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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Artificial sugar vs real sugar

    Tauruslady, I understand why you are upset, but I couldn't let your research go unchallenged because it does appear to be dangerous. There is a difference between your surgeon doing research and an amateur using human test subjects. Yes, continue reading and educating yourself but where you crossed the line was designing and administering a test on live human subjects. Tests like this have extremely stringent protocols. What you went beyond was a simple observation or survey. As someone pointed out, no one was hurt. We don't know that...your research design doesn't include any way to know that. You seem to be enthusiastic about your subject which is great. But how you describe what you did is not. It would have been very irresponsible for me not to say something. I knew I risked your reacting like this but the danger to yourself and others far outway me getting my feelings hurt.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Netflix what are you watching? Which series do you love!?

    Long Way Round: Actor Ewen McGregor and his best friend take a motorcycle ride around the world. Long Way Down: Actor Ewen McGregor and his best friend take a motorcycle ride from the North of Scotland to South Africa. Call the Midwife: Young nurses and nuns serve as midwives in 1950s London's East End. Wallander: Swedish mystery writer Henning Mankel's detective series. Don't Stop Believing: about the band Journey and their search for a new lead singer Muscle Shoals: about Muscle Shoals Alabama music.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl


    I got some pretty sushi plates and Japanese tea cups and saki cups. I've also got some small salad plates and fruit bowls (some vintage and some new). I found some pretty demitasse spoons. Still looking for appetizer forks I like. Can you tell I love dishes?
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    What Are You Reading?

    I loved Outcasts United. I heard at one time that Disney had optioned it but nothing since. Speaking of book to movie adaptations, Serena is finally coming out. It's not too late to read it (by Ron Rash) before you see the movie. It's definitely NOT young adult.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl


    I've started calling ahead because this is definitely an issue for me. If you call and let them know your issues they are better able to accommodate your needs.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    Bariatric Orientation

    Best of luck. You are in the right place. I haven't gone through Kaiser's program, but I have found the more information I have heard and the more I have learned, the more confident I have felt In my decision. Ask lots of questions and take lots of notes.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Scale not moving

    Definitely check with the Y, I know that Ys I've belonged to in the past have financial assistance available.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    Fat People programs

    This is a great story on CNN (referencing My 600 Pound Life). Thousand-pound woman loses over 800 pounds http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/us/2015/02/26/pkg-woman-loses-over-800-pounds.ktrk.html
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    What should I say to my manager?

    Take care of yourself and do what is best for you. You have already shown the courtesy of giving your manager a heads up. It's your life and your health. Be polite, follow the policy, and be assertive about your needs.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Being mindful

    You look great!
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    Dealing With My Depression :(

    I am unemployed/on disability and have mobility issues but some things that have helped me: - Have at least one major goal a day. - Do at least 60 minutes of exercise every day - Make at least one phone call a day - If you are able to get out, take some classes and/or join some groups (ex. check your local library for job search classes, exercise classes, book groups, etc) - attend support group meetings - Do something creative/artistic You've received some great advice already from previous posters. Best of luck. You have a great opportunity to regroup and focus on you.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    Fat People programs

    Here is a fairly recent article/critique of the Biggest Loser by former contestant Kai Hibbard http://www.xojane.com/it-happened-to-me/biggest-loser-kai-hibbard?utm_campaign=IHTM&utm_source=huffpost_women&utm_medium=pubexchange
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    Artificial sugar vs real sugar

    There are some very rigorous protocols for using human test subjects in the US. I applaud your curiosity but if you aren't a trained researcher I would definitely caution you against using people for medical research. I definitely recommend you learn about guidelines for using human test subjects.
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Artificial sugar vs real sugar

    Tauruslady5, are you a physician? researcher? Are you in the U.S.? I don't know why but your post sent up some red flags. Are you actually experimenting on people? This sounds irresponsible at the very least. I hope there is more to the story than your post reads to me.
  15. I didn't think Boost was on any of the approved lists I've seen. Doesn't it have too many carbs?
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    What Are You Reading?

    Pearl S. Buck rocks!
  17. Get some herbs, spices, and olive oil. You can roast chicken and turkey. You can make an omelette with egg and cheese. As others have said, do an online search for a protein along with "easy" or "simple". Other search terms you can use "bariatric", "sleeve", "clean", "whole".
  18. I am still pre-op and up until the past couple of years cooked very little. I have a small kitchen and have been cooking much more. When I say cooking, I am talking very simple stuff (not complicated ingredients). For instance, tonight I made tilapia. I adapted a recipe I found on Pinterest by searching frozen tilapia (I didn't want to have to thaw it overnight). I put frozen tilapia in a pan that I sprayed with olive oil. Put a little butter on top and some 21 spice seasoning. Put it in a preheated toaster oven. After it had been in the oven a while I sprinkled some Parmesan/Asiago blend on top. When it was done I served it with some green Beans that I nuked. Pretty easy and I thought it was delicious. I had a banana for desert. To meal plan, focus on a Protein and add a vegetable. Since I am minimizing carbs I don't always have a carb but sometimes do quinoa, rice or similar since I am still pre-op. When I have a fruit I try to make it a whole fruit (banana, Apple, plums, cherries, pears, and oranges are some of my favorites). Miss Mac, I love Mediterranean food! Do you have any easy recipes you could share?
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    What Are You Reading?

    I read The Good Earth about four or five years ago and loved it.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    Terrified of sleep study

    If it helps, when I had a sleep study there were lots of people around (other patients, technicians, etc.) if it's a busy center it shouldn't be a matter of you alone with one other person. I would definitely share your concerns with your doctor and the sleep center. They may be able to accommodate your issues. Are you currently seeing a therapist or counselor? He or she may have some ideas to help you through it. Best of luck.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    Fat People programs

    For me, Pauline's episode did reinforce the basic requirements for a successful outcome: Positive attitude Willingness to accept help Listen to surgeon's advice Walk Drink Water Focus on Protein Minimize carbs Try, even if you think you can't do something I am sure there are more lessons, but these seem to be the most critical.
  22. Here is an interesting article about some of the effects of weight loss (increased energy, improved memory, relationship changes, etc.) 9 things no one tells you about losing weight http://www.cnn.com/2015/02/18/health/weight-loss-mystery/index.html
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    Fat People programs

    I agree. I am someone who would never expose my personal life on TV. But sad to say, there are some people (not everyone on these shows, but a few) who seem to crave any kind of attention. From what I gather online, this is not Pauline's first experience with reality TV/tabloids. It's very sad, but yet I still watch -- I have learned a lot about myself and the process by their willingness to be on these kinds of shows. I just wish they offered more depth and more practical education.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Fat People programs

    The "Pauline" episode on My 600 Pound life turned into another "unsuccess" story. She has so many parallels to Penny. It was an excellent example of what will/can happen if you do not follow directions, do not deal with the mental/psychological issues, and expect the surgery to magically fix you.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    What Are You Reading?

    Wuthering Heights (good for a cold snowy day). I just finished rereading All The President's Men and a Washington Post compilation of all the Watergate articles.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
