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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Inner Surfer Girl reacted to Truckerchic in Support groups or counseling   
    I'm 11 months out, a food addict, emotional eater prone to binge eating. Surgery does not fix this and now that the newness new surgery is fading those food demons are popping back up. Because of my job I'm not able to do any support groups other than here or Facebook but hoping to change that at the first of the year.
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    Inner Surfer Girl reacted to esskay77 in Support groups or counseling   
    I'm going to a support group at the hospital where I had my surgery. I'm still too new at it yet so not sure if it is helping. Our main topic is that we are addicts, which I haven't fully wrapped my head around yet. I'm going to continue to go because there are some nuggets that I have learned so far and I have only gone twice. I haven't committed to saying I'm an addict but I do recognize some of the behavior they talk about! So, I will continue to go. I have heard that attending support groups of some sort is only positive in the long term success. Because of that, I need to do because I want this to be successful for me long term.
  3. Like
    Inner Surfer Girl reacted to thesuse2000 in Mindful eating   
    Hi all,
    I mentioned the benefits of mindful eating in another thread and VSGAnn suggested I start a thread. I'm far from an expert on this, and honestly don't practice it as it should be, but I think the exploration of it has really helped me, so wanted to go ahead and start this - and invite others who may practice it chime in with their input and experience. I did a workshop about mindful eating in the months before my surgery. So sharing what I learned.
    So mindful eating is really just about slowing down and paying much closer attention to the whole process of eating than we normally do. We all know the problems of mindless eating - how easy it is to finish a whole pint of ice cream, large bag of chips, etc. while watching TV. But even when eating at the table in a more traditional way so much of our eating is still pretty mindless. And we let external cues, rather than our own bodies, determine what we eat and how much.
    Some of the basic tenets of mindful eating (again, not an expert so may be leaving things out - all are welcome to add/correct what I'm including!):
    Before eating, check in with yourself and really think about what is your body wants to eat; sometimes we're just on autopilot and reach for the usual things, but when we listen we realize that we actually are craving something different Don't judge yourself for what you're craving; trust your body to tell you what it needs This one was REALLY hard for me, and I have not perfected it, but I do think it's really important; most of us have spent years dieting or "cheating" on diets and it's all just disconnected us from listening to what we actually need This one is also hard to align with the guidelines post surgery - like focusing on Protein, but to a somewhat limited extent it can still be done Before eating a meal, pause and think about the meal you're about to eat - where did all the ingredients come from? Who prepared it? And so onFor me, this helps me feel so thankful for the abundance of foods available to me; I often marvel at the range of spices and flavors in each of my meals that come from all over the world, or the fresh ingredients that made their way from country farms to my NYC apartment; and I am more aware of the animals that gave their lives for my sake than I used to be (still a carnivore, but more conscious about not wasting meat) Eat one bite at a time, putting your fork down between bites and think about the whole sensation - how the food feels in your mouth, the flavors that hit different parts of your tongue, how the flavors change as you start to chewIn the workshop I did we did a few guided meditations with food, for example eating just one raisin at a time and contemplating each stage of eating - holding the raisin in our mouths, chewing (for a while) and then finally swallowing; then doing the same with a 2nd raisin and noticing how the experience is slightly different with the 2nd bite vs the first; I highly recommend this! It was amazing how delicious one raisin could taste when you pay attention (and I'm not someone who thought I liked raisins). Also interesting how much less intense each bite is vs the first; after the first bite we tend to go into autopilot mode and just shovel it in without thought After each bite check in with yourself and consider how your hunger, satiety and fullness has changed Satiety is probably the hardest of these; I tend to think of it as - if someone took this food away right now how would that feel? If I would feel that I needed to get something else to eat than I'm not satisfied; if that feels like it wouldn't be so bad, and that what I've eaten will keep me going for 2-3 hours than most likely I'm just about satisfied In terms of fullness, paying attention helps you recognize the early signs of fullness; especially for us WLS people it's important not to eat to point of too full. There are always signals before that; we just have to get used to recognizing them There are mindful meditations that you can do - for just 10 minutes a day; this isn't about eating, but just about learning how to listen to your body signals - there's an app called mindfullness with a good 10-15 minute meditation (I think it's 2-3 dollars) Full disclosure: I did these during the workshop I was in, but have not continued; but I think it's helpful for someone who wants to embrace this process to do the work of strengthening your mindfulness muscles Mindfullness is not easy! We're programmed to rush. It's almost ridiculous how frustrating it can be to hold a raisin in your mouth for a minute without chewing it, but again - a great thing to do for yourself to build this skill - it really feels like taking care of yourself in a deeper way, and we all deserve to give ourselves that attention and care I did this workshop in the months before my surgery and I really think it's helped me since surgery. As I mentioned above I don't practice perfectly, but having worked to be more conscious in my eating for a while, now that awareness is more innate. I am much better about checking in with myself about what i'm craving. If I start eating something that's not satisfying I stop and get something different (when possible). If I want a little more than I planned to eat I get more. If I'm satisfied before I clean my plate I stop. I track what i eat, and focus on Protein and veggies, but I don't stop myself from eating more some days when I am just hungrier - or force myself to eat more on days when I'm not too hungry. And if I crave something sweet - I eat something sweet.
