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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Exercise Question--How Soon after Surgery

    I was cleared to get into the water after my incisions had closed over with no scabs or holes.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Unchartered Territory: Scared to eat

    Have you considered talking to a counselor? This sounds so much like dysfunctional eating behavior -- the kind that got many of us to the place where we needed WLS.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    grazing, overeating and weight gain :(

    You mentioned needing a list of foods/food plan. I do suggest you find a good NUT, but in the meantime, you can find some good information online and on this site. Google: Bariatric Center of Excellence Surgery Manual, or Nutrition, food Plan or something similar and you should find some good information. Here is a link to my program's surgery manual that includes lots of nutrition information. http://georgetowncommunityhospital.com/services/bariatric_surgery/start_here/weight_loss_surgery_manual.aspx
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    Can't get enough calories to exercise...

    Early in your program, just keep working on getting in all your Protein and Water, as you progress through the food stages you will be adding calories. Just follow your plan and you will be fine. As you heal and progress you and your NUT can make sure you will be able to exercise safely.
  5. I hope to follow Jennifer Scott's advice to keep a 10ish Item Wardrobe (see her book Lessons from Madame Chic or her blog). For now, since I am not working and it's summer, I have about a three item wardrobe. As long as so have a bathing suit that fits, I'm happy. That will have to change as I am able to start job hunting. I have started to get some different catalogs so I can keep an eye on some clearance sales (J Jill, Talbots, etc). I even subscribed to a couple of fashion magazines so I can start to think about what I really love. Other than watching Project Runway, I have been so aggravated with the fashion industry for so long, I had been avoiding most all "fashion" magazines, etc. I am certainly not a label *****. Here is a link to Jennifer Scott's TEDx Talk. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V3CLRL32Mcw
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    So me and my hubby were talking yesterday

    It's hard not to compare yourself to others (have you read these boards?). The funny thing, is that if neither of you had surgery and followed the same plan, as a guy, he would most likely lose much faster than you. Is that fair? Not really. Is it normal? Yes. I think it's great that he has been so supportive and has also been willing to share his thoughts and feelings with you. All I can suggest is that you both be patient and give it time. Maybe even attend some support groups (either individually or together). In the meantime, be encouraging and listen.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    grazing, overeating and weight gain :(

    Congratulations on your weight loss and also for reaching out for help. It takes a lot of maturity to do so. I agree with what others have posted above. Do you know what your Protein goal is? If so, are you getting in all of your protein and Water every day? Getting enough protein and water will help you feel more satisfied. Keep a water bottle with you at all times so you don't get dehydrated. I think Snacks are fine as long as they are protein-based and that you plan for them. I too have found MyFitnessPal invaluable for tracking my protein, etc. I have worked for years with college students and have taught Freshman seminars. One thing I suggest as a student and as someone who has had WLS, is that you make sure you use a calendar. Use it to plan out your days and weeks. Include everything that requires your time and attention like: Classes Deadlines Study Time Homework Assignments Exams Exam Review Projects Project Milestones Commuting Time Meal times Snack times Exercise times sleep (make sure you schedule enough time to get some sleep!) Social Time Parties Football Games and other School Activities Club Activities/Meetings Church or Spiritual Practice Appointments Errands Laundry/chores (You probably get the picture.) The point I am making is that you need to plan ahead, especially as it relates to your food, water, exercise, and sleep. Learn to practice HALT. Don't let yourself get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. All of these can lead to grazing and bad food choices. You probably won't have time to get Bored -- another thing that leads to grazing and bad food choices. You may also want to see if you can find a local support group and a nutritionist who works with WLS patients. See if there is a Bariatric Center of Excellence near you and ask for a referral. Your school may or may not have a nutritionist on staff which might be an option for you but I would make sure whatever NUT you choose that you find one who has experience with WLS. Also, as someone mentioned above, don't be afraid to talk to your campus food service folks to make sure they have things available that work with your program. Fortunately, most college food services are extremely focused on providing healthy choices. Best of luck with school and with your continued success.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    Inspirational Quotes

  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    Photo shoot

    Best of luck! I have always avoided having my photo on any promotional material. I don't even have one on my LinkedIn profile. I am actually looking forward to getting to a place where I will feel comfortable getting my photo taken. Having a good professional headshot will give you such a boost. Have fun with it.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Unchartered Territory: Scared to eat

