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Inner Surfer Girl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Inner Surfer Girl

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Should I cancel my surgery? Help!

    I am not sure why that is happening. I use the phone app. @@Alex Brecher may be able to help you. You have received some thoughtful advice. I'll try to copy my response fore you.
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    Medically Supervised WL Success - why get surgery?

    I can't answer for other people but, based on my experience and observation, most of us are pretty good about losing weight. But, keeping it off is the biggest struggle. When your body and metabolism fights every successful weight loss attempt with even more weight it is a losing battle.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    I need some Advice!

    Preexisting conditions aren't an issue anymore. Thanks, Obama!
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    I need some Advice!

    I would go ahead and schedule the consultation. If possible, go to a Center of Excellence. At or after the first consultation, if it's a good program, they can help you navigate the insurance requirements. By the way, I see that you posted to the bypass forum. Since this is your first consultation, I recommend that you be open to exploring all the options and work carefully with your surgeon to choose the best procedure for you. Best of luck. You are embarking on a life changing journey.
  5. Can I just say how angry and sad it makes me that we are having to even have this conversation in the U.S. in the 21st century?
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    Should I cancel my surgery? Help!

    This is a tough call, but my initial reaction is that I would go ahead and do it. Why? Because even if you need a week or two to recover, and barring any major complications, you should be better and healthier sooner than if you put off the surgery. It sounds like your daughter and the new babies are going to need you a great deal and being physically healthier will help you to help them. I don't know your starting point, but I started at an extremely high weight and have mobility issues. Fortunately I had an easy recovery so started to see improvements in my mobility and energy right away. Only you know for sure, but based on what you have shared so far, I vote you go ahead. Keep us posted on how you and your family are doing.
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    My Journey- 240 to 123.

    Wow, you have been through and are going through a lot. Thank you so much for sharing your story. What I find the most inspiring is that even with all the pain and turmoil of your experience, your optimism shines through. I am so glad to hear that you are continuing to use the support of a therapist and have not given up. By the way, you look great, too. Please keep us updated on how you are doing.
  8. Inner Surfer Girl

    Disappointed with weight loss progress

    Are you getting in your protein and water every day? What does your NUT and surgeon say? Without any details it's hard for us to help you figure out why you.may not be seeing the progress you would like.
  9. Inner Surfer Girl

    How long was hospital stay?

    Believe your surgeon! Most everyone I know of has been home in a day or two unless there is some kind of complication. My surgery was on Monday and I came home on Tuesday.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    A week left....

    How long you stay in varies based on your recovery. I had my surgery on a Monday and went home on Tuesday. My understanding is that is fairly standard, but is also fairly normal for some folks to need an extra day or two.
  11. Inner Surfer Girl


    So you blew off your first follow-up appointment and are having significant issues and won't even call your surgeon? SMH. Please take care of yourself and call immediately. If you are admitted to the hospital for dehydration or other issues you certainly won't be able to say goodbye to your loved one.
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    4 years out

    It was unclear to me what the OP was asking, too. But, I just couldn't understand how someone 4 years out wouldn't know how to include protein with a meal. I can see protein goals increasing, especially with exercise, just not decreasing. I consider mine a minimum target.
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    4 years out

    I am nowhere near being a veteran or near maintenance, but it was drilled in my head that reaching my Protein goals each and every day is a lifetime commitment. To me that means protein at every meal and getting 100 grams a day. From what I read in the OPs statement, that is what she was advised.
  14. Inner Surfer Girl

    Shot down by my "best" friend

    I am sorry your feelings were hurt but I can definitely relate to her reaction. I have always had long, thick hair and the running joke has always been if I needed to lose 10 pounds fast, all I needed to do was cut my hair. I have lost more than 30 pounds but when some family members saw me for the first time after surgery this weekend they definitely noticed the weight loss, but the biggest topic of conversation was my new, short haircut! I would probably give your friend the benefit of the doubt. Sitting at a table for dinner, she is going to see your short hair and face all evening and probably isn't focused at all on your body. I think her email was thoughtful. Just my 2 cents.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Terrified: Eating too much 3 1/2 week out?

    I would be less worried about the calories than about the texture and Protein. First, are you reaching your protein goal with that number of calories? Second, at three and a half weeks, I was on still on soft foods. Although some of what you listed is soft, I would be concerned about things like the Melba toast and even the kiwi (the seeds might be an issue). What does your NUT suggest at this stage? Are your food choices in line with your post-op program?
  16. Inner Surfer Girl


    Do you mean you ate 80 grams of protein or 80 grams of food? Did your NUT give you a protein goal? Mine is 100 grams. Which means I need to get at least 100 grams of protein a day, every day.
  17. Inner Surfer Girl


    It depends. The primary number I focus on is protein. What is your protein goal?
  18. Here is a pretty good list (from memory after reading the linked article, and what I can remember from food drives--I am sure I left off some things): 100% fruit juices No sugar added canned fruit Low sodium vegetables Low sugar cereals oatmeal Canned and dried Beans Nuts Nut butters Whole wheat Pasta Granola bars Olive oil/cooking oil Pasta sauce Canned meats (tuna, chicken, etc.) Canned meals (stews, chili's, etc.) Low sodium Soups Herbs and spices Baking mixes Toiletries For food pantries that serve a lot of homeless people, single serve and easy open (pop-top) items are especially helpful. Many of these things are on my NUTs list of post-WLS foods, so other than perishables, choosing items that you like to eat and are buying anyway is a good guide. http://www.buzzfeed.com/ryankincaid/canned-food-drive#.gvqW0RWlK
  19. Some other things that I have seen food pantries need that most people don't think of are: Feminine hygiene products, herbs and spices, and pet foods. I will see if I can dig up a good list. My former church used to have a good list of recommendations.
  20. I heard Warren Buffet speak one time and he talked about how he and his wife lived on Mac and Cheese when they first married so he could start investing. At that time, living on Mac and cheese was how I paid rent, I guess I would have had to live on just macaroni to have enough to start investing then.
  21. Excellent. I would definitely recommend this article.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Chewable Vitamins

    The only ones I use that are chewable are my C and my Calcium chews. I am currently taking SunnyMaid C and Bariatric Advantage calcium chews. I just got a bag of dark chocolate Adora calcium supplements that are pretty good too. I haven't had a problem taking regular Vitamins and pills since surgery.
  23. My cynical self says that as we rely less on public food assistance programs and more on donated food, unless the food pantries are very skilled, diligent, and pro-active about seeking sources of healthy food, this is what will happen. What is usually excess? As you noted, baked goods and perishables that are close to expiration dates, shelf stable processed food, and food that either sits in store or consumers shelves. As the general population starts to have more healthy choices there is going to be a lot of corn syrup that goes unsold and unused. The food waste in the US is criminal, but there is no economic inventive to get it to the folks who need it. Just one more thing in our country that is broken.
  24. I have chocolate all the time. I have chocolate and dark chocolate calcium supplements. I have chocolate protein shakes, protein bars, and pudding. I really haven't felt deprived of chocolate at all.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
