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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Sleep machine

    Because sleep apnea can kill you.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Massive pain !

    Call your surgeon and go to the ER. This doesn't sound good.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    Doctor in Ohio?

    I don't know about surgeons in your area, but I did meet someone from Columbus who travelled down to Kentucky to have surgery with my surgeon. If you are willing to travel you might want to see if Dr. Weiss at Bluegrass Bariatric is in your network. He is excellent.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    Just realized..no more 280's!

    Congratulations! I know how exciting it is to hit a milestone you never thought you would see again. Keep it up and your surgery will be over before you know it.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl


    I don't see why it would be "bad". What makes you ask?
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    I'm 21 and freaking out!

    I for one can't wait to see you take the world by storm. There is a reason that graduation culminates with a commencement ceremony. It is when you commence into the world and truly begin life.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    I'm 21 and freaking out!

    I am truly sorry if you feel that I was condescending in what I posted but it came from the heart. Like many of us, I too was once a college student. After a couple of degrees and a career working with college students, I do understand more than you realize what you are going through. I hoped what I provided you was a bit of perspective. I did respond to the content of your post which to me sounds like you feel that for some reason going out and getting drunk is the most-important part of your social and college experience. I am very happy for you if that is not the case. There is so much more to life and the college experience than drinking. I hope you have the chance to experience first-hand that you do not have to numb yourself with substances (whether its alcohol and/or food) to be social and have fun and more importantly to be accepted and liked for being yourself. The weight loss surgery journey is so much more than just surgery --- for me its about learning how to be the best person I can be (physically, emotionally, and spiritually). You are at the beginning of what will hopefully be a very long and successful life. I just hate to see something like drinking keep you from succeeding.
  8. Making progress getting in my fluids but its still a challenge. Getting in the pool has been great!

    1. CanyonBaby


      It should improve with time, did you also have a hernia repair at the same time? If you did, it may take a little more time. I still have difficulties with straight water (at 6+ months out), and I did have hernia repair at the same time. It feels like concrete hitting a brick wall! The water-enhancer drops really help me get more in. Have fun at the pool...wish I were with you!

    2. Eliz31


      Wish i was going to the pool. Hardly have time to do anything

  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Ok. WTF am I doing wrong?

    I'll answer for her. Google "weight loss surgery manual" or "bariatric center of excellence manual" or something similar. You will find many surgeon's websites with info about weight loss surgery post-op nutrition, etc.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Ok. WTF am I doing wrong?

    Unfortunately I did not have a NUT and the instructions post surgery were so inconsistent that many ppl started asking the doc. Instead of giving us correct information he just kept saying....do whatever you want...I'll resleeve you in 2 years. So I have never asked questions since. Wow. Obviously, not a center of excellence. My surgeon said that protein goals are set based on starting BMI. For anyone over 50 BMI and all men, the minimum goal is 100 grams. If you are hungry all the time, try for a goal of 100 grams, no more than 20-25 grams at a time. Plan for three meals and one or two Snacks. Eat protein first and track your protein (I use MyFitnessPal because I can't remember what I did ten minutes ago). Best of luck.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    I'm 21 and freaking out!

    At the risk of sounding like a fuddy-duddy (boy does autocorrect love that one), it breaks my heart to hear that after three years of college (where you haven't even reached legal drinking age) the one thing you think defines your experience is drinking, and drinking to excess at that. Believe it or not, you can have fun stone-cold sober. You can dance, you can socialize. You also can learn a lot, get better grades, and most importantly exercise better judgement -- about risks, relationships, etc. Even if you never take another drink the rest of your life you can live a full and exciting life. If the thought of taking a break from drinking in order to improve or even save your life is so terrible, I really think you would benefit from some soul-searching.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    Ok. WTF am I doing wrong?

    What is your Protein goal? Are you getting in all your protein and Water every day? I have to add for the benefit of the folks who posted above that if your protein goal is 100 grams, then 1200 calories is reasonable. If your protein goal is 60 grams, then yes, 1200 calories is a bit high --but, it is a relative and based on your protein requirements and your program as developed with your NUT.
  13. Here is a recent NY Times article about someone who recently had skin removal surgery. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/06/15/nyregion/former-980-pound-man-adjusts-after-a-difficult-skin-operation.html?referrer=
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Is the three week stall really a thing?

    Absolutely! I weighed only at the surgeon's office for my 1-week and 1-month follow-ups so didn't experience the anxiety that so many people put themselves through. If you weigh every day you are only torturing yourself with head games.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Tomato Soup ?

    I don't think it would have been allowed preop on my program but would have been post op. (If you are referring to Campbell's tomato.) Post op, I ate a lot of the ProtiDiet tomato basil and creamy chicken Soups during my liquid phases.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    How do you relieve the too-full feeling?

    Measuring portions and eating small bites slowly will help you avoid eating too much. If you are uncomfortable after one bite too many try raising your arms straight up over your head and/or standing up. That seems to give a little extra room until you start to digest.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    I am in love with the new me!

  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    After over 1 year of waiting...

    Congratulations. The perseverance you have shown will definitely help you succeed. As to the cleanse, I have never done one and am not a fan of the idea. That said, I would definitely run the idea by your NUT and surgeon. Your goal now should be as healthy as possible as you go into surgery.
  19. @@SoulGlo, how are you doing today?
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    Just made decision!

    The time frame varies from a few weeks to 6 months + (to years). The variables are insurance coverage/requirements, a battery of testing requirements, financing, and your readiness. If you are new to this process I would definitely recommend you do a lot of research and ask a lot of questions. RNY is just one option. I was sleeved on April 20 of this year and couldn't be happier.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    Brave enough to cut hair SHORT now!

    I recently cut all mine off. My head is so much lighter and I am learning to use just a time bit of shampoo.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    400+ lbs at the time of surgery

    To add, I had a very easy recovery and am pleased with my progress so far. Before surgery, I weaned myself from caffeine and carbonation, drank at least 64 oz. of Water a day, and tried to do 60 minutes of exercise a day. Because of the weather and my mobility issues, I got an exercise peddler and peddled with my hands while watching tv. Post surgery I recommend: Do everything you are asked to do in the hospital and beyond. Get in all your Protein. I have been able to reach my protein goal of 100 grams a day (+/- 5-10 grams) every day but two since my second day home from surgery. Get at least 64 oz of Fluid a day (this has been more of a challenge for me). Exercise as much as you safely can. Learn as much as you can as you go through this process. Ask lots of questions, and don't be afraid to ask for help. Use every resource available to you: NUT, psychologist/therapist, support group, OA, etc. that you need. Don't listen to anyone who says you can't do it or that you are taking the easy way out. Fortunately, I don't have anyone in my life who is unsupportive. Although not everyone understands what I am going through they do care. Best of luck with your surgery. It will be here before you know it.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    400+ lbs at the time of surgery

    I am 5' 6" with a HW 565 ish, SW 535 ish. I am currently 455 ish. (I only weigh at the doctor or once a month or less on my scale at home.) I was sleeved on April 20 and I don't think my surgeon ever expressed reservations about doing the surgery. I carry most of my weight in my lower body (am pear shaped) so that may have something to do with it. My exercise of choice is deep Water water aerobics (due to a bad knee) and now that it's summer and I have a pool at home I get in the pool everyday weather permitting.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Hello Ramadan

    I am not Muslim either but I seem to recall reading other posts on this site from people who are fasting for Ramadan after having WLS. If you search Ramadan you may be able to find some advice. Best of luck.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    "Brave" choice?

    I think it's brave because you are commencing on a life-changing journey of self-discovery and transformation. Take the compliment!

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