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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Two Quick Questions

    My incisions were glued, too.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    7 Mths out only 55 lbs down and stopped! HELP

    You will get more answers to your specific question of you start your own topic/thread and title it with your question.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    7 Mths out only 55 lbs down and stopped! HELP

    No mention of protein. What is your protein goal? Are you reaching it every day? When was the last time you talked to your NUT?
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    Two Quick Questions

    I didn't have a limit on time until a shower. I took one when I got home from the hospital. My instructions were not to rub the incision sites or submerge in water until the incisions were healed.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    Burning ..stabbing pain in stomach

    Call your surgeon or go to the ER. My surgeon has a 24 hour number to call.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    If this is something you would consider talk to someone in your states' vocational rehabilitation office to see if this is an option. I actually went through voc rehab for my surgery. Their goal is to help people get off disability (either partially or completely) and get back to work.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Night time hunger

    If you are really hungry make sure you get some protein, too. You could add a cheese stick or some yogurt. Just plan to have an evening snack and you can make good choices.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    I am on disability retirement but am working on regaining enough mobility to go back to work. Fortunately, I have a pool at home if only it would stop storming. I am looking forward to being able to walk, hike, bike, take dance classes, etc. I live in a small rural community but fortunately we have a college and a large retiree community so there are lots of activities and resources. Whatever your community, especially if you are on a limited budget, the library is a great place to start. Another place would be your local churches. Some have fitness classes.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Bruising 5 almost 6 weeks out

    It's the blood thinners.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    Since you are so limited physically, geographically, and mentally I agree that you may need to make your own exercise program. I doubt you would need many exercise videos. Do you have a local library that has videos you could try until you find one or two that you like? Then buy the ones you will really use? Other tried-and-true rural exercise options: gardening, walking, hiking, etc. sounds like you just need to do something without worrying about whether you will get bored.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    I live in a rural area and have DirectTV for cable. I have my own for TV. I rent an apartment from my parents so I currently use their wi-fi for Internet and they recently switched to DirectTV, too. You might consider looking into it. The only time I've had an outage is when the weather has been extremely bad (usually when everything else like the power is affected). When I lived in the city and had cable my cable was less reliable than my satellite is now.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    would you eat one of these for lunch?

    I wouldn't have this one. Regardless of the carbs being too high the Protein is just way too low. I agree that you need to eat breakfast. How in the world are you getting in all your protein without breakfast and low protein choices?
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    Beginning stages

    @@danaadoo The recent research I recall seeing also credits the sleeve with helping with diabetes, blood pressure, etc., not just bypass.
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    If you have a roku or similar device or can stream online videos you might want to consider Gaima TV. They have some free videos and samples or you can subscribe to get access to all their videos. This might be a good way to try out some different exercise videos to see what you like. I haven't checked lately but they might have a free trial.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Beginning stages

    Welcome and best of luck with your surgery. I was sleeved April 20 and couldn't be happier. It's quite a journey. As to pre-op testing, some is required by your surgeon and some things may be required by insurance. My insurance didn't cover WLS so I was self-pay and didn't have any insurance requirements. The pre-op tests I had to get (off the top of my head): pulmonary testing, clearance from a cardiologist (may require some tests), an upper GI (I had this in lieu of an EGD because my insurance didn't cover anything), and a battery of blood work. I had already been diagnosed with sleep apnea but some folks need a sleep study. Your surgeon's office will fill you in on all the required testing. In addition, you will probably have a psych clearance. The psych clearance, nutritionist visits/classes, and pre-op classes were all provided by my bariatric program in-house. I hope this helps.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    New to fifties group

    Maybe you are actually thirsty. How are you doing on getting in all your water and protein?
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    1.5 years out, only 40% loss, Devastated

    @@mlfontan, I don't have any advice other than to go back to basics (focus on your Water and Protein, and eliminate starches (rice, Pasta, bread)). You might have better luck getting responses if you start your own thread with your specific concerns.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl


    100 grams
  19. When I started even thinking that WLS MIGHT be an option for me, bypass was still the predominant surgery. I was never interested in the band, and definitely not interested in bypass. Not until I heard about the sleeve did I start seriously considering WLS. I am so glad I had the sleeve. I lucked into an excellent surgeon and outstanding bariatric program and couldn't be happier with my decision. For people who want their doctors to tell them exactly which surgery to choose, medicine doesn't work that way. You and your medical professionals have to work together to weigh all the benefits, drawbacks, risks, and rewards.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    After months of waiting, I am now officially sleeved!

    Welcome to the losers bench!
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    Can't stand to eat meat!

    Maybe talk to a therapist. This sounds like something beyond simply not liking meat.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl


    When I was on Clear Liquids I ate a lot of Soup (ProtiDiet tomato basil and creamy chicken), and drank/ate over crushed ice ProtiDiet liquid beverage concentrates. Fortunately, I was able to drink premier Protein. When I was on full liquids I added cottage cheese and Greek yogurt to the mix. I also liked the GNC Lean 25 orange cream flavor shakes. Keep trying different brands and flavors. You've got to get in your protein.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl


    How far out are you? What stage?
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Exercise for the sake of exercise

    If you love hiking check out the Sierra Club. They have regional and local chapters with lots of outdoor outings. They also have service projects that can be very active. I've volunteered at food banks and thrift stores for missions projects in the past. There are definitely some physical tasks and elbow grease required. You could also volunteer for community clean-ups, community gardening, etc.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    Stalled at two weeks out..

    If you are old enough to have this surgery then you are old enough to set some boundaries with your parents. I am 50 and I decided to not share numbers with family. I did tell my mom how much I lost after my first post-op appointment but told her and other family members that I would not be sharing the numbers going forward.

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