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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Same mindset...help

    How do you know that you can eat whatever you want? Aren't you following your post-op food plan? I didn't put anything in my mouth that was not on my approved list in the weeks and months after surgery. If you are deviating from your plan this early then you are risking set backs and complications. Do you have a counselor or therapist you can talk to? I highly recommend you make an appointment.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Protein, Protein, Protein

    If you can have room for your "soup" then you have room for Protein shakes which have much more protein. I know you had bypass, but after 3 weeks you can certainly drink three shakes ins day. You just have to work at it.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl


    That is going to vary by person. In my opinion, the sooner you can meet your Protein and Fluid targets, the better you will feel. Keep sipping and walking periodically. Don't be afraid to rest and take it easy. It does get better.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    Why Protein Shakes?

    It sounds like your NUT wants you to use a protein shake that is a Meal Replacement (usually has all the nutrition you would need for a meal) rather than a protein supplement that doesn't have all the required nutrition. That is my best guess. Did you ask her why? It is perfectly acceptable to keep asking questions if you don't understand something.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    Liquid Diet!

    It really depends on your program. Were you given written instructions?
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    Steady weight

    Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Steady weight

    So how long will i see the weight drop from 261 i eat one meal a day and drink my Protein and walk everyday at work Sent from my SM-N920P using the BariatricPal App It certainly doesn't sound like you are eating frequently enough. What is your protein target? Are you: Following your program? Tracking your food? Getting in all of your protein every day? Getting at least 64 oz of Fluid? Taking your Vitamins and supplements as directed?
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    Not again! Help! Need advice!

    I don't see where anyone was being negative. They were simply answering your question, Really, your surgeon is the only one who can answer your question. I know it is frustrating, but you do want to be as healthy as possible going into this surgery. You certainly don't want to be coughing much at all post-op, let alone experiencing deep racking coughing. Your abdomen will be sore enough. Plus, your lungs need to be strong. Just have faith that even if your surgery is postponed, it is for the best, Please take care of yourself and get some rest in the meantime.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Compare Before and After…Your Kitchen!

    Mine is actually more full than it was pre-op. I have a small kitchen with very little pantry space and it is overflowing. Pre-op, I always had milk in my refrigerator. I ate a lot of Cereal and other carbs. Now, in addition to Protein shakes and supplements, I have lots of condiments, spices, herbs, specialty/gourmet food (jars of pickles, olives, peppers, salsas, marinades, etc.). Pre-op, I bought pop by the 2 liter bottle. Now, I have enough tea, crystal light, etc. to fill a cabinet. I did eat a lot of tuna pre-op, but now I tend to buy tuna packets by the case. I also buy mr cheese os by the case. My refrigerator is full of yogurt, cottage cheese, other cheeses, eggs, fresh vegetables, fruit (right now I have fresh raspberries!), and opened bottles of condiments and specialty food (see my pantry).
  10. I am the only obese person in my immediate family. My mom has struggled with weight but seems to be pretty close to normal weight. My parents, my siblings, nieces, nephews, aunts, and uncles, cousins, etc. have all been extremely supportive.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    Protein, Protein, Protein

    I hope every surgeon has the goal of making sure you heal and don't have any complications post-op. A balanced diet is a great goal down the road, but right after surgery protein and fluids are critical --- even if it is hard, or you don't have an appetite, or don't like the taste, etc. One 11 oz protein shake spread out over three days and less than 8 oz of Fluid a day is not enough for anyone post-op. I can't imagine any surgeon advocating that diet as a good strategy for anyone. SMH Of course a single shake and that little Water is not enough, but to assume that everyone has benn told they must get 80g of protein a day etc is ridiculous. My surgeon focuses on good nutrition from day one, that includes all food groups and not a focus simply on one macro. My surgeon is highly skilled and respected where i live and id prefer to listen to him than those on forums in regards to my best interests post op Your response was so rude and almost childish. If you prefer to listen to him, then why join the forum?While you should heed what he says, his body hasn't been through what yours has. Also noone stated that what they said was law, just gave tips on how to approach getting in liquids and protein. Sent from my SM-G935T using the BariatricPal App I responded to the OP in the fashion they wrote the original post. While i agree most surgeons have not been through surgery it us just as damaging to say you should be getting x amount of protein per day. This amount is very dependent on the individual and there are risks to having too much protein in your diet I didn't prescribe x amount for you. I based it on what I see most good surgeon's recommend. The amount is based on your needs. But, I am guessing it isn't 30 grams a day. 60 is on the low side for most recommendations I have seen (consequently, many of those folks are the ones who seem to have the most trouble with slow weight loss). If you are following your surgeon's orders (and they are reasonable), then I wasn't talking about you.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    Protein, Protein, Protein