    Overall I think this has helped me feel satisfied with the smaller meals we eat post surgery. Even though they're small I still think about each meal and make sure that it's yummy and satisfying. I've seen people post about how eating is so much less pleasurable since surgery and I don't relate. I enjoy food as much or more, but I think the mindfullness has helped with that a lot.
    Hope this is helpful to some! Look forward to hearing if anyone else has tried this approach. Feel free to ask me any questions and I'll do my best to answer.
  4. Like
    Inner Surfer Girl got a reaction from Indigo1991 in What not to say...   
    He was probably worried that you would look in his.
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    Inner Surfer Girl reacted to Selina1000 in To weigh or not to weigh?   
    A friend I work with was sleeved in the end of April 2014. She weighs herself every day. I was sleeved September 10th, and have decided to wait until my first follow up appointment (October 2nd) to find out what my weight is now. I feel as though I have enough on my "plate" with trying to get all my Proteins, RX & liquids down, along with adding in walking. Am I crazy to not stress about checking the scale?
  6. Like
    Inner Surfer Girl reacted to slcmommy5 in 13 yr old getting sleeve. Need recommendations in Mexico   
    She just got out of surgery and doing great. This has been a far better experience than my own which happened to be in the States and at a center of excellence. Bill the patient coordinator was very prompt in answering any question I had. Pick up at airport went smooth and the Dr is very sweet and you can tell he really cares. Thanks for all those who were supportive even if you didn't agree with my decision. By the way Tijuana looks like many parts of California and I'm starting to believe that the scary stories I hear about Mexico are all made up by people who have actually never been here. I don't feel unsafe here at all. At night I would but there are places in US you wouldn't want to be out at night either. I guess your always scared of the unknown. Anyway. Good luck and well wishes to all of you
  7. Like
    Inner Surfer Girl reacted to Sassy Little Redhead in Becoming real.   
    Sooo, my date has finally been confirmed after a loooong journey. I am scheduled for Oct 22nd, 2014. However, this is all becoming very real and all of my demons are coming out of the closet. I am coming to terms and embracing my new eating style. I am already increasing Protein, cutting out carbonated beverages and consuming food differently. As I am doing this I am also dealing with my emotional connection with food. I didn't realize how much of my life was directly centered around food. Celebrations, rewards, socialization, guilt, boredom, love, you name it and there is a connection with food. I am learning to replace food with actions, not so easy but I'm doing it slowly. Anybody else having this clarity while wrapping your head around this life change?
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    Inner Surfer Girl got a reaction from MrsB2007 in Sleep apnea self test idea before diagnosis   
    You don't sound nuts at all!
  9. Like
    Inner Surfer Girl reacted to slcmommy5 in 13 yr old getting sleeve. Need recommendations in Mexico   
    Just wanted to update you all on our decision. After much thought, prayer and research we decided to go with Dr. Sergio Quinones for both my husband and my daughter. My husband needed the band removed as well as getting the sleeve done. My husband went last Tuesday and his experience was far better than mine and I had mine done at a Bariatric Center of Excellence! I'm starting to think that the scary stories we hear about Mexico are a bunch of crap or at the very least the media only covers the horror stories.
