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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    eating question ?

    Congratulations on following your surgeon's program. First, sleever's don't have a pouch. I assume you have a sleeve since you posted on a sleeve forum. Second, it is important, especially early out since you may not feel everything in your stomach, to weigh and measure your portions. Your stomach is still healing and the nerves may not yet be at 100%. Third, my overeating signals are things like a runny nose, hiccups, or just feeling uncomfortable. If you are expecting to "hurt" then you may be past the point of overeating. Eating slowly, chewing thoroughly, and paying attention to how you are feeling will help you learn when you are going from satisfied to one bite too many.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Liquid diet with BED

    I haven't been diagnosed with BED but I have some suggestions. Focus on what you CAN have instead of what you can't. I don't know what your program entails but your surgeon or NUT should have given you some pretty explicit instructions. Drink all of the recommended Protein shakes if that is what is on your program. Stock up on sugar-free Popsicles, crystal light, decaf tea, broth, or whatever you are allowed and use them. If you are allowed non-starchy vegetables, then eat them. Stay hydrated. Take a walk, do something with your hands (knit, clean the toilet, take a shower, write in a journal, talk to a friend, ... whatever will keep you from reaching for extra food). Remind yourself that this is only for a short time and it is for your benefit. It is so you can have the safest surgery possible.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    Gastric Sleeve 1 Week (4 Days Post Op)

    I mean this in the kindest way possible. Stay off the scale! Your primary job right now is healing from major surgery. That means pushing liquids and Protein, resting, and doing some walking. The sooner you can reach your protein and Fluid targets the better you will feel. Sip, sip, sip. I HIGHLY recommend only weighing at your doctors appointments for the first few months. About three weeks after surgery you are going to hit a stall. It will happen. Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    Is it normal to stall after 2 weeks?

    I couldn't agree more. I only weighed at my doctors appointments for the first few months.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    Is walking speed an indicator of wellbeing?

    I haven't read this study, but it seems like the type of study that I would file under: "No shit Sherlock."
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    Laffy taffy - skittles -starburst

    Try different flavors of calcium chews. Bariatric Advantage has chocolate, caramel, lemon, Berry, etc.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl


    Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process of losing weight. We all stall and most of us experience a stall about three weeks after surgery. Just follow your program. Focus on getting in all of your Protein and at least 64 oz of Fluid. Take your Vitamins and supplements as directed. Exercise when cleared. Stay off the scale. And, Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  8. If I didn't have surgery, chances were pretty darn good I wouldn't be alive in 10 years, let alone 30-40 years.
  9. It sounds like you are allowed most of the things I was allowed during my soft foods phase. Ground meats, tuna, etc. were allowed during soft foods. Tougher, chewier meats were allowed later after my soft mechanical phase. The food phases are based on texture.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    How long between each bite?

    I would. It is good to get in the habit of slowing down.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    Eating after surgery

    30 grams of protein seems extremely low. You can get 30 grams with one Protein shake. Are you ate that 30 grams is your protein target?
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    Well :-(

    What in the world? I didn't see anything in your post that would violate any of the posting standards. What did I miss? People post photos of themselves in much less than what you were wearing all the time. Maybe @@Alex Brecher can enlighten us?
  13. Inner Surfer Girl


    Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Post-op brain fuzziness

    Yes, I was pretty fuzzy for a while post-op. It should get better, especially when you are able to get your calories up and get In some good carbs.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Can you eat all this in a day? HELP!

    You can get all of that in but it won't be easy, especially at first. You will need to sip, sip, sip all day.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl


    Hiccups are one signal of overeating. Eat slowly and mindfully and you will start to learn to stop eating before you get to that point.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Not losing weight

    Hi we should be buddies had my procedure May 26th also, my highest weight was 268 my surgery weight was 250 and I am only at 232 so I have lost only 18 pounds since surgery. I too feel it should be coming off much faster and don't know why everyone else seems to be losing a pound or more a day and I am less than a half a pound a day. I feel I am taking in very few calories and for a whole week I didn't lose anything was feeling quite discouraged myself. I'm sure it's got to come off considering I'm only consuming a fraction of what I used to and my energy level is starting to increase. Was wondering if being post-menopausal has anything to do with me losing weight slower??? But that's a whole nother topic :-) Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App If I had to hazard a guess it is more likely due to your low Protein intake more than anything. It sounds counterintuitive, but you need protein in order to heal and to lose weight. Protein also keeps your metabolism running.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    Liquid tylenol

    Have you tried just taking a tablet?
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    Feeling pretty overwhelmed

    Totally agree with this advice. Some more questions you should ask yourself: - How long have you been struggling with the weight? - How many times have you tried to lose it? - Have you previously had success with a diet/exercise/lifestyle change that you think will give you the results you want if you put your mind to it? - What is keeping you from making lifestyle changes to getting healthier (no judgment! this is just a point worth being honest with yourself about) Personally, I never thought I'd have WLS. I don't know anyone who's had it and always thought it was for 'other people'. I spent 10 years going on and off diets and exercise programs while the result was my actually getting heavier every single year. WLS sounded really drastic and at 34 years old and 244lbs, I thought I was just the right diet away from losing the weight and keeping it off. Finally earlier this year, I decided to stop kidding myself and take the step. I'm only 2+ weeks out but truly feel it's the best thing I could have ever done for myself. (Apologies if this sounds like I'm advocating for WLS (well, I am, but only based on my own personal experience). Ultimately it's about you being honest with yourself and exploring other options before you decide to go down this road. I appreciate your response! These are all very good questions that im currently asking myself. I've got a little journal going and everything. Its been difficult for me to be completely honest with myself. I'm my own worst critic. I have tried to diet and lose weight so many times but I have no discipline. I get obsessed with it for no longer than a week or two, then i end up binge eating and feel like my progress has been sabotaged. I also get frustrated because I know I have medical conditions that aren't on my side when it comes to weight loss. Its a lifestyle change that I just can't seem to grasp. For 30 years food has been a major part of my life; when I'm happy, sad, bored, anxious...I've always eaten. I know this weight didn't creep up over night and I know I won't be able to lose it overnight, so I worry that in my mind I think that's what surgery will do, be my fix all...I'm just scared to take the leap of faith I guess. Everyone has been so kind and insightful. Congrats on your progress; I hope your journey continues pleasantly for you! Thanks again. One key to my success so far is that I finally decided to be rigorously ho eat with myself and my medical team. I don't have to share all of my business with anyone else, but being honest with myself and those I want to help me is critical.
  20. Quest has a banana flavored protein powder.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    Ways To Breakthrough Stalls

    Are you taking a PPI? It might be acid. Are you drinking enough? It might be dehydration. Are you eating enough/getting enough Protein? You might be hungry.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Post op complications

    If I had a passport and extra money I'd come see you!
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    One Pound Weight Loss :-(

    One thing that helped me pre-op was to load up on non-starchy vegetables. Add extra broccoli or cauliflower to your meals. Get the microwave veggie steamer packets. That makes it easy to add extra veggies. Get raw peppers, celery, etc to munch on if you get the nibbles. Drink a lot of Water. If in doubt, drink more water. Are you tracking your food? Have you given up caffeine and carbonation?
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Post op complications

    I pray that with the gallbladder surgery they will be able to see what is wrong and treat it. Keep us posted on how you are doing.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
