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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Obesity on the decline in the U.S.

    This is great to hear. In my opinion, the biggest change that is and will impact children is removing high fructose corn syrup from processed food.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    High BMI and choosing the right procedure

    I agree with @@Babbs, be sure and explore this site and if you still have questions start a new thread with your specific questions.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    laproscopic or robotic help me choose please!

    My surgeon operates out of more than one hospital. At the hospital I chose he wasn't yet using a robot and at another he was. I asked him which was better and he said neither. He told me there was no difference to me on the outcome or ease of the surgery. I stuck with my original choice because of its reputation for quality of care and had no regrets.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    things i wish they would have told me...

    Believe it or not, your surgeon will do their best to remove as much gas as possible, it is just almost impossible to get it all (it's the nature of gas).
  5. Inner Surfer Girl


    The initial weight loss when you go extremely low calorie is usually the energy stored in your liver and water weight. It's why all the fad diets promise you will lose 20-30 pounds in two weeks, etc.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    Can't get enough calories to exercise...

    I wouldn't use the "weight gain" protein, but you should be getting more calories if you get in all your protein. Make sure you are getting in all your protein every day and then you can work on adding healthy carbs and fats. I would recommend that you work with your NUT closely to make sure you are getting proper nutrition.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    Possible Dumb Question

    It probably came up because you drank it too fast. Our stomachs are smaller. Even though liquids flow through fairly quickly, we still have a pyloric valve so it isn't instant.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    For those who have lost a lot quickly. ...

    I am losing fairly rapidly but I can't answer your specific question. Why? Because early out I only weighed at my doctors appointments. Everyone loses at different rates. It depends on many factors: starting BMI, age, fitness level, etc. The best advice I can give, that seems to work pretty well for me, is to focus on getting in your Protein and fluids, follow your surgeon/NUT's program, and stay off the scale.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Slowed weight loss

    This is perfectly normal. Just focus on getting in your protein and water and following your program. The best thing to do is to stay off the scale.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl


    You have got to find a way to eat enough to get in all your protein and fluids. Believe it or not upping your calories will actually help you lose weight. I would recommend making an appointment with your NUT.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    Lessons Learned

    My background is in training and professional development and I consider myself a lifetime learner. I can honestly say that deciding to have WLS, preparing to have surgery, and equipping myself to be successful has led me to learn a great deal: about the surgery itself, nutrition, mindful eating, food choices, exercise, metabolism, obesity, etc. Going forward there is so much to learn: how to cook, how to dress, relationships, etc. I am curious to hear about specific things you have learned along the way as well as some of the best resources you have found to help you learn about this process. What have you learned? What else do you need to learn? I would love to hear your thoughts.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    Netflix what are you watching? Which series do you love!?

    You can also easily look up movies and tv shows on the imdb.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    Just got settled into my hospital room

    Best of luck. See you on the other side!
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Eating to fast can't slow down

    Try using small appetizer (or toddler) utensils. Put your utensils down between bites. Chew each bite 20-30 times. Concentrate on tasting the flavor of each bite rather than anticipating the next one. I have always eaten too quickly so it is quite a challenge to learn to slow down.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Egg whites or whole eggs?

    Why not see if you can find similar recipes online and compare the ratios. For instance look for a regular version of your lightened up version and see where they made adjustments. Or, you could just experiment!
  16. I have been very limited in the clothes I can wear for years. Fortunately, I was also able to find a good seamstress who helped me fill out my work wardrobe. As I lose weight I am looking forward to being able to find nice things at consignment, thrift, and even conventional stores. I plan to only buy things that I absolutely love, are flattering, and that I can afford. I also have the same attitude towards food now: only choosing food that is delicious, nutritious, and fits in my program.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Egg whites or whole eggs?

    I am in the "eat the whole egg" camp.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    GNC Lean 25 French Vanilla Protein

    If you are allergic to milk then read labels carefully and talk with your NUT about recommendations.
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    GNC Lean 25 French Vanilla Protein

    Yes, just mix the GNC Lean 25 shakes (if you buy the powder) with water. It should be on the directions. I order mine, but I understand that you can sample different flavors at the stores.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    GNC Lean 25 French Vanilla Protein

    Rather than add it to orange juice (which is extremely high in sugar) try the GNC Lean 25 orange cream flavor. It's my favorite. Be extremely careful with fruit juices due to the high sugar content.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    NIH calorie counter

    First, from everything I have learned, trackers and things targeted at the general population are based on averages. Individual metabolism and experience are not average, especially for those of us who suffer from the disease of obesity. Second, based on what I have learned, calories alone are not enough to give you an accurate gauge to forecast your results. I have to look at the quality of the calories, not just the raw numbers. If I ate 1000 calories of bread, I would have different results than if I ate 1000 calories of turkey. Our bodies are complex systems and not simple machines.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Still weigh more than surgery day!

    Wow. That is very unusual. It is considered a full liquid for me and so was allowed my second week. Is there any particular rationale for why it is not allowed until six months? I am curious.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    How much school will I miss?

    Unless you have a relationship with that professor and know how they will react, I would be vague in order to avoid fallout. A lot of people judge WLS and consider it both "elective" and "the easy way out." There is a big perception of obese patients as being lazy, unmotivated lumps, and when someone is holding your future in their hands, you don't want to give them any ammunition or set yourself up for failure. Some professors grade heavily based on attendance/participation, and would be more willing to permit you time off if: 1) they think it is medically necessary, and 2) you tell them in advance, preferably before classes start. You could also check the syllabus, which is always available before the drop date, to ensure you will be okay. One person I know had a professor who had a test every. single. friday. It didn't matter what the reason was, because no professor is obligated to give you time off for any reason. She missed two Fridays, and ended up with a "C" in a very important science class she needed to get into a competitive program. Another girl I know GAVE BIRTH and still lost points for still being in attendance. Ultimately, it is up to YOU to make arrangements beforehand and with plenty of notice, and drop the class if it will negatively impact your grade. It is still not clear whether the OP is in college or high school. For college students, if you are having surgery or have any medical issues, the best thing to do is go through your disability services office (which is usually a function of the Dean of Students). Most colleges and universities have policies related to this. You should not have to navigate this by yourself. If you are in high school then you and your parents should talk to the school administration -- they should also have policies that will help.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    The dreaded stall....

    Just stay off the scale. I only weighed at my follow-up doctors appointments early out, and now only once every one to two weeks. If you are following your program, getting in all your protein and water, and moving/exercising you will lose weight. Getting on the scale every day will not change that and will only drive you crazy.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    Surgery in 36 hours

    For me, I was awake and alert when they wheeled me into the operating room and I had to shift onto the operating table. The next thing I knew I was waking up in recovery. The anticipation was the worst part. You won't be aware of the surgery at all. I didn't have a catheter that I am aware of. Even with a hernia repair my surgery lasted less than an hour. I know that many people worry about a catheter. If you do use one it really isn't a big deal. Best of luck with your surgery and keep us posted on your progress.

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