    What are you having the most difficulty with? One thing that helped me was to set short-term goals/milestones (for instance, drink 4 oz when you get up in the morning, another 4 oz for Breakfast, etc.). You can set amounts and time frames based on what you can do.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    Protein, Protein, Protein

    I hope every surgeon has the goal of making sure you heal and don't have any complications post-op. A balanced diet is a great goal down the road, but right after surgery protein and fluids are critical --- even if it is hard, or you don't have an appetite, or don't like the taste, etc. One 11 oz Protein shake spread out over three days and less than 8 oz of Fluid a day is not enough for anyone post-op. I can't imagine any surgeon advocating that diet as a good strategy for anyone. SMH
  14. Inner Surfer Girl


    @@Ele marie, I also have another suggestion/request. First thing Monday morning, I would like to suggest that you call and make appointments with your NUT and psychologist. Print out this thread and show it to both of them and see what their opinion is. You do not have to believe anything we are trying to tell you, but I hope you would be willing to run it by your support team since you are so convinced that what you are doing is right for you.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl


    @@Ele marie, I am really concerned about you. I am half expecting you not to respond because you passed out from dehydration and are in the ER. I would love it if you would check in and let us know how you are doing, AFTER you have consumed at least 4 oz of a Protein shake. Although I am a year out and don't have your restriction, I was able to consume over 30 oz of Fluid in just the time we chatted yesterday. You can sip 4 oz in 15 minutes or so, no matter now swollen your pouch may be.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl


    First, if you were sleeved, you don't have a pouch. Did you have a bypass or sleeve? Second, sipping liquids will not stretch anything (sleeve or pouch). You are at risk of something much more serious by not getting in enough fluids and Protein.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Craving! Help!

    What phase are you on? At 7 days I was on full liquids. I didn't have salsa until I was on soft foods. Maybe try some V8 in the meantime.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl


    You didn't answer the previous poster's question. Are you taking a PPI?
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    Protein suggestions

    You just need to try a variety to see what you like. Everyone's tastes are different. I like: Premier Protein (chocolate is my favorite, but I also like the strawberry and vanilla) GNC Lean 25 (my favorite is orange cream) Syntrax nectar (my favorite is fuzzy navel) Quest (salted caramel) Carnation no sugar added Breakfast essentials ProtiDiet liquid beverage concentrates (these were great when I was on clears, now they are an easy way to boost my protein by adding them to my Water bottle) unjury For more savory options: Unjury chicken Soup ProtiDiet creamy chicken and tomato basil Soups Definitely try samples before investing in bulk. What about unflavored brands? Any suggestions? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Unjury
  20. Inner Surfer Girl


    I would be concerned, especially if this is the only thing you are eating. At 7 weeks out, raw vegetables don't sound like the best use of the small volume you have for Protein. If you are eating your protein first, you may still have a little room for some soft cooked vegetables. I cannot imagine at seven weeks having much room for more.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl


    Why in the world would you not be honest with your psychologist? 500 calories a day for someone who runs is INSANE. I cannot imagine any health professional condoning that. Have you ever been assessed for anorexia and/or bulimia? I am not a mental health professional but from what you describe I wouldn't be surprised if some of that might be at play here.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl


    You need to be sipping Fluid or protein or eating something with protein all day. You CANNOT wait until you are hungry or thirsty or happen to remember. You need to treat getting in ALL of your fluids and protein like it is your job. It sounds like you don't seem to realize how serious this is. You also seem to think that you are helping things by starving yourself. It is counterintuitive, but the worst thing you can do for weight loss is to not get enough protein and fluids. You are actually being counterproductive. I hate to see you wind up in the ER or worse because of dehydration and malnutrition.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    Puréed stage...what's the priority?

    Protein and fluids. Your first and foremost priority every day, no matter what phase you are on, should be getting at least 64 oz of Fluid and meeting your protein target. Every day. Both fluids and protein are critical for healing and for weight loss.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl


    Please see if you can find a counselor to talk to. This is all very concerning. Please see if the psych who did your clearance can see you or recommend someone to you.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl


    500 calories a day is NOT HEALTHY. I am surprised you have a functioning metabolism. Did this come up when you had your psych clearance?

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