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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Sugar Addiction

    I don't consider myself addicted to sugar but I don't eat a lot of it. That said, I would choose a little cane sugar, brown sugar, honey, sorghum, etc. over adding sugar substitutes. Fortunately, I don't like sweetened tea and found years ago when I eliminated most sugar from my diet that most things I had been artificially sweetening were sweet enough without it. One thing I do avoid, and my surgeon is adamant about, is high fructose corn syrup. Read labels carefully because it is in everything and is the primary cause of our obesity epidemic as well as a huge increase in cyrossis of the liver.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Less Sleep, More Hunger?

    I agree. We are chronically sleep deprived as a society and it's a serious health and social problem.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    Slowly Gaining/ Not Losing

    What is your Protein goal? Are you reaching it every day? Are you getting at least 64 oz of Water (and more of you are exercising)? You may be gaining if you are building muscle or you may be gaining if you aren't getting enough nutrition/protein. Have you talked with your NUT?
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    Proteins, carbs and calories, oh my!

    Follow your surgeon and NUTs plan and you should be just fine.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    How Do You Get Over the Guilt?

    No, I haven't felt guilty. My family has been very supportive. I was the reverse of most folks, though. My family was convinced that WLS was a good solution for me long before I was on board. Which brings up another whole set of issues and emotions.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    Calorie Intake

    I started at a higher weight/BMI than you and my protein goal is 100 grams of protein a day. I am three months out and average about 1200 calories a day. The primary number I focus on is protein bite the calories tend to stay between 1000 and 1250. My NUT is happy with where I am at and noted that I should still lose even if I had an occasional 1400 calorie day (which is extremely rare).
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Ok so I need help here... One week post op

    The pain you are experiencing in your incision area may be due to healing but if it's severe I would recommend that you call your surgeon. No, your sleeve has not stretched. As you are still on liquids you will be able to handle more as your swelling goes down. You won't really feel any restriction until you start more solid foods.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    1 day away from surgery

    You will be fine. One thing that seemed to help me is that I made up my mind that I would do whatever was asked of me. Even if I thought I couldn't do it I would try my best.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Inspirational Quotes

    Definitely applies to BariatricPal.
  10. My NUT is great and yes, her primary instructions for me have always been "focus on protein and water".
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    Camera, bring it or no?

    I just can't imagine that you will have time to focus on photography. I had a very uneventful surgery and recovery and most all of my time the first week revolved around getting in my protein and water.
  12. Actually, whether you have surgery or not you should be drinking at least 64 oz of water a day. It is more of a challenge immediately after surgery but doable.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    Stretching pouch

    And to add, Sleevers don't have a pouch.
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Camera, bring it or no?

    I can only answer this as a photographer, not as someone who went to Mexico for surgery. I would leave the gear at home: you won't want to deal with extra bags/weight after surgery; you need to focus on your surgery and recovery; and you can take great pictures with your phone or a small point-and-shoot if you happen to see some interesting photo opportunities. This wouldn't be a time to get technical, complicated with your photography. For inspiration, check out Dewitt Jones. He is an outstanding photographer who takes some really beautiful photographs with a smart phone.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Fast Food/Restaraunt Ideas?

    At our local Mexican restaurant I have had at various times: Insides of a taco (chicken or beef) Refried Beans. Refried beans with the insides of a taco (made two meals). Fajitas (no tortilla) -- lots of leftovers to bring home for several meals. Queso -- brought home a cup and added a teaspoon to my own things at home like chili or refried beans.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    To Those Who Have a Funny Bone

    My mom was concerned that I walked enough when I was newly sleeved. This reminds me of her...
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    To Those Who Have a Funny Bone

  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    Can't or Won't

    Years ago I moved from Michigan to Georgia. It was my decision and I was tired of being cold. I knew going in that summers in Georgia would be hot. I made up my mind then that I would not allow myself to complain about the heat. I could comment on it, observe it, remark on it, but NEVER complain about it.
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    Question about eating out

    If you are on liquids then stick to soup.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    I made it a week!

    Congratulations! Sounds like you are doing great. Just keep sipping and follow your surgeon'/NUTs plan and you will do great.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    Saggy neck

    Try making "kissing the sky". Someone on here mentioned it as a good neck exercise and I have been doing it periodically. Tilt your head back and point your lips to the sky and kiss.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Can't or Won't

    Agree 100%. When I see "can't" on here, too often I am afraid it really means "I prefer not too". I know there are rare instances when someone has an allergy or other physical impediment. But, too often it is just discomfort. As my surgeon pointed out right before surgery, if you passed your leak test after surgery, there is no physical reason you cannot drink three 11oz premier Protein shakes in one day. I could go on. Maybe I am lucky (or just lived long enough to gain some experience) but most of what it takes to succeed is attitude-related.
  23. How do you not get discouraged? What works for me is to stay off the scale and focus on what I am supposed to do: get in my Protein and Water, and exercise.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl


    Welcome to BariatricPal. You are in the right place. I am so sorry to hear about your complications. You will feel better. It is not uncommon to feel blue after surgery as we are going through a tremendous physical and emotional change. Plus our hormones will be out of whack for a while. Just focus on healing. Get in all your Protein and Water, walk and rest. Just keep sipping.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    Protein powder

    Yes, you will need some sort of protein supplement to get in all your protein, especially while you are on the liquid phases of your post-op diet. You won't need it as much when you are able to get most of your protein from food, but it is still a big help. Getting in all your protein and Water is critical for healing and weight loss.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
