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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    DVT machine ...

    DVT and pneumonia are two of the biggest risks for surgery. My surgeon requires the DVT machine and blood thinners for everyone (that I know of). We used the machine in the hospital and were given a rental unit to bring home.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Uncertain futures

    I am so sorry to hear this. I will keep you, your husband, and your medical team in my prayers.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    What kind of broths?

    My surgeon allowed the ProtiDiet creamy chicken and tomato basil for the clear liquid stage and I really liked them.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    Share your rants about the fashion industry!

    I have the opposite problem. If a skirt fit my waist it was too short (because my weight is in my hips and butt). I finally gave up and had skirts made so they would be long enough. My gripe has always been so many things are too short and tight and low cut (more for teenagers than for women).
  5. Inner Surfer Girl


    You posted this in the Bypass forum but if you haven't yet met with a surgeon you may not be aware of the other options. The Sleeve (VSG) is a newer procedure that you will definitely want to consider. There are also other procedures but you will want to learn about the most common as you come to a decision.
  6. Not enough Protein, too much wine/ empty calories, and probably not enough Water (see wine) is probably the answer to your "relatively" slow weight loss. If you aren't happy with your progress, why not go back to basics and make an appointment with your NUT?
  7. Inner Surfer Girl


    You can attend a seminar sponsored by a bariatric surgeon (look for a Center of Excellence near you and/or ask your primary care doctor for a referral), read (there are lots of books available, The Big Book of Weight Loss Surgery was written by the founder of this site), and read posts on this site and ask questions. There is a lot of information on the Internet (some more reliable than others), so you can find a lot of info online, including Youtube, just be careful when evaluating the accuracy of the info. Edited: because autocorrect sucks.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    I'm tired of waiting, I want to be able.

    I had an extra long wait once I finally decided to have the surgery. Yes, the waiting was the hardest part but the process and time spent preparing was critical. I don't think my recovery would have gone so well without it.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    A great read!

    I agree. This journey for me so far has been 90% about what is going on in my head. A positive attitude makes everything so much easier. (Of course, it has taken many years to get to this point.)
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Advice need it!

    I am so sorry you are going through this. It sounds awful. Are you eating slowly and chewing thoroughly? I hope others on this site and your doctor can help you.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    1 month post Op

    The last thing you want to do is starve. This is completely different than our previous diet thinking of deprivation. Whatever you do (liquids, puréed, etc), I would highly recommend following your PAs instructions as closely as possible and getting in all your protein and water. That will ensure you don't "starve".
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    Best books and videos?

    In addition to the many WLS books available (like Alex's Big Book), there are some great food addiction, eating disorder books that are helpful. I would recommend anything by Geneen Roth and Overeater's Anonymous literature.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    Help, dont know what to eat!

    @@marjan I hope this helps. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. I love to hear how folks from other countries and cultures adapt what seems like very US-centric advice to what works for them. I also would love any WLS friendly recipes you would be willing to share as you continue on this journey!
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Beach Time? Or Not?

    Did your surgeon clear you for surfing, too or just swimming? The reason I ask is that it seems that surfing would engage more of your abdominal muscles and would be more akin to lifting than water submersion. Just a thought since this is a time when they are trying to prevent hernias in the abdominal wall.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    A dream come true

    Congratulations! This is so awesome to hear. Your enthusiasm is so encouraging. I can't wait to hear all about your trip and see pictures. Mobility is one of the major reasons I had sleeve surgery and your post just gave me an extra dose of hope. Thank you!
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    1 month post Op

    I am so sorry she wasn't able to give you some constructive help and encouragement. I know some of their expectations for weight loss are based on your starting point (height, weight, BMI, etc). From my standpoint it sounds like you are doing well. Are you able to get in all your Protein and fluids every day? If not, maybe that is why she wants you to step back to fluids. Just a thought.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Let's talk Fruits!

    I am one month post op so still don't have a lot of room for much but Protein but I still try to get some vegetables and fruit in every day. My NUT doesn't discourage all carbs. She encourages a balanced plan. Fresh fruit should be fine in moderation. I still can't do fresh strawberries because of the seeds but am looking forward to being able to have some this summer. My personal opinion: you can't go wrong with some fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables as long as you get in your protein.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    Groupon had quest bars

    Drugstore.com has both quest bars and Syntrax.
  19. When I had my first soft food/fish I had grilled salmon at a family cookout. There was no way I would have been able to fit in anything but the salmon (and certainly not steamed or firm vegetables). With soft foods I was still only able to do veggies that were complete mush. I would bypass the sides and just have some nice soft, flaky salmon. Later that week I had some baked tilapia with a tiny bit of mushy green Beans and a bit of mashed potato. Edited to answer your question: if are buying fresh fish at the grocery store they should be able to cut the filets in smaller portions for you.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    Beach Time? Or Not?

    My instructions was no swimming (immersion in water) until my incisions had completely healed over -- no scabs or holes. That happened by my fourth week. Now if only the weather would cooperate I am cleared to swim.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    Weight loss but not inches?

    My whole life experience of dieting and losing weight has taught me that I will never be able to predict where my body chooses to store fat and in what order it will use that fat. I do not loose inches proportionally. Our bodies are complex systems, not simple machines. As we lose weight, burn fat, and build muscle, we will see all sorts of changes, shifts, and surprises. I am noticing the biggest changes in my legs right now. Others see changes in my face. Also, don't forget most of us also have a lot of internal fat around our organs that is harder to measure with a tape measure.
  22. It sounds like you aren't getting enough protein if you are only getting 200 calories of protein a day. It's important for recovery and weight loss to reach your protein goal every day.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    Help, dont know what to eat!

    I don't count calories. I record my food in MyFitness Pal with a goal of 100 grams of Protein a day. For my surgeon, anyone with a starting BMI of over 50 must eat 100 grams protein a day, every day. Others with a lower BMI can have a lower goal (I have seen a range of 60-80 grams). If you eat protein first and then vegetables and some fruits, you won't have much room for much else. I avoid rice, Pasta and bread altogether.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Help, dont know what to eat!

    I don't know why the link did not work for you, it comes up for me when I click on it. Try searching "Bariatric surgery manual", "bariatric post-op food plan" or something similar.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl


    I am in the early stages and I would also add: nut butters, Popsicles, pudding, V8, Jello, yogurt. Actually, there isn't much difference between my meals and my Snacks.

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