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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    The Truth, Uncensored - Post-Sleeve

    Thanks for sharing your experience. I couldn't imagine going into this surgery only 5 weeks or so after hearing about it. It took me much longer to even consider it and once I made the decision had to wait due to some logistics problems. That time was invaluable for preparing myself for surgery. I am so sorry you had such a difficult time in recovery. I am thankful that all I experienced was some minor gas pain. Because of mobility issues, I had to be very careful traveling an hour away by car (had to plan stops along the way to walk). I couldn't fly either right before or right after surgery.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Please Don't Tell me your Horror Story

    This will pass. You just had major surgery and the crutch many of has used in the past (food) to get through discomfort is no longer available. You are in grief and your hormones are probably a little whacky. You will be fine. Just focus on what is in front of you. Sipping your water and Protein, and moving around were my primary focus right after surgery. Writing in a journal or talking with a trusted friend will also help you vent some of your feelings.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    50 days After Gastric Sleeve

    If you are cleared for exercise and want to join a gym, by all means do so. Many folks on these boards go to a gym regularly. You may want to also consider making an appointment with a personal trainer. My recovery is going well and I am happy with my progress. Since the second day after surgery I have been able to meet my Protein goal (100 grams/day) every day. This week I am cleared for just about all foods. I am still struggling with getting in all my water/fluids but am doing better. My goal is at least 64 oz a day. I am doing some walking. I have been extremely immobile so am starting slow. I have been cleared for swimming and am looking forward to getting in the pool (hopefully this week). Once I am physically able to get there I plan to rejoin the local Wellness Center. But, for the summer since I have a pool at home that will be my primary exercise along with walking. I only weigh when I go to the Doctor but have been very happy with my results. I see physical changes every day. I wish you the best of luck with your journey. Stay positive and Celebrate all you are accomplishing.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    New to fifties group

    I just wanted to duck in here and claim my seat in the 50s group. I turned 50 last summer and still don't feel like I am mentally there yet. Physically, I was falling apart. I was sleeved on April 20 and couldn't be happier with my recovery and progress so far. When I turn 51 this summer, I will definitely be in a different place physically. This is the year I regain my mobility and start to get my life back!
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    Wellcare:Medicaid Kentucky

    I live in Danville but Dr. Weiss was who my Dr. In Danville recommended. I was so lucky. He is a great surgeon and I couldn't be happier with my surgery and recovery. I love his attitude and learned so much from him and his staff and the Georgetown hospital staff were great.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    'Bi' the Way!

    For me, my weight was always been a literal barrier and buffer to keep me protected and away from hurt (obviously not a very effective one). As I drop the weight and don't have the option of numbing myself with food, I have to face lots of things that I have kept buried/hidden or avoided dealing with. That is why therapy and a recovery program like OA is so helpful in this process. They give me tools to help deal with many of the emotional and psychological issues that come up in a healthier way.
  7. I was able to drink 64 plus oz a day before surgery but it's definitely a struggle for me post surgery. I have to really pay attention and sip all day. For me, room temperature Water works better than cold (vary your temperature to see if it makes a difference). Also, water with Protein liquid concentrate or Water Enhancer seems to go down better than plane water for me. Setting small, intermediate goals helps. I use a 24 oz water bottle that I refill throughout the day so I have to commit to finishing half of the bottle by a certain time, etc. or I know I will be behind. Last night, I took my water bottle to bed and knew I couldn't go to sleep until I finished it. I still have to sip slowly and not drink too fast. Keep working on it and trying to see what works. Best of luck and don't give up.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    50 days After Gastric Sleeve

    Are you getting all your Protein and Water every day? If you aren't exercising you can start by walking. Since you are 50 days post-op you should also be able to swim. You can do whatever exercise you are comfortable with. Find something you enjoy. As long as you are moving you are going in the right direction.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Wellcare:Medicaid Kentucky

    I don't know anything about WellCare but, I was sleeved April 20 by Dr. Weiss at Georgetown. His office has an insurance coordinator who can help you determine your insurance requirements or you can give WellCare a call and ask them.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    My Cash Pay Journey

    Post-op, even on clear liquids I was allowed Premier. I also used ProtiDiet liquid beverage concentrate. I was given the concentrate in the hospital and put it over a bit of crushed ice and ate it with a spoon. I used that a lot the first week. Now, I can drink them more diluted.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl


    After full liquids I started soft foods and have three weeks of adding mechanical foods to the soft foods gradually. Try starting with adding one food a day beginning with softs and take your time.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    When does the weight loss start?

