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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Here is a good article with tips for being a well-dressed woman: http://bridgetteraes.com/2016/05/03/well-dressed-woman/
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Liquid Tylenol

    I was able to take tablets and pills pretty soon after surgery. Personally I would try the adult. Check the label but I know the children's liquid is full of high fructose corn syrup. I bet the children's chewable would be the same.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    Soft food ideas

    Just be careful. I LOVED liver cheese pre-op. Post-op it is a bit fatty for me. I don't specifically limit fatty foods but have found that foods with a higher fat content are not as appetizing as they once were and can make me a little woozie. Just go slow and see how well you handle it.If I recall, livercheese is by Oscar Mayer, right? Square piece with white fat around the edge? What I purchased is nothing like that. These are the ingredients: Ingredients: beef, beef liver, beef kidneys, beef heart, Water, sea salt, onion powder, white pepper, coriander, marjoram, all spice beefliverwurst12406.jpg With that being said, I absolutely plan on taking it slow, my new stomach may or may not like it. Was just excited to realize there is something else I can try during that stage that is healthy. Sent from my LG-H901 using the BariatricPal App That isn't a lot of protein. You may want to try to find things with a bigger protein punch. I lived on/live on Greek yogurt and cottage cheese.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    48 hours afterwards. Was it a mistake?

    It gets better! Get out a pen and paper and make a schedule for the day for when to take your meds, supplements, etc. And set short-term fluid/protein targets throughout the day.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    Soft food ideas

    Just be careful. I LOVED liver cheese pre-op. Post-op it is a bit fatty for me. I don't specifically limit fatty foods but have found that foods with a higher fat content are not as appetizing as they once were and can make me a little woozie. Just go slow and see how well you handle it.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    Potential Nursing strike and surgery date

    Your daughter can't clean up after her graduation party? You can't hire someone to clean up after the graduation party? Personally, if that is the only thing that is keeping you from having surgery that day I would put on my thinking cap to see if I could find a solution. There is nothing wrong with asking for help.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Likes and the like

    The easy way is to reread the thread. The people who liked each post is at the bottom of the post.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    Need encouragement

    It is more lot kelt that it will be the he exact opposite. It is hard to explained. Initially, I really didn't want food, but you have to get in all of your Protein and fluids. Right out of surgery I was only allowed ice chips until the next morning when I had a leak test. After that I could have clear fluids: clear protein, Jello, Water. Plain water was the hardest thing to he down. I had to make sure I sipped something at all times in order to not get dehydrated and to get enough protein.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Pre-Op Need Motivation Help !

    I didn't have a required amount to lose pre-op, so I focused on one new habit at a time.
  10. MyFitnessPal is a free online app for your phone that helps you easily track your food (especially protein). It also works will with other apps (for instance if you have a fitness tracker).
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    Car ride home from hospital

    My surgeon made sure that anyone who had to travel more than 30 minutes had a plan to stop and walk every 30 minutes or so on the way home. So, yes, you absolutely need to stop and walk frequently. Talk to your surgeon about what he suggests. I also brought a pillow to put across my abdomen to help with the jarring and bumps in the road. My mom drove me home in her SUV and I had trouble getting in and out of it before surgery so we devised a step with a wooden pallet that would help me to step in. It helped pre-op and was a lifesaver post-op. Best of luck with your surgery!
  12. I am so sorry you are struggling. A change in routine can throw us for a loop, especially if we don't take the time to plan. First, do you have a therapist and/or have you been attending support group meetings? Have you ever considered attending recover meetings like Overeater's Anonymous (OA.org)? It is a worldwide organization so you may be able to find support meetings when you travel. Second, I suggest you go back to basics. Track your food, eat protein first, make sure you are reaching your protein target every day, avoid added sugars (especially high fructose corn syrup), starches, and fried foods, drink AT LEAST 74 oz of Fluid a day, take your Vitamins and supplements, as directed, and exercise. A red flag to me is that nowhere on your post do you mention how much protein you are getting. Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    Eating disorders and Gastric sleeve

    It is great that you are addressing your food addiction issues. The surgery is only a tool, we still need to do the mental and emotional work to be healthy. Do you have a therapist? A good eating disorders therapist can be invaluable. You may also want to consider attending some Overeaters Anonymous (OA.org) or similar recovery meetings. There are resources, like literature and podcasts, and meeting schedules on the OA.org website.
  14. I agree completely. Stay off the scale. Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Pre-Op Need Motivation Help !

    Talk to your NUT about a good food plan for you. Start tracking your food if you are not already doing so. Pre-op I was already using the Weight Watchers app and counting points so my NUT suggested I keep doing that. Post-op I switched to MyFitnessPal so I could better track my Protein and because it is free. Focus on high protein, low carb. Avoid starches, added sugars (especially high fructose corn syrups), and fried foods. Eat clean. Focus on fresh unprocessed foods whenever possible. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Eat a lot of vegetables! (Example, Pre-op, my NUT suggested adding extra vegetables like broccoli, and other cruciferous vegetables to my Lean Cuisines to add bulk and keep me satisfied longer). Drink a lot of Water (at least 64 oz of fluid). Wean yourself off of carbonation and caffeine. Start sampling Protein shakes by substituting an occasional meal with a Protein shake. Take a daily Multivitamin and any other Vitamins your doctor suggests. I took a multivitamin, D3, and Iron pre-op. Start practicing eating mindfully. Eat slowly, take small bites, and chew thoroughly. Exercise as you are able. Pre-op, I didn't really restrict my food too much. I recorded everything, though. If I indulged in something I tried to choose something that was worth it. Quality over quantity. I didn't want to waste it on crappy junk food. Best of luck. This is a great time to experiment and practice some new food attitudes and behaviors that will help you to be successful post-op. I think the thing that helped me the most for my surgery was weaning myself off of carbonation and caffeine gradually so that I didn't have to deal with withdrawal as I was recovering from surgery.
  16. That's what I don't get. You completely wreck your metabolism with that kind of restriction. I pushed hard to get over 800 early on and then 1100 once I started exercising and was probably at 1400-1500 by the end of my weight loss phase. Now, in maintenance, I can eat 1900 on non-cardio days and 2400-2600 on cardio days. Had I been keeping under 800 through all of the weight loss, I'd probably be stuck around 1200-1400 in maintenance. I don't see the advantage of that at all. I agree completely.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Translation help - french speakers

    You might have better luck finding a local product that is similar than something imported from France. Maybe show the recipe to someone who makes cheese and ask them if there is a similar product. You might have better luck finding a local product that is similar than something imported from France. Maybe show the recipe to someone who makes cheese and ask them if there is a similar product.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    1 Month Check Up

    Congratulations! Yes, almost everyone experiences a stall about three weeks after surgery. Just follow your program. Focus on getting in all of your Protein and fluids, take your Vitamins and supplements as directed, and exercise when cleared. Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall Congratulations! Yes, almost everyone experiences a stall about three weeks after surgery. Just follow your program. Focus on getting in all of your protein and fluids, take your vitamins and supplements as directed, and exercise when cleared. Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    Probably not the best question to ask, but here I go...

    My "last meal" was Mexican. It really isn't your last meal but I can understand the feeling. The last few months before surgery I didn't really have food funerals, but I did choose my food more carefully. I tried to eat more good food and avoid cheap, crappy fast food.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    Stalled for months

    What exactly are you doing? Are you getting at least 64 oz of Fluid a day? What is your Protein target? Are you getting at least that amount a day? Are you eating protein first? Are you avoiding starches, added sugars (especially high fructose corn syrup), and fried foods? Are you eating enough good fats and carbs? Are you taking your Vitamins and supplements as instructed? Are you exercising? Have you talked to your NUT about your concerns? What does he or she advise? Are you attending support group meetings? Are you practicing mindful eating? Eating slowly? Taking small bites? Chewing thoroughly? Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    Translation help - french speakers

    I am not really a French speaker but I studied French in high school and college and am a bit of a Francophile, especially when it comes to movies. I did a quick Google search and found a couple of things that MAY help. Look for the brand Jockey cottage cheese in the yogurt section of a supermarket. Also, "le cottage" may be on a label (http://www.davidlebovitz.com/2011/12/le-cottage-cheese/). I also seem to recall from something I read years ago that there is a completely different name for what we call cottage cheese and that it is more rustic/country in France. I will see if I can find out more.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl


    My primary goal is getting in fluids (64 oz) and protein (100 grams for me). Calories are secondary.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl


    Welcome! 1. I spent one night in the hospital. My surgery was technically outpatient. I was told that the clock started once I was in recovery and that at 24 hours after that I would be either discharged or admitted. I was doing well enough that I was sent home. I was/am on disability but so didn't have to go right back to work. One week seems soon. Most people seem to take longer. Some do go back early but it really depends on your job, how well you are healing, and how well you are doing in getting in all of your fluids and Protein. 2. I was sleeved a little over a year ago. Instill sip my fluids although it is getting easier. You will not be able to chug water for quite a while. I can drink right up until the time I eat, but I do need to wait a little while after eating to have room for fluids. 3. At my one week follow-up I could tell a difference. Initially, I only weighed at my doctor's appointments. I started at an extremely high weight so I saw fairly rapid loss. Keep in mind that it isn't instant. Most people gain weight in the hospital due to IV fluids and swelling. It does take some time to heal. Plus, none of us lose at a constant or steady rate. Stalls are common and just about everyone stalls three weeks after surgery. I am a little over a year post-op with the sleeve and have lost over 200 pounds from my highest weight and am over half way to my goal. So I am happy. Best of luck and keep researching and asking questions.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    My Story

    Welcome! This is a great site for information and encouragement.

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