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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Let's Talk About Feet Baby

    My toes are skinnier.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Psychologist appointment?

    Yes, your nutritionist/dietician helps with nutrition, food plans, eating behavior, and anything to do with your food. The psychologist/therapist makes sure you have the mental and emotional tools for the surgery and aftermath as well as other related emotional/mental issues (food addiction, addiction transfer, body image, self esteem, depression, etc. etc.)
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    New to forum, Introduction-Question

    I haven't had this experience so have no insight but I wanted to welcome you to BariatricPal and wish you the best of luck. Procedures have changed even over the last five years so I encourage you to do as much research as possible. The cardiac clearance is critical but don't give up until you have had a good talk with a cardiologist.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    April 20th buddy

    I am looking forward to my follow-up appointment this month. I know I am down over 100 pounds from my highest weight but am holding off on weighing until I get to the doctor. I have been doing well with Protein and even survived some holiday family meals pretty well. The fluids are a challenge but I am working hard on getting enough. I could do better. I am regaining my mobility and have been able to swim quite a bit when the weather cooperates. I hope to be able to drive myself for my follow-up appointment but won't know if I can until closer to time.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl


    No. I am not at a place to add back calories. I record my exercise in MyFitnessPal but don't add calories to my daily total. I focus on protein anyway so don't manipulate calories. I just work to get in my protein goal of 100 grams of protein every day.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl


    There is no way you are getting enough Protein if this is what you normally eat. You should have protein at every meal and snack. What does your NUT advise?
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Mental evaluation

    Almost everyone who has had weight loss surgery, at least in the U.S., had to go through a psychological evaluation. Obviously, very few have been outright denied. Yes, some folks are asked to come back or to make appointments with a therapist to address certain issues, but that doesn't happen to everyone. Relax, be open and honest, and use this as an opportunity to help you be even more prepared for surgery. The goal isn't to deny you, it is to make sure you are prepared for surgery and have the appropriate tools and support to succeed.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    Food Scale - do you really need one?

    I use a food scale but mostly use measuring cups (for volume).
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Did my first Salsa and Bachata dance lesson!

    Congratulations, this sounds like lots of fun. I used to take a bellydance class at a local dance studio and there was a waltz club that met right before our class. I loved to watch them because they looked like they were having so much fun. I am looking forward to being able to take some dance classes in the future.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Why Not Bypass?

    Mostly because my digestive tract remains intact and works the way it's supposed to -- it just hold less volume now. I still lose weight without the risks and drawbacks (malnutrition, dumping, stomach issues) of a bypass.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    I don't mean to sound gross but....

    It's an herbal tea not a caffeinated one. I'd clarify that one with your doc myself as I'm finding it MUCH easier to get down peppermint or chamomile tea (unsweetened) than water these days. It's really helping me stay hydrated. OH Thanks for that bit of info. The Nut did say I could have herbal teas. Something I very seldom have. Is green tea consisted a herbal tea. If it isn't green tea than I usually have black. So I gather black tea is out of the questions for at least 2 months when the surgery happens sometime in 2016 Green tea is tea. People call herbal infusions "herbal tea" but they are not actually tea. They are herbs steeped in hot water. Only "tea" is made from the tea plant. Tea is naturally caffeinated (black teas have more caffeine than green teas but they still have caffeine). Caffeine is what we are supposed to avoid immediately after surgery so herbal infusions or "herbal teas" should be ok.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    1.5 years out, only 40% loss, Devastated

    You lost 200 plus pounds! There is no ONLY allowed. Celebrate your success. Give yourself a pat on the back. Maybe you just needed a break to get your second wind.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    1.5 years out, only 40% loss, Devastated

    Yes, I can absolutely admit that it can be difficult and I do hear you. I just don't agree that you sound like a case where the surgery failed. It just sounds to me that you have not found the combination of things you are willing to do to make it work for you and that you gave up (temporarily I hope) in frustration. Yes, some people do not reach "goal". Sometimes it's because they give up and go back to bad habits and sometimes it's because the goal is unrealistic. Since you are posting on this site, it sounds to me like you haven't given up.
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    1.5 years out, only 40% loss, Devastated