    I would be concerned about the dizziness. Are you getting enough water? How is your blood pressure? Definitely check with your doctor.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    Kitchen Organization Ideas

    Here is an article from the Splendid Table with kitchen organization ideas that help with portion control and making healthier choices. http://www.splendidtable.org/story/5-things-you-can-do-at-home-to-avoid-overeating
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Condensed Protein Shake

    I hope it helps.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    My Cash Pay Journey

    I feel great.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    Food ideas

    The reason I recommended you look at your program materials is that of this, only the refried beans, cooked vegetables, eggs, and hummus were part of my soft stage. The fish, chicken, and chili were all in later stages.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    My Cash Pay Journey

    Congratulations and best of luck on your surgery. With lots of preparation and research, I can honestly say the worst part of my surgery was the anticipation. Learn as much as you can by reading and asking questions. The only pain I experienced was some gas pain in my shoulder after surgery. They will have you up and walking right away which should help with any gas pain you experience. A heating pad helped, too. My surgery was Monday morning and I came home Tuesday afternoon. See if you can get your prescriptions filled and pick up your meds before surgery. Also, make sure you have some Tylenol (liquid) available since you won't be able to take NSAIDs like Advil. sugar free popsicles, clear Protein (like Isopure or ProtiDiet liquid concentrate), and clear broth should get you through the first few days of your clear liquid diet at home. Do your best to get your fluids and protein in as both are critical to your healing. Dehydration is a very real danger if you don't keep sipping fluids. Also, I was given a spirometer and other breathing device to use before and after surgery. Be sure and use those as instructed. The one thing that really helped me: I made a commitment to myself to do everything that was asked of me. There was no room for "I can't" which usually means "I won't" or "I'm afraid to", neither of which are helpful to your recovery. 90% of this journey is mental.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    Share your rants about the fashion industry!

    Clothes are designed to look good on clothes hangers and not real people. The expectation is that people will fit themselves to the clothes instead of clothes being made to fit people.
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    Food ideas

    My program provided me a detailed list of what is allowed for each phase. What does your program allow? Did you receive information from your surgeon/NUT with ideas and examples?
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    Foods to eat on soft food diet

    I wasn't able to add soft fish and canned chicken until my second week of soft foods. Be sure and follow your NUTs guidelines.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    Foods to eat on soft food diet

    Yogurt, cottage cheese, refried beans, protein pudding, cream of wheat, oatmeal, applesauce
  22. Inner Surfer Girl


    I didn't involve my PCP with my decision to have WLS at all. I went directly to the surgeon, and only emailed my PCP's office aa needed for referrals. The reason I asked is the OP said her Doctor recommended bypass but she hasn't yet met with a surgeon based on her post.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl


    Did your PCP recommend the bypass or your surgeon? I have found that most PCPs aren't as familiar with the options either and only know about the bypass. I would definitely explore the various options with your surgeon.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    I'm tired of waiting, I want to be able.

    If you are like me, and many other people I know of, once you get sugar out of your system you probably won't crave it as much. Plus, with all the sweet Protein shakes and supplements you will be drinking you won't really have to completely give up sweet things.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    What kind of broths?

    you didn't have any problems with acid reflux with the tomato? I'm onto full liquids on Sunday and am apprehensive about acidic foodsThanks so much everyone, this helps greatly!! No, I didn't. But, ask your team because not everyone would allow these until full liquids. My NUT also suggested Pacific Foods bone broth because it has more Protein than regular broth nut since the ProtiDiet Soups worked for me I didn't try the bone broth.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
