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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Gastric sleeve in Ky

    Off the top of my head: blood tests, pulmonary tests, cardiac clearance (so whatever tests your cardiologist orders), upper GI and/or EGD, more blood tests (including pregnancy test). You will get a list of required tests when you have your first consult.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Going back to school

    Congratulations on taking this step I would recommend NOT getting it done during the semester. Although I had a very easy recovery, I definitely was in a brain fog for about a month after surgery (and very distracted in the weeks leading up to surgery). You need all of your focus for finishing up your degree so the more rest you can get around the time of your surgery the better. Good luck with your surgery and your senior year!
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    I need to save $3,000 in 3 months

    I would definitely not get a title loan for this. If you can't save enough in three months then maybe you need more time. Don't risk to your car or getting into a hole of debt you can't get out of. Otherwise, cut out all nonessentials. Getting a part time job is a good idea if you are able as someone else mentioned. If you have a 401k, this is one of the few times where it might be a good idea to take a loan from it. Some other ideas: See if any of your friends, family, neighbors need a project or chore done that they would be willing to pay for (again if you are able): teach them how to use their computer, clean out their closet, babysit, etc. You might see if you have any clothes you could sell on consignment or eBay. Have a garage sale. Have a bake sale! I am sure other people may have more ideas.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl


    If your program doesn't allow Protein shakes you should still be able to do clear protein. Isopure has a clear protein (in bottles) that I believe is 40 grams per bottle. I was given ProtiDiet liquid Protein concentrate in the hospital and it some from my surgeon's office to bring home that comes in different fruity varieties. Initially, I ate it over some crushed ice. Now, a month out I dilute them with Water. Bone broth also has some protein. You should definitely be trying to reach your protein goal every day. It will help with healing as well as weight loss.
  5. No. Sipping fluids should not stretch your sleeve.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl


    Deep water aerobics as often as possible (weather permitting).
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Help carb over load.

    At 7 months with no post-op guidance sounds scary. What have you been doing up to now? I would recommend revisiting the basics. Getting 64 oz of Water is great. What is your Protein goal? Are you reaching it every day? Are you recording your food? Are you eating protein first? Are you exercising even with a bad back? (I love water exercise and swimming because it is low impact.) If you seem lost, why not consider making an appointment with your NUT and following up with your surgeon's office?
  8. Are you getting in your Protein? You might want to give your surgeon a call just to be safe. Passing out is not good.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Follow up visits

    My surgeon's office recommended I see my PCP after my first month surgery follow-up to see if any of my meds needed to be adjusted. I also made an appointment with my sleep doctor because I needed an adjustment on my BiPap. I wound up getting a new BiPap because mine was several years old and the new ones automatically adjust.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl


    I think apples are one of those foods where it takes so much energy to chew and digest (especially in its natural, whole form) that the carbs are pretty much a wash. As long as you are getting in protein I wouldn't worry about some nice, fresh fruit now and then. But ultimately, the best authority is your NUT.
  11. It does get better. Soon you won't even remember what the first few days post-op were like. Keep sipping and walking and resting.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    Calories intake

    It doesn't sound like too much. Why are you asking? The most important thing is: are you getting in your Protein and Water?
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    My Journey

    Have you talked with your NUT? It seems early to try spinach salad and raw vegetables. You may need to stick to cooked, mushy vegetables for a while. By the way, you posted this in the bypass forum. Although bypass food programs are similar you may get some good ideas from Sleevers.
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Old habits die hard - emotional eating

    Sounds like you might want to consider getting some help now that you have identified some of the issue. Do you have a counselor or therapist? Do you attend a bariatric support group? If not, you may want to consider finding someone. Also, you might want to see if there is an OA meeting in your area (OA.org). Best of luck.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Is my surgeon too easy-going and liberal?

    It sounds right in line with what my program is. By one month I was cleared for most all foods. 1000-1200 is also a reasonable calorie range based on my NUTs instructions. I find that those who focus on keeping their calories low either have very low Protein goals or are not getting enough protein. Your surgeon's instructions are based on you and your specific situation. Sounds like he thinks you are healed enough for regular foods and are doing well. Congratulations.
  16. I agree with everyone. Why focus on keeping calories so low. Getting your protein and water is where your focus should be. The calories will fall in place. You are probably sabotaging your optimal weight loss trying to keep calories so low.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Uncertain futures

    Jenifer, Thank you so much for the updates. I know you have a full plate. You and Dave are still in my prayers.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    April 2015 sleeved looking for buddy

    I was sleeved April 20. Feel free to message me any time.
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    New NSV - after all this time

    This is so cool. Congratulations! Must have been beautiful.
  20. I was sleeved April 20 and am doing great. I still eat a lot of cottage cheese, yogurt, fish, turkey, cheese, and refried Beans.
  21. I agree with everyone so far. The rub is that he is your brother so there is probably a lot of history and sibling rivalry going on. I would encourage you to set strong boundaries and treat him with kindness. Since he is family this is probably a relationship you would want to save so seeing a counselor or therapist might help give you some strategies for dealing with him. Families are complicated. I wish you all the best.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Substance Abuse After Surgery?

    I think it is a very real danger (just read some of the threads on here about alcohol). There is a reason that OA is patterned after AA. For many of us, we have used food as our substance or drug of choice along with or instead of other substances and activities. If we don't learn to substitute healthy substances and behaviors we can definitely be in danger of transferring addictions.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    Empty hungry feeling

    I swear I re-read the same three pages of my surgery manual that covered the post-op diet at least 10 times a day my first month after surgery. While I was planning what to eat or drink and while I was preparing what to eat or drink I would review the options.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Am I really that vain?

    I decided after my first follow-up doctors appointment that I wasn't going to tell anyone how many pounds I lost as I went along. I told my mom the number after that first visit because she was there, but I told her and my sisters, etc. that I was not going to announce a number. I see my mom every day, one sister every few weeks, one sister a few times a year, and my brother a couple of times a year so it will be interesting to compare reactions when the are all here for July 4th. I am particularly interested to see if the nieces and nephews even notice at all.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    How many calories are you getting?

    No, it does not decrease. It's based on your starting BMI and is for life. It may increase if you do a lot of weight bearing exercise but the goal is your minimum.

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