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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl


    If your surgeon told you to start the pre-op diet go ahead and start it while you try to get confirmation so you will be ready once you are confirmed.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Washing after surgery

    I was told no immersion in water or scrubbing the incision area until the incisions were healed but that showering was fine.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    Normal day?

    I wasn't told to count calories but to count protein grams in order to reach my protein goal of 100 grams and 64 oz liquids. I was able to reach it my protein goal after my second day home from the hospital. The 64 oz water/liquids is more challenging. Fortunately, when you are on liquids you can count everything toward the liquid total.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    Binge eating and pre operation interviews

    I would caution that if you need to be anything less than honest in your psych eval and with your surgeon and other Doctors who need to clear you for surgery, you aren't ready for the surgery. There is one goal, to have a safe surgery and recovery and in the best place for you to succeed in your weight loss. If you need to lie to yourself or your medical team you are doing a great disservice to yourself and are risking your life.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    New to fifties group

    I thought this was right on the nose.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    New to fifties group

    Sending best wishes for a speedy recovery, Lainieg. This is going to be an awesome year.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Day 1

    Congratulations! For me, taking that first step was the hardest part of this journey.
  8. As I have heard many times on this site, the surgeon only performs surgery on our stomach, not our head. You sound like you are expecting the surgery to magically transform your mental state. I recommend that you seriously consider seeing a therapist and attending a support group like Overeaters Anonymous. For many of us, we used food to self-medicate and cope with life's ups and downs. Once the option to use food to mask uncomfortable feelings and emotions is no longer available, we have to find healthy ways to manage those feelings and emotions. In addition, as we lose weight the loss of fat and changes in our body can increase the fluctuation in our hormones which influences our emotions. You may find that some adjustment on your perspective, and some positive tools and skills may be fairly easy for you to adopt with the help of a good professional and a caring support group. Keep sharing your feelings on this site but the best thing you can do for yourself today is to make an appointment with a therapist, In addition, if possible, go outside and get some sunlight. Take a walk. Exercise, sunlight, and good nutrition will all help you cope with those uncomfortable feelings today. No matter what your current or future body weight will be, you can and will be happy with yourself, it will just take a willingness to try some new things that may be a little bit uncomfortable at first. Edited to add: I have considerably more than 200 pounds to lose so I understand how unattainable a significant amount can seem. For the first time in decades, I truly believe it is possible for me to have a normal body size. You can, too.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Sleep Apnea

    I was diagnosed with severe sleep Apnea several years ago and have been using a BiPap machine ever since. Getting a good night's sleep changed my life. About a week post-op I had to tighten my mask because my face had shrunk. About a month later I found I couldn't sleep with it as it was blowing too strong. Today I was finally able to see my sleep doctor and came home with one of the newfangled machines (it's supposed to automatically adjust to the correct settings and looks like a bedside radio). I feel so fancy. I am really looking forward to seeing it in action. Here is to a good night's sleep and hopefully to not needing the machine much longer.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    April 20 Sleevers Progress

    I just wanted to check in. I hope everyone is doing well and improving every day. I had my first follow-up appointment yesterday and everything is going well. I told my mom and my sister (who will tell everyone else) how much I lost, but I told them that I am not going to announce my weight loss every time. I don't want to get caught up in numbers. I have been able to reach my Protein goal since the second day I was allowed Clear liquids. The protein and Water numbers are the only measurements I want to focus on. The highlight of this week is my transition to full liquids. Cottage cheese, V8, and yogurt taste so good. I am looking forward to soft foods. In addition, I am eager for my incisions to heal and the weather to warm enough to get in the pool. I can't believe how quickly time has gone by post-surgery. May is going to be a great month.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl


    Your protein requirement is based on your starting BMI. Mine is 100 grams a day.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    Getting Jiggly

    I had my one month post-op follow-up appointment today and couldn't be happier with my recovery. My incisions have healed enough to get in the pool. Yeah! I think this was the first time in my life I was actually eager to get on a scale (I only weigh at the doctors office) and I wasn't disappointed. I even blew past my first significant milestone with room to spare. It makes a difference to my sanity not to weigh every day. From the very first few days after surgery I have noticed some significant physical changes. My fat deposits have really loosened up. My mom even noted today that I was "jigglier". I had more legroom in the car and was even able to pull the car door shut myself on the first try. In addition, I climbed the few stairs in front of the building (rather than taking the ramp) without much trouble. Getting my mobility back is one of my biggest goals. What were some of the first physical changes you noticed after surgery?
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    Getting Jiggly

    Yeah, I noticed a pointier chin and nose in a recent picture.
  14. Maybe your surgeon is confused, too. The Sleeve is a one time procedure. As to your weight loss slowing down, are you getting in all your Protein and fluids every day? Are you exercising?
  15. Drugstore.com has a lot of Protein products. I get Quest bars and GNC lean 25 shakes through them and they seem to have good prices. You can get a batch of samples of Syntrax nectar directly from the manufacturer. Edited to add: I get Vitamins from drugstore.com, too.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    Three days post !

    Both are very important. If you can make sure your fluids have Protein you can count toward both goals. Early in ky liquid phases I used PritiDiet liquid beverage concentrate over a bit of crushed ice (I ate it over crushed ice like a slushie), Premier Protein and ProtiDiet tomato basil and creamy chicken Soups (these non-Clear liquids allowed by my surgeon as an exception to the clear liquid rule), sugar free Popsicles (no protein but fluid), and sugar-free Jello (a little bit of protein). All of these count as fluids and almost all had protein. Because of the soups I didn't drink a lot of broth but bone broth is another good source of clear protein. You can do it, you just have to keep sipping.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Ugh I'm messing up already

    If you can't find soft foods you like you can also still use liquid supplements to get your Protein. You don't have to default to noodles and other carbs. When I was on soft foods I lived on yogurt, cottage cheese, refried Beans, soup, pudding, eggs, and Protein shakes. The second week of soft foods I was allowed soft fish so I added tuna, tilapia, and salmon to the mix. Each phase builds on the previous phases so you can continuously add foods to your options.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    Not getting enough protein..

    It's difficult but you can get in 70 grams of Protein with liquids. 2 premier Protein shakes would give you 60 grams. You just need to be sipping all the time. You can do it. Getting in your protein is critical for both healing and weight loss. My surgeon was emphatic when he said that there is no physical reason someone couldn't drink 3 premier Protein drinks the day after surgery. You've just got to keep sipping!
  19. I have the same question. I wasn't aware of a part two of the bypass. The only one I've heard of is the Duodenal Switch (I think) which has the sleeve as the first part. Since so many people had success with the sleeve procedure they started offering it as a stand alone procedure (or so I've heard).
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    protein shake

    Carnation instant is one of the approved options on my program. If you want variety you could try some of the Protein powders or Meal Replacement shakes. I like the carnation instant made with milk, Premier Protein ready to drink, GNC Lean 25 made with Water, and Syntrax nectar made with water. Just follow your surgeon's program. The pre-op diet varies surgeon to surgeon with the goal of shrinking your liver and preparing for surgery once you have completed any required pre-op weight loss requirements. Best of luck, it sounds like you are doing great.
  21. No. The only times I have had an eye twitch was when I was under a great deal of stress.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    What am I doing wrong?

    I was also eating frequently early out in order to get in my protein. I don't think it's unreasonable to need to eat every two or three hours. I was, and still am, either eating or drinking pretty much all day long.
  23. Congratulations! That is so great! I am starting to see so many physical changes, too.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Waist training

    There is another recent thread about this where I posted this link that has info about the risks: http://news.health.com/2015/03/10/what-is-waist-training/

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
