped. I had pain like that a couple of times. Go on liquids for 24 hours if you can. or very soft foods and don't eat too much. Give it a rest. Call your doctor if it doesn't get better and inform him/her about it at the next visit
  4. during the orientation done by my surgeon he said he had a patient who had her band removed because she couldn't live with the eating restrictions. I'm sure it's happened.
  5. Linda Hamsing Rosen

    Is it a slip or just swollen?

    I had a similar situation. I ate too fast a few times and actually vomitting. Then I was really really sore in the area of the band. And could not get heavy solid foods (like chicken) down without hurting. I went on liquids for a day and it cleared up. Now I'm intentionally eating much slower and not eating as much. I think I just needed a rest. Has anyone experienced this? (I think when it's swollen down there you can't eat as much)
  6. That's what my doctor told me before I got the band. After you're at goal, checkups every 6 months to a year
  7. Dear Jen, I am so sorry to hear of your troubles. I am fairly newly banded but your situation is something I fear. Have you throught of appealing the insurance decision to deny a conversion surgery? I heard Obesitylaw.com can help with that. Also, I don't know if you are open to this but some people do lose their weight (or some of their weight) without surgery. Obviously we would prefer a little help but the point is: there is hope !! Also, did they say getting a new band was out of the question again? PS: THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT AT ALL AND DON'T EVEN GO THERE
  8. Linda Hamsing Rosen

    I'm down again today

    Thanks Terry, I noticed your history: you said you had a revision from the bypass to the band? I have never heard of that--or do you still have your bypass in addition to the band? Also, how did you know you had irritation of the esophagus and needed an unfill?
  9. Linda Hamsing Rosen

    gallstones anyone?

    I had my gallbladder removed in 2003 at the age of 30 after a big weight loss. Weight loss can trigger gallstones. It's a bigger surgery than the lap band because they have to cut inside (I had mine laproscopically which almost all are these days). It took a few weeks to recover but you will. Good luck
  10. Linda Hamsing Rosen

    June 3rd is finally here!!!

    good luck to everyone having surgery tomorrow or in the near future. Bring your toiletries if you feel like cleaning up--of course you don't have to wear your gown. Remember though, you probably won't feel that good. The second day (the day I went home) was the worst. Get plenty of rest. Watch out for that left shoulder pain. Do EXACTLY what they say for the post-op eating plan. Good luck ! Banded 2/27/08. Lost 26 pounds current weight 194
  11. I don't think it's related. I pb when I eat too fast and something gets stuck. Sometimes, after I'm unstuck, I'm hungry again because i haven't eaten enough food. It just got stuck along the way. Is this how you experience it? The best thing I have found is to eat very small bites and slow slow slow. If nothing gets stuck, I eventually feel that full feeling--it may not come as soon as I had hoped (which I think relates to restriction). But I'm certainly no expert, being banded on 2/27/08. I'm still learning all this. Also, I did throw up a couple of times when I think I may have overeaten (not from being stuck). Have you experienced that? I think the more you are restricted, however, the more likely something can get stuck and so you have to be more careful.
  12. Linda Hamsing Rosen

    I'm down again today

    I'm glad so many of you relate. I've decided my kids don't need unhealthy sweets in the house and it should be a special occasion, not every day. Ellie, my third fill is on the 17th too. Please check in with me on how you do. It's weird, today I feel really tight again--can't eat too much. Last week I ate like a cow. I don't get it.
  13. Linda Hamsing Rosen

    Do you count calories? Do you follow rules?

    I count my calories each day but sometimes I exceed 1200. I try to avoid sugar foods but mess up once in a while. I eat three meals plus one snack. My doctor said I could drink regular coffee once the stomach healed (about a month). I have lost 25 pounds since 2/25/08 but it is extremely slow now.
  14. Linda Hamsing Rosen

    What is up with no caffeine?

    I was told to give up coffee during the inital healing phase of the band, like a month. Once I was on all solid foods, I could get back to coffee.
  15. Linda Hamsing Rosen

    Question About Feeling Full

    HI, I would call them just to make sure everything is okay but I felt sick after I drank a little two days after surgery too. Enjoy this very short time when you don't feel like eating/drinking. You're all swollen from the surgery. IT goes away fast.
  16. Linda Hamsing Rosen

    I Did It - I Did It - I Did It

    Dear Indigo Girl, It's funny that you should give me that tough love philosphy--because I was thinking the EXACT same thing today. I was thinking how I was being a baby and feeling sorry for myself that I have to "work" at this harder than the "thin" people. It's debatable whether that's true but even if it was, SO WHAT? !!! Am I going to wallow in the mud because of it. Get up and overcome it !!! You're absolutely right.
  17. Linda Hamsing Rosen

