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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Post op protien, what did you use?

    Premier ProtiDiet liquid beverage concentrate GNC Lean 25 Syntrax nectar ProtiDiet tomato basil and creamy chicken Soup unjury Be sure and get samples before you invest in bulk quantities and keep in mind that your tastes may change.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    I'm so hungry! (pre-op diet)

    You can do it! Definitely stay hydrated and fill up on what you are allowed to have: decaf tea, sugar-free Popsicles, crystal light, etc.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    What was YOUR experience

    I was sleeved April 20, 2015 and it was my first surgery ever. I still have my tonsils. I couldn't have asked for a better experience, recovery, or progress so far. As to how long until you can schedule surgery, that is going to depend on your surgeon's requirements and how quickly you can get pre-op testing scheduled and the results of those tests.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    Premier Protein...

    I like it. I prefer chocolate, but I like the vanilla and strawberry. I am curious about the new flavors. You can get 4-packs of premier st Walmart. I would definitely not invest in a case unless I knew I liked it.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    Do we have a 100lb loss club?

    Congratulations! This is so awesome. You have done so well!
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    My journey is just beginning!

    Welcome! It is quite an adventure. Keep us posted on how you are doing.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    I am Saudi girl and I am culturally diverse

    Yes. I won't say it was easy, but I have been able to reach or exceed my protein target of 100 grams a day, every day with about two exceptions since the day after I came home from surgery.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    I am Saudi girl and I am culturally diverse

    I was sleeved in April of 2015, so I am over a year out. I have lost over 200 pounds from my highest weight and still have quite a ways to go. Fortunately, I have rarely experienced nausea or other issues related to eating. For me, drinking plain Water was the hardest thing to do post-op. I get my 100 grams of Protein by eating a lot of Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, tuna, turkey, Beans, chicken, fish, cheese, etc.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl


    I don't know. Some people have difficulty with eggs early out. I would hesitate to try something new like that in public. At 12 days I was still on full liquids. If they don't have soup can you at least get a glass of milk or tomato juice?
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    The Struggle

    I have a very bad knee. I have lost over 200 pounds so far and it is much easier to move, walk, and stand. I still do about 95% of my exercise in the water which is much easier in the joints. I am sure at least one knee replacement is in my future, but I couldn't even begin to imagine going through that and rehab 200 pounds ago.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    Flip turns (in the pool)

    No pointers but I just wanted to say that I think this is awesome. I am a lap swimmer but have never learned to do flip turns. I was never on a swim team. I have already told the pro where I swim that I plan to sign up for some private lessons so she can teach me to flip turn when I am a little less buoyant.
  12. Personally, I would be cautious with pate. Pre-op, I loved liver cheese which has a fairly high fat content. Post-op, it has made me feel a little woozy.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    So confused...

    Seven weeks post-op is not an indication of what your life will be like after you have healed. You are still healing and recovering from major surgery. I HIGHLY recommend that you stay off the scale and only weigh at your doctor's appointments. Just follow your program. Focus on getting in ALL of your protein and fluids. For me that means at least 100 grams protein and 64 oz Fluid. Take your Vitamins and supplements as directed. Exercise when cleared. Stay off the scale. And, Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Hard Time Deciding

    What does your surgeon recommend? Personally, I chose the sleeve and my surgeon recommended the sleeve for me. I have absolutely no regrets. I would think that long-term the sleeve would be healthier.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    I am Saudi girl and I am culturally diverse

    Welcome! Let me know if you can't find anyone else. My internet is down. I could FaceTime from my phone on occasion but you may want to see if you can find someone more available. I am in the US. I know there are some folks on here who are geographically closer to you. How are you doing getting in your Protein and fluids? When do you get nausea? When you drink Water? When you take Vitamins? Other times?
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    MANAGER Giving me hell

    Hey, at least she is planning to take a vacation! My last manager would never take a vacation, sick day, or mental health day. He was a couple of years younger than me. He is dead. Both your health and her vacation are important. If your business can't accommodate both then it sounds like you are seriously understaffed --- unfortunately, that seems to be the norm these days. Frankly, I wouldn't change your plans.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Looking for help with my worries….

    Thank you - I appreciate all the input. I wonder if I'll ever get to a place where I'm sure! I watched a couple of videos about the downsides of the surgery -brown smelly pee like the elderly, GERD, bad pains in muscles and joints, dehydration - and a lifetime of concentrating on every morsel you can get in. There are definitely a lot of people that are happy about the surgery. But how many are aggravated or sad about the downside? Do you have any of these problems now?? I see you've had your surgery for a while now. I also just read that Rosie O'Donnell had the sleeve and she said there was 2 months of severe pain - Wow! This stage of researching is confusing and terrifying - lol"Brown smelly pee like the elderly? " Huh? That sounds like a symptom of dehydration. Initially, as in the first few weeks after surgery, it is difficult to get in enough Fluid, but it can be done. Whether you have surgery or not staying hydrated is critical for health. Frankly, if you don't drink enough fluid anyone's pee will be brown. I just find it odd that this is what you are focusing on. "A lifetime of concentrating on every morsel you can get in"? Again, in the first few weeks after surgery,it can be physically difficult to to get in enough Protein, but that is temporary. What in the world are you watching and reading?
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    Fill or No Fill if you had NSV?

    I have a sleeve and not a lapband so take this for what it is worth: Why in the world are you only eating once or twice a day and trying to starve yourself? I am not aware that that is a healthy or effective strategy for losing weight and being healthy. You still need nutrition. You need Protein and fluids. You need to keep your metabolism running optimally. I highly recommend that you make an appointment with your NUT. Your strategy does not sound sustainable, healthy, or effective.
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    One Pound Weight Loss :-(

    Sounds great! Keep taking small steps in the right direction and before you know it you will change your life.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    ONE must know thing....

    How important it is to get enough Protein and fluids. I wish I knew this year's ago. I might not have needed surgery!
  21. Inner Surfer Girl


    Congratulations! This is awesome. I was just marveling this morning about how much easier it is for me to just stand today. Before surgery, I couldn't stand for even a minute or so without pain. Sounds like you are doing great! Congratulations! This is awesome. I was just marveling this morning about how much easier it is for me to just stand today. Before surgery, I couldn't stand for even a minute or so without pain. Sounds like you are doing great!
  22. Inner Surfer Girl


    I do. I can't remember what I did 10 minutes ago, so without logging I would never know whether or not I was meeting my protein target.
  23. Congratulations on taking such a big step toward health. The physical recovery may or may not be easy. Mine was easy but I am not currently working so I didn't have to rush back to work. One thing you may want to keep in mind is the mental aspects, especially since you are in grad school. I was noticeably fuzzy-headed for about a month or so after surgery. I am older than you so that may have an impact on the severity, but anesthesia along with a period of really low calories/carbs probably contributes to it. I know another student just recently posted about noticing the same thing. Be gentle with yourself and be ready to take some time to heal both physically and mentally. Also, take advantage of every minute you have with your nutritionist. It may seem like a burden to have so many required appointments, but they really are for your benefit. Keep us posted on how you are doing.
  24. Good fats can be ok. Peanut Butter. Try adding Protein powder and PB2 to oatmeal. Add a half an avocado to your meal. Add a half a banana to your meal, Protein shake, or similar. Add melted cheese to mashed potatoes. Bake a small sweet potato. You can eat good fats and complex carbs. It sounds like that you would really benefit from increasing your protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    Beach-Bikini Day

    Thank you!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