    He was picked up at airport, driven to the hospital, had the surgery, stayed 2 nights in a private room, driven to a hotel and driven to the airport the next day. He had no problems and is recovering far quicker than I did.
    His experience was great and said he feels 100% about my daughter going. Keep in mind he was totally against going to TJ and thought I had lost my mind.
    My daughter has surgery in 2 days. She saw my recovery(I had complications) and she has seen her dads. She is so excited to be able to exercize without the pain that the extra weight causes. She's excited to be healthy and active. I'm grateful for all those concerned and for the well wishes. I will keep you posted on her recovery. P. S. The total for both of them was $9500 for surgery and $600 for us all to fly to San Diego. The meds were $240.
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    Inner Surfer Girl reacted to deedadumble in Tall Women, Tell Me Your Story!   
    I'm 5'11" and currently 183. My goal is 175. I recently had a body composition test done using a bioimpedance device and it showed that my lean body weight (bone plus muscle plus water) was 133.2. If you're a female you should have at least 20% body fat, so the lowest I should go is 160. I'm also 48, so a little bit more fat will make me look younger. Here's a body pic from last night.

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    Inner Surfer Girl reacted to soocalchic in Tall Women, Tell Me Your Story!   
    I'm tallish I'm 5'8" I'm down to 182 from a high of 315 I think I'm at goal if I lost another 5 lbs I'd be ok too..

    These are my befores

    These are after
  12. Like
    Inner Surfer Girl reacted to devint in Chicken Noodle Soup   
    As always follow the plan your dietician gave you. BUT for me, I am 3 months out from a vsg and I have a heck of a cold right now. I've been eating a Soup made exactly like chicken noodle, except no noodles. I throw in just a bit of corn or potato instead, just enough to compensate for the fact this is the only solids i'm putting in. For me, the veggie starches are way better tolerated and surprisingly tasty.
  13. Like
    Inner Surfer Girl reacted to LipstickLady in I know slow & steady wins the race but.....   
    People only treat you the way you allow them to treat you.

    Why do you answer her calls? Her questions? Why visit her if she makes you unhappy?

    I had a brain tumor diagnosed and removed 5 years ago and reflecting back, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. In the 3 weeks between it's diagnosis and removal, I came to the realization that my happiness was 100% my responsibility. I cut all the negative people out of my life. I surrounded myself with people who love me *for me* and support me emotionally. I have no time to be around people who cause me stress and unhappiness. There are far too many people in my life who make me smile and quite honestly, by by keeping company with drama, I was asking for drama.
    Cut ties until she can behave. You'll be much better off. It's hard, I know. I cut ties with an in-law myself and I'm way happier for it.
  14. Like
    Inner Surfer Girl reacted to riskysmirk in My weight loss journey   
    Hey weight loss junkies... First Time posting anything on this forum... Had my weight loss surgery March 26, 2014 at Weill Cornell hospital in NYC... Best decision I made... I've started on this weight loss journey 2004 was successful but never able to keep weight off... So I final decided to have the gastric sleeve... It's been 6 month since my sleeve and I've lost 100lbs... Started weight before surgery 332lb. After surgery 232lb.
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    Inner Surfer Girl reacted to Indigo1991 in Got naked, nobody died of shame...   
    Hi all, thought I would give you a wee update on my post...
    The Naked Hottie is no more but that's ok. He still has a very important place in my new post-sleeve life...
    I have been out on a few dates since, but yet to find someone special. But the big news is that I have increasingly become like catnip to younger men! Yes, I am now normal sized, so I dress better. And I like myself, so there's a positive vibe coming from me.
    But apparently, according to the one who's pursued me for the last few months (ex model cutie), it's my attitude that's doing it - I am fun, interesting and full of life. Who'd have thought it ha ha ha!!! Flattering as it is, I am still resisting as there's younger than me -and there's waaaaaaaay too young.
    But the smile on my face says it all.... :-))))))
  16. Like
    Inner Surfer Girl reacted to amazon in Ate out today - good choice?   
    Today I was invited out for a business lunch. First time since surgery (eek).
    Here's the menu for where we went: http://www.atlanticseagrill.com/lunchmenu.pdf
    I have to eat gluten free, and it wasn't making it easier at this place. Plus I just started eating soft foods (chicken, tuna, etc) less than two weeks ago. So I haven't really tried a ton of things.