    It wasn't until I started soft foods (like fish) that I started to really feel the sleeve doing its job. I think you will be surprised on how satisfied you will feel on a small amount of food.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl

    Unchartered Territory: Scared to eat

    I think it is very common to feel this way when we start to introduce new foods. The best advice I can give is to take it slowly. Introduce one new food (that is in line with your plan) each day. Eat slowly and see how your system reacts. As you are able to introduce more foods and have more variety to choose from each day you will become more confident and less fearful. If a food doesn't agree with you, don't force it. You can always try again later. If you are worried about eating too much quantity, be sure and measure your portions, eat slowly, and pay attention to how your stomach is feeling. You will start to learn where the tipping point between satisfied and one bite too many is for you.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl


    I was still on liquids my first two weeks post-op. I could have had the juice, just not the pickles. What does your NUT say?
  13. Inner Surfer Girl


    Keep trying. Make sure you are taking tiny sips (almost drips). You may also want to try crushed ice, sugar free Jello, and sugar free Popsicles. It gets better.
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    things i wish they would have told me...

    I about froze to death in the hospital, too but they didn't have any problem bringing me extra blankets. I did use a heating pad on my shoulder that also helped keep me warm. I bought a new heating pad pre-op but forgot to bring it with me so my sister bought me one from a nearby pharmacy.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Im so overwhelmed

    It is overwhelming but ultimately, all the information you gather and things you are learning will come together to help you succeed. What helped me was to lay out a calendar/schedule with everything I needed to do pre-op and post op. Also, my program gave me a three-ring binder that I used to keep a lot of information in one place. When I came home from the hospital, I kept my food plan and Vitamin list nearby and consulted it frequently until I got a hang of the program and developed some routines. Using MyFitnessPal (a free food tracking app) has been invaluable for tracking and planning food and keeping up with Protein, fluids, exercise, and weight. This site has also been great because I can search for topics and ideas as well as ask questions and get advise. This is a tremendous change but so far for me going through the process has been worth it.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    I'm Alive!

    Welcome back. Even though it has been so stressful and hectic it is so great to hear that you seem to be living life fully.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl

    Can't get enough calories to exercise...

    I mentioned talking to your NUT before. Have you done so? Are you getting in all your Protein and Water every day? If not, why not. Not getting enough protein will inhibit your healing and recovery from surgery as well as your ability to lose weight and exercise. From what I am reading (although I might be wrong) it sounds like you need to address the basics.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    REGRET -doctor Changed goal weight

    I agree, it is critical to reach your protein goal every day as soon as possible after surgery. As soon as I passed my leak test in the hospital they started giving me ProtiDiet liquid concentrates. Even on the clear liquid stage, which it sounds like you have passed, you need to be working on getting in your protein. For the full liquid phase it is easier because you have more sources: protein shakes, yogurt, etc. I would definitely revisit your program materials and give your NUT a call if you have any questions. Getting in enough protein helps with both healing and weight loss.
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    REGRET -doctor Changed goal weight

    I am three month's out bs haven't even discussed a goal weight. What was the context? Did he say that he considered the surgery successful if you reached that goal? I can't imagine that he would be I any way discouraging you from setting a different goal. Maybe it is just a place to start? Did you ask him? Rather than quietly fuming I would have talked to him and asked questions. It's not an adversarial relationship, it should be a partnership.
  20. Inner Surfer Girl

    Quest bars

    I usually get mine through drugstore.com.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    The Real Scoop on Calories

    Here is a good article about the 3500 calorie myth. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonkblog/wp/2015/07/28/why-the-most-popular-rule-of-weight-loss-is-completely-wrong/?tid=sm_fb
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Cottage cheese

    I agree. Either you like it or you don't. If you don't, no one is requiring you to eat it. That said, the higher fat version does taste a bit different than the lower fat version.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    Calcium citrate

    I have the caramel, chocolate and raspberry flavors from Bariatric Advantage and like all of them.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    The Real Scoop on Calories

    I didn't see anything about 7000 calories in the article. The article reinforces to me that calories alone are not the sole determinant of weight loss. The weight loss model is much more complex than calories in/calories out which is one of the primary things I have learned on this journey.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    Gastric sleeve

    Welcome to the site and best of luck with your surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
