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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Sugar cravings

    For me, if I want something sweet, fresh fruit, yogurt, protein shakes, protein bars, etc. are good options.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Can it really be this easy?

    I have had a remarkably easy recovery, too. I made up my mind early on to do everything I was asked (even if I thought I couldn't). I have followed my post-op program and everything is going really well. I have an excellent surgeon and NUT. The whole program support team has been outstanding.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    Peanut butter

    I started having peanut butter during my soft phase. I had PB2 added to pudding during my full liquid phase.
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    What am I missing ?

    I choose not to because I value the anonymity of the site and it is open to the world. If someone can identify me by my photo I would not feel as free to share personal information.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    Talking to parents

    I agree that I would talk about the whole range of options with your PCP. Since you are a minor you might want to consider having your mom and/or dad sit down with you and your PCP to explore those options.
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    Starting to worry a little

    So, what is your protein goal?
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    My Pre Op Diet Was All I Needed

    Good for you. Glad to hear you found something that worked for you.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    Starting to worry a little

    Congratulations on the weight loss. I have to agree that 900 calories seems awfully low for someone getting 90 grams of protein a day and working out regularly. Is 90 grams a day your protein goal? Mine is 100 grams a day and I hover around 1200 calories a day. How are you doing on your fluids? What does your NUT say?
  9. Inner Surfer Girl


    This is a good conversation to have with your NUT. After surgery I mostly focused on what foods I could have (mostly lean proteins). The foods you should avoid need to be based on your post-op phase. In addition, it's a good idea to avoid starchy vegetables, starches (Pasta, rice, bread, etc.), and high-sugar (cakes, pies, etc.).
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Vitamin D

    No, I haven't but I was told to start taking extra D3 as soon as I started considering surgery.
  11. If you are post-op and on liquid phase then this should keep you hydrated. But, how are you getting in your protein? You would have to be drinking an awful lot of broth to get enough protein.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    Clear liquids and advancing

    I was allowed cottage cheese during my soft foods stage.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    There is this guy that works on my building

    I agree with the folks who suggested waiting until you have established a relationship with him before deciding whether it would be appropriate to share your story. Why not smile and say "hi" next time you see him? Being friendly is a great way to break the ice.
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Over the counter medications?

    No NSAIDS ever is what I was instructed. For people who have special issues (RA, etc.) definitely talk to your surgeon and PCP. That is when they have to look carefully at the risks vs. benefits on a case-by-case basis.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl


    I'm not completely familiar with Vietnamese cooking but when I was on soft foods I could have eggs and soft fish. I wasn't able to have chicken (other than soft canned) until later. See if they have fish or eggs. Or, Soup might be a good choice.
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    gastric sleeve

    Did you have a questions?
  17. I feel like I am in a race with the end of summer to get in as much pool time as possible.

    1. IcanMakeit


      I noticed that a friend came into the office wearing fall colors today and I started to feel regret that summer seems so short. The kids will be back in school in 2 weeks.

    2. Liz5012


      I so agree, it seems that when August arrives, those of us in The Northeast start shopping sweaters!

    3. Liz5012


      I so agree, it seems that when August arrives, those of us in The Northeast start shopping sweaters!

    4. Show next comments  825 more
  18. Inner Surfer Girl


    You should get the information from your NUT/surgical team. Do you have a program guide? By two weeks out, you should be focusing on getting in all your protein and water. What is your protein goal? Are you able to get in all your protein every day?
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    This is the point...

    Love it! Congratulations!
  20. Inner Surfer Girl


    I followed my plan and credit that with the ease of my recovery. When I had my first follow-up appointment the folks who seemed to have the most difficulty also seemed to be the ones who weren't following instructions.
  21. Inner Surfer Girl

    Fruit Juice Protein Drinks?

    I like ProtiDiet liquid beverage concentrates and Syntrax nectar. The ProtiDiet concentrates come in several different flavors (peach mango, berry, raspberry, green tea cranberry, orange, and kiwi melon are the ones I've tried). You can get a sample pack of the Syntrax Nectars from the manufacturer to try the different flavors. I like the fuzzy navel.
  22. I agree. My surgeon said it wouldn't make any difference. Walking and a heating pad seemed to help the most.
  23. Inner Surfer Girl

    How do you break the stall?

    Make sure you focus on reaching your protein and water goals every day and stay off the scale.
  24. Inner Surfer Girl

    Surgery or Not?

    I definitely had the same fears. Like just about everyone on these boards, I had successfully lost weight many things times before. But, as you have experienced, I always gained it back plus. I was so afraid that I would gain even more weight that I gave up on trying to lose weight altogether and it was a daily struggle just to maintain my weight. It wasn't until my surgeon talked about the science of obesity and how WLS really works that I came to believe that with this surgery there was hope that I would not gain the weight back plus extra as had always happened before. I truly believe that for me, the sleeve not only helps me lose a significant amount of weight, it also changes my hormones and gut chemistry enough to finally get off the roller coaster. Continue to research and learn as much as you can and hopefully you will come to a place where you feel confident in your decision.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    Is / was your nutritionist all that helpful?

    @@Alex Brecher, My NUT is great. To answer one of your questions, my NUT clarified that: 1) Sleevers don't have pouches and since we have our pyloric valve the "rule" of not drinking right after eating because liquid will wash food out of our stomached doesn't apply; and 2) unlike RNY and lapband, we don't have an artificially narrow stomach opening so we can take meds (we don't have to make sure pulls are the size of an eraser or smaller. Those are the two specific things I remember off the top of my head.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