    I agree with what others have posted. It is a struggle for anyone to lose weight (with or without WLS) and I understand your frustration. I just tend to approach something like this as a problem to solve with some concrete adjustments rather than giving in to feeling hopeless. You have lost weight and will lose more. I agree with Lipstick Ladies observation about carbs. You also mentioned diluted lemonade and juices. If you are not getting enough fluids, drinking fluids with calories and sugar is probably not helpful. I know how hard it is to get enough fluids (it is my personal challenge/focus area right now). Try setting some short term smaller Fluid goals throughout the day. Maybe when you have the urge to snack drink at least 8 oz of Water before you allow yourself to get a snack. Then, if you still have the urge for a snack make sure it's low-carb/high Protein. Also, even though you didn't find therapy helpful before, you might want to consider seeing someone again. for another perspective.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Sleep apnea

    Have you had your follow-up appointment to get your results or did they just tell you over the phone? I don't know your Drs. procedure, but mine has always included an office visit with a training session on how to use the machine. When I first was diagnosed it was a group training session. When I recently got a new, upgraded machine it was a one-on-one training session.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    Interesting US Bariatric Surgery Statistics

    I think the reason for this is the band, to be honest. from talking to my surgeon, the month before my surgery, he took out 17 bands and put in only one. Each of those removals would count as a revision I think. I think a revision is when you take out a band and convert to sleeve (or rny, or other). I don't think simply taking out a band would be a revision. I could be wrong but that would be how I read it.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Weighing food

    Sleevers don't have a pouch.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    Go Outside And Play

    Here is an article with 50 Tips for Taking Fitness Outside from Experience Life magazine. https://experiencelife.com/article/50-tips-for-taking-fitness-outside/ What is your favorite or most unique outside fitness activity. Mine is swimming.
  19. A warm bath would be a great strategy, just not right after surgery (no immersion in Water until your incisions have healed). Some good stress reducers: Walking/exercise Taking with a trusted friend Writing/journaling Nature/doing something outside Practicing a hobby Meditating Massage Napping/getting enough sleep Punching a pillow Petting a cat or dog Playing with children
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    1.5 years out, only 40% loss, Devastated

    I am so sorry to hear that you are discouraged. It must be so frustrating for you. I know you are aggravated but I bet that with some help you can continue to lose although it won't be as rapid as you would hope. First, have you met with a NUT recently? What about following up with your surgeon and PCP. Are you keeping an eye on your labs? Are you still getting in your Water (at least 64 oz) and Protein in every day? What is your protein goal? Are you exercising regularly? What other resources are you using? Have you attended support groups? Do you have a therapist? I hope that you are able to find some confidence in yourself and are able to use your sleeve to reach your goals. Keep us posted in what you are doing.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    How did you choose your doctor?

    The reason I don't know of any is that in the numbers he gives of surgeries (over 4000 sleeves) he doesn't advertise lap bands. Also, in every group class I attended, I met over 50 different patients and none of them were lapband. He is enthusiastic about the sleeve because it works. Some people join these forums with an idea about what they want based on less than full knowledge. I agree with everyone that it is important to do your research and hear all sides (good and bad), before deciding on such an important, expensive, and life-changing procedure. Choosing an excellent surgeon is the first and most-important decision.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Week 4 Post-Op

    Some of this depends on your protein goal. Since my goal is 100 grams of protein, if I didn't eat more than three times a day I would never get it all in. At a maximum of 20-25 grams per meal that means I have to plan meals and snacks throughout the day.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    Desperate for help re: eating

    Are you sipping the shakes or are you taking large drinks? Just an idea but you may still need to sip slowly.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Weight Watchers post op?

    I did WW online pre-op. I think it could be helpful post-op. The major issues I think you would have is keeping up with protein. The point system doesn't give you a fast way to count your protein. You'd still have to keep a parallel tracking system for protein as the points calculations would be pretty useless quantity-wise.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