    I Did It - I Did It - I Did It

    Thank you Indigo Girl. I got my journal out that they gave me at the nutritionist (it was collecting dust) and started it today !!! I think that will really help. I also read your other post about the healthy habits. That's really good advice. If it wasn't for people like you on this website, I would have gave up by now. Thanks again.
  18. Linda Hamsing Rosen

    I'm down again today

    Thanks for everyone's support. I just got my journal out and started it !!! I had gotten that advice from someone else too (who lost 100 percent of their excess weight). I think I can't keep sweets in my house. I had it here this weekend for my kids--because I heard that if you are overly restrictive with kids, they learn to binge on sweets. Well, we'll just have to figure out another way for them to get it (Daddy can hide it). Can someone explain though why the junk food passes right through? That doesn't make any sense--after all it's still solid food, isn't it? Not that I'm advocating eating it, but just wondering...
  19. Linda Hamsing Rosen

    Worth it for 40 pounds?

    I agree with everything everyone said: (1) It is worth it to have the surgery for even 40 pounds because you keep it off; (2) everyone has different goals about what they want to achieve and different abilities and motivations. And let me clarify: I DO work at this. I watch what I eat but of course I trip up sometimes and although I exercise, it's not 5 days a week. I haven't had a pop since my surgery nor do I ever drink at meals. However, when I set out to have the surgery I imagined I would be the person to beat the odds and lose 100 percent of the body weight but at this point, I don't see it happening.
  20. Linda Hamsing Rosen

    Worth it for 40 pounds?

    Since you have not had the surgery, I feel I have to be honest with you. I am not that happy with the band. I was banded 2/27/08 and have lost 25 pounds. I strarted at 220. First, I still feel hungry A LOT. The whole point of this was to not be hungry. I can't stand being on a diet and feeling hungry all the time. That's why diets don't work (and yes, I'm following the rules). There are days I feel very hungry on the band. I have had two fills--maybe the third one will work better (I hope). Second, the weight loss is so so slow. About a pound a week now. Most of the weight I lost was in the beginning. I really can't see losing 100 percent of my excess weight unless I take up running and really really diet. I just don't see it. So then, I'm still going to be fat after all this. My advice would be to get another type of surgery (I wish I had). If that is not an option, then do the band but realize you will have to work really hard to lose 100 percent of the excess weight. Again, maybe I will feel differently after my third fill--we'll see. I don't think you are vain for going for a small weight loss with the band (as long as you are happy with that).
  21. Linda Hamsing Rosen

    Coughing Blood

    I read on obesityhelp.com that coughing up blood (actually vomiting blood) can be a sign of band erosion into the stomach. That doesn't sound like that's what it was for you, though, thank goodness. I just offer this information up for reference
  22. Hi, I was banded 2/27/08 and I have several issues. I feel like crying...I don't think I made the right decision. It doesn't appear to be working for me. I had my first fill 3 weeks ago. Here are my problems: (1) little weight loss. I've lost a total of 18 pounds but 15 of it was during the liquid/mushy stage. I am losing very little now. Even after a fill I can eat a pretty large portion of food. Plus the band doesn't keep you away from bad food. I have made little progress on weight loss in the past month (down and up the same 3 pounds). (2) of most concern are these spasms I started getting this morning (before I even woke up), in my stomach area. It doesn't really hurt but really annoying--not something I could live with. Has anyone else had these? (3) Pain in my left side, near the port area and sometimes lower. Sometimes it's just pain and sometimes its a burning sensation. But the spasms concern me the most. Has my band slipped or is something else wrong? I'm very very discouraged. I have another Dr.'s appointment May 5. I don't know if I can wait that long.
  23. Linda Hamsing Rosen

    new to this any sugestions

    Dear Kjeter, That is very encouraging !! I can't wait for my next fill (June 17). I feel restricted most of the time but I think it could be more and for all day (instead of mostly in the morning and early afternoon). But I do know that feeling of wanting to eat more than you can. It's weird isn't it? Regarding whether you should miss your next appointment, I would still go to the appointment and he/she will evaluate whether you need a fill or not. I heard that lack of followup is one of the main reasons for band failure. So would probably be good just to check in.
  24. Linda Hamsing Rosen

    I Did It - I Did It - I Did It

    Thanks IndigoGirl55, I am doing a lot of those things but not everything. I'm thinking of starting a WW type of program just to make sure I'm staying in a good calorie range. I think I'm on the right track !!! thanks so much
  25. Linda Hamsing Rosen

    I really need some support !!!

    Hi, The recovery was not that bad. I had the surgery on a Wed, was home Thursday night and back at work on Monday (desk job). I think I might have taken liquid Tylenol for the left shoulder pain which lasted about 5 days. I don't think it's that long for other people. Now constipation is a problem. I never was constipated before the band but now am. I'm not taking anything for it but was thinking of starting a stool softener (going to ask my Dr. first). I would definitely run your serious constipation problem by your doctor if you haven't already. It could be an issue. You are eating a lot less and differently too (more protein)

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