    I ordered the bacon wrapped scallops appetizer. There were 6 on the plate, I managed to get 4 down. If I had to guess, I got in maybe 2 ounces. Then the burping started and I was done!
    I haven't announced my surgery, so it may have appeared a little weird. But I got no comments.
    Hey, I guess I can eat scallops! nom nom
  17. Like
    Inner Surfer Girl reacted to RJ'S/beginning in Forgot to mention! LOL   
    I was told by my Dietitian today that I look like a model. I was so taken back! But thrilled. Later after my scope I was told by the nurses on my old floor that I looked like a model. Okay now I was surprised but thankful. Next I was told by the lady I visited that I looked so amazing and wait for it-------Like a model.....
    It was a good day guys!!!! LOL
    Is that a NSV. They were lying but it was so nice of all of them. none knew the other said it!
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    Inner Surfer Girl reacted to RJ'S/beginning in Today I had the privilege of visiting with another WLS patient.   
    I went to the hospital and had my scope today. Findings------- everything is fine. There is no trace of the ulcer. No scaring at all. Everything looks good, healthy and pink! I could not stop smiling about that.
    Then I visited with a woman who has had several complications. Some like me some worse. I hoped that I might encourage her. She was lovely and thanked me over and over again for coming. She seemed very happy that I came.
    I know that if someone like me had visited me ( one who had experienced many problems and are coming out the other side ) when I was in the hospital that 5.5 months I would not have felt so hopeless.
    It made me feel so good to be there for her!
  19. Like
    Inner Surfer Girl reacted to Alex Brecher in I made it into the Daily News!   
    Check out this article on Governor Christie and the Lap-Band. Feeling a little famous at the moment
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    Inner Surfer Girl reacted to B-52 in I made it into the Daily News!   
    At least it wasn't page 6.....
  21. Like
    Inner Surfer Girl reacted to James Marusek in Exercise?   
    I am several months post-op. I only do physical exercise (hill walking) when my normal routine is lacking. A few weeks ago, I moved 60,000 pounds of gravel by hand. This entailed lifting bucked filled with gravel (70 pounds each) chest high to place it in my Gator utility vehicle and then offloading it by hand. In the last few weeks, I moved over 20,000 pounds of concrete blocks. At the age of 66, I am impressed by the fact that bariatric surgery has been able to restore my stamina to the level I was when I was 35.
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    Inner Surfer Girl got a reaction from Kathy812 in Pre-Op Shopping Spree   
    They aren't cheap but I only ordered 2. I figured I was worth it! I almost ordered some dishes from a sushi restaurant supply store but there were so many great dishes I couldn't decide. Maybe later.
  23. Like
    Inner Surfer Girl reacted to SandyM in Darn Head Hunger   
    I won't lie. I fight head hunger as much as the next guy or gal. I more than occasionally give in. Well, last night, after going to bed, my mind drifted to the pantry where the "treats" I keep for the grandkids dwell. The fat little devil on my left shoulder told me it would be ok to have one. The skinny little angel on my right one told me what a fool I would be, after all, yesterday was my fast day and I did so well. These two little mini-me's kept me awake for well over an hour arguing about the pros and cons of treating myself. It's after midnight, so it's no longer your fast day. Yeah, but its solid carbs and will make you crave more. Yeah, but who cares, you had your fast day....Anyway, finally I managed to drift off to sleep. About an hour later, I was awake again and they resumed their argument. Those zebra cakes were calling me. I finally did manage to get to sleep and made it to the morning without giving in. But when I awoke, one of my Chihuahuas was missing and I had a horrible taste in my mouth. Oh.....he was just under the covers . Cheers to fighting the demons off one more night.
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    Inner Surfer Girl reacted to lose4life2 in I'm officially a Loser!   
    Today at 11:15 am I went into the OR. I really don't feel that bad other than the gas pain, but they have been pretty regular with the pain meds. I have managed 2 walks already, but I'm going to rest the rest of evening. So glad to be a loser!
  25. Like
    Inner Surfer Girl reacted to *Lexie* in I have been waiting months to say this to you people!   
    My surgery is tomorrow bit##es!!! Woohoo!

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