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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl


    Some variations on a relevant quote:
  2. At your weight and with your issues I frankly don't see what benefit WLS would give you. I could be wrong, but my suggestion is to talk with a nutritionist to make sure you are eating enough for your exercise level and continue to seek more information about your other issues.
  3. Thanks! This is a great overview.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    How Often Do You Weigh Yourself?

    If "I" read "your" post and saw the word "I" instead of "you", it would have much more credibility for "me". I am glad to hear that weighing daily works for you. It doesn't provide valuable information for me.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    Blood thinner shots after?

    I don't know why some people get shots and others pills. It may have to do with what your insurance allows and/or it could be your surgeon's preference. I had pills. But, I know that the shots are very common.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    I'm at a major stall!

    I lost 30 pounds of water! When I lose 30 pounds of fat I'll be happy Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App When you lose fat you lose Water. It goes together.
  7. It looks like there have been a lot of ppl who don't read. I eat 1000 calories or less and weigh 280. I was bulimic for years. I got the band and list then regained even though I was under 1000 caliries a day. I'm considering the surgery because the doctor says it changes your body's set point. My fear isn't that I won't lose, but that once again I'll regain because my body really wants to stick at this weight. I eat a whole foods diet, not a SAD. I do keto. I just don't lose. Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App One thing I learned through this process is that my obesity is at least partly due to under eating as much as to overeating. Overeating is my bodies response to under eating (skipping meals, restricting, etc.). One of the biggest gifts of this program for me so far is a deeper understanding of nutrition and what my body really needs. Eating under 1000 calories in a day is no longer an option for me.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    Will I ever enjoy food I like again

    You will always enjoy food you like, you just may like different foods.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    when did you start to exercise?

    I started as soon as I was cleared to get in the pool (about 4 weeks post-op).
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Weight loss has stopped...getting worried

    Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  11. Inner Surfer Girl


    How are you getting your protein? Are you able to get at least 64 oz of fluid (edited because I meant fluid and not protein) and meet your protein goal? What does your surgeon say? This is something you definitely need to address with your bariatric team. I wouldn't even wait for your next appointment. Call them now.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    Failing Tests

    The tests are for your benefit to make sure you are as healthy as possible for surgery and can succeed. Why in the world would you risk your health and life by being anything but honest with your medical team?
  13. There are days when I struggle to even eat 1000 calories. My doctor in the past said for me to lose 1lb a week I should be eating between 2000-2400. Because of my thyroid I gain weight if I even LOOK at a carb. So eating a diet consisting of mainly carbs was causing me to gain weight. Not because of total calories but because of the type of calories. Do you exercise at all? It sounds like your metabolism is extremely low. What happens when you do things to increase your metabolism?
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    I'm at a major stall!

    None of us lose at a constant or steady rate. We all experience stalls and slow downs/fluctuations. Almost everyone experiences their first stall about three weeks after surgery. Right after surgery your body is recovering from major surgery, is swollen, and healing. I highly recommend that you stay off the scale, especially early out, and certainly until you are able to eat more. Try just weighing at your doctors appointments if you are going to allow the numbers on the scale influence your emotions. Just follow your program. Make sure you are getting at least 64 oz of Fluid. Make sure you are reaching your Protein target. Take your Vitamins and supplements as directed. Exercise when cleared. Stay off the scale. And, Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall. Your primary focus is on healing right now.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Insurance Coverage of Pre-Op Nutrition Class

    My program also had a non-reimburse able fee that covered the nutrition classes. But, it wasn't for just one class but for lifetime access to their NUT.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl


    I have never heard the 1 in 50 ratio. Where did you get that? My surgeon has had over 4000 successful surgeries and only 2 deaths (I think -- I might be misremembering and it is only 1). The one I remember him telling us about was because the man would not get up and walk after surgery. When he went home his family wouldn't let him get up and walk so he had a blood clot. According to my surgeon, the two biggest risks are pneumonia and blood clots. My surgeon had very specifically addressed those risk with medication (like blood thinners), tools (spirometer use, leg compression thingies, etc.), and instructions (walking, etc.). Yes, there is risk of death from any surgery. For me, the risk of dying from obesity was much, much higher. The best thing you can do is follow your surgeon's instructions to the letter. Everything he asks you to do is to make sure you go into the surgery as healthy as possible and to have the most successful outcome.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    I am beautiful

    Yes, indeed!
  18. Hmm, well, I'm not sure why you assume that someone who drinks is an alcoholic. I'm fairly certain and confident that I am not, so AA would not really be much help. As for therapy, sure, I've been in therapy my entire adult life. I'm a big fan of therapy, but again, as I said in my OP, I know what I should do, but doing it is tough, I'm looking for others in the same boat, not for people who want to pathologize what is simply the human experience! I sincerely wish you the very best results in addressing your regain. I'm truly sorry if my questions offended you. I certainly don't think everyone who drinks is an alcoholic. I certainly don't know if you are an alcoholic. You said you're taking in more calories daily via beer than through the food you eat and that you are having a hard time cutting out the beer. You offered as context your struggles with depression after a physical injury. And since transfer addictions are real dangers for WLS patients post-op, I asked whether you thought AA or therapy could be helpful. You sound very determined to regain your health and to lose the weight you've gained. Again, I wish for you great success in achieving your goals. It might be even worth it to explore OA (OA.org). Many of us use food the way Alcoholic's use alcohol.
  19. Have you tried getting in the water? Water aerobics, lap swimming, or even water jogging/running is much easier on the joints and can give you a great workout.
  20. Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process of losing weight. None of us lose at a constant or steady rate, and periodic stalls are part of the process. Plus, when you were sick, chances are pretty good that you were dehydrated. Just follow your program. Focus on getting in all of your Protein and fluids. Take your Vitamins and supplements as directed. And, exercise when able. If in doubt about what you need to be doing, why not make an appointment with your NUT? Embrace the Stall! Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    Eating Disorder - Bulimia

  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Medications Problems Post Surgery

    This is a great issue to talk to your GP about. Briefly, high potency Vitamins can cause nausea for me. Be careful about when you take them and in what combinations. Your PCP should be able to help you to work out a good schedule. Hormones do go haywire right after surgery. Gore mines are stored in fat so when we lose a lot of fat in a short period of time our hormones tend to dump rapidly into our system. That can affect our moods and our cycles (for women in particular). I am glad you have an appointment with your PCP.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl


    Wow, that is really low. Mine is 100 grams. What was your starting BMI?
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Logging food

    It's a free app for your phone that you can use to track your food and exercise.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    Logging food

    It helps to weight or measure my food. Do you have a food scale and measuring cups and spoons?